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Need A Gluten Free Electrolyte Replacement


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jackay Enthusiast

I've had D issues for a week now and feel pretty awful. It finally hit me that I need to replace electrolytes. I've never tried any but think this might be a big help as I feel so run down.

What is a good product? I'm hoping there is something that is gluten free without any sweeteners or artificial coloring or flavoring. Don't know what I'll find in the town where I live but I'm hoping I can avoid Gaterade.

I can't believe no doctor has recommended back when I had the dreaded D for an eternity.

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kareng Grand Master

You can look up how to make an electrolye drink. Really most important is water and probably potassium if it's an extended time. Apple juice, grape juice ( usually has added sugar) orange juice are good replenishers. Skim chocolate milk is recommend for distance runners. I have a teen athlete who works outside in the summer as well as trains. Apple juice & choc milk as well as celery, watermelon, & grapes help replenish. Electrolytes are nothing magical and the only thing special about Gatorade is it tastes good so people will drink it.

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Skylark Collaborator

If you're not eating much, the sugar in electrolyte drinks will help you feel better. Also you are probably feeling bad from dehydration as well as electrolyte loss. It is very hard to stay hydrated with D and dehydration will make you feel very sick. If you do go with Gatorate, you're supposed to use it half strength when you're sick.

Here's an article on the oral rehydration solution used for diarrheal diseases around the world. They suggest banana or orange juice for potassium and about a tablespoon of salt for every litre of water.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

If your eyes seem 'sunken' and if when you pinch up a bit of skin on the back of your hand or arm and then let go the skin does not go down (unless your elderly) you should call your doctor and see if you can get some IV fluids. They can give you these in the office if it is needed. If you still have active severe D after this length of time you should be seen anyway to make sure that you don't have food poisoning or another 'bug' that is causing this.

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jackay Enthusiast

If your eyes seem 'sunken' and if when you pinch up a bit of skin on the back of your hand or arm and then let go the skin does not go down (unless your elderly) you should call your doctor and see if you can get some IV fluids. They can give you these in the office if it is needed. If you still have active severe D after this length of time you should be seen anyway to make sure that you don't have food poisoning or another 'bug' that is causing this.

It does take a while for my skin to go back down when I pinch it so I know that I'm dehydrated. As for sunken eyes, I really don't know what to say. I look like a ghost when I look in the mirror from lack of sleep. I got about two hours last night.

As far as IV fluids, are they gluten free?

I've been trying to avoid fruits and sweeteners because of candida but right now it is more important that I get some fluids back in my body.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

It does take a while for my skin to go back down when I pinch it so I know that I'm dehydrated. As for sunken eyes, I really don't know what to say. I look like a ghost when I look in the mirror from lack of sleep. I got about two hours last night.

As far as IV fluids, are they gluten free?

I've been trying to avoid fruits and sweeteners because of candida but right now it is more important that I get some fluids back in my body.

Yes IV fluids are gluten free. Call your doctor as you may have something other than a glutening going on. If you have been doing a lot of OTC candida remedies make sure you let him know exactly what you have been taking and how much. If you still have the packaging bring it with you. Your system may not like them and you may have a drug adverse reaction going on. Just because something is over the counter doesn't mean it doesn't have risks for some people. I hope you get to the bottom of what is happening soon.

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jackay Enthusiast

Yes IV fluids are gluten free. Call your doctor as you may have something other than a glutening going on. If you have been doing a lot of OTC candida remedies make sure you let him know exactly what you have been taking and how much. If you still have the packaging bring it with you. Your system may not like them and you may have a drug adverse reaction going on. Just because something is over the counter doesn't mean it doesn't have risks for some people. I hope you get to the bottom of what is happening soon.


I have used all the OTC candida remedies in the past and have only had moderate die off symptoms. I am going to a regular MD today so don't think I'll get anywhere other than tested for bacteria in stool and urine. However, I'll take them with me and see what she says.

Also, about a year ago I tried taking Candibactin which contains berberine and other herbs. This was prescribed by my DO. I reacted strongly to that with SEVERE bladder pain and pressure. I only took it for three days. Once I went off it, the symptoms went away in about 24 hours. I tried it again starting with a very small dose and had to discontinue it after the first attempt.

I also made an electrolyte drink with banana, agave nectar and sea salt. So much for staying away from fruit and sweeteners. Probably not my best move, but I needed something in my system.

Thanks for your advise. I, too, hope to get to the bottom of this soon as I am getting so worn out with the dehydration and lack of sleep.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor


I have used all the OTC candida remedies in the past and have only had moderate die off symptoms. I am going to a regular MD today so don't think I'll get anywhere other than tested for bacteria in stool and urine. However, I'll take them with me and see what she says.

Also, about a year ago I tried taking Candibactin which contains berberine and other herbs. This was prescribed by my DO. I reacted strongly to that with SEVERE bladder pain and pressure. I only took it for three days. Once I went off it, the symptoms went away in about 24 hours. I tried it again starting with a very small dose and had to discontinue it after the first attempt.

I also made an electrolyte drink with banana, agave nectar and sea salt. So much for staying away from fruit and sweeteners. Probably not my best move, but I needed something in my system.

Thanks for your advise. I, too, hope to get to the bottom of this soon as I am getting so worn out with the dehydration and lack of sleep.

Some of the ingredients in that type of product can stress some of the organs. If you unknowingly have issues with say your pancreas or liver the herbs/drugs in these with continued use can aggravate those problems. IMHO if you are having to use these products on a regular basis you may be medicating issues you either don't have to begin with or another condition that hasn't been diagnosed as of yet.

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tarnalberry Community Regular

I don't know that it's totally free of colorings and all that, but I'll often take Nuun tablets on hikes with me. Doesn't have any sugar.

Coconut water is GREAT for this, though it's expensive.

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jackay Enthusiast

Some of the ingredients in that type of product can stress some of the organs. If you unknowingly have issues with say your pancreas or liver the herbs/drugs in these with continued use can aggravate those problems. IMHO if you are having to use these products on a regular basis you may be medicating issues you either don't have to begin with or another condition that hasn't been diagnosed as of yet.

I read up so much on candida and antifungals and it sounded like what I was doing was safe. If I did aggravate my pancreas or liver, will that repair over time?

I saw the doctor this morning and it was what I expected. She wasn't at all concerned about the antifungals I took. She didn't feel that I was too dehydrated. Urine test was normal. I will be doing a stool test. She did have my thyroid levels drawn.

The doctor thinks that my anxiety could be bringing on the diarrhea and urinary pain and frequency. I am going back on an antidepressant to see if that will help. Right now I am feeling very desperate for relief.

The good advise she gave me is that I should be only eating a tablespoon of food at a time.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

I read up so much on candida and antifungals and it sounded like what I was doing was safe. If I did aggravate my pancreas or liver, will that repair over time?

I saw the doctor this morning and it was what I expected. She wasn't at all concerned about the antifungals I took. She didn't feel that I was too dehydrated. Urine test was normal. I will be doing a stool test. She did have my thyroid levels drawn.

The doctor thinks that my anxiety could be bringing on the diarrhea and urinary pain and frequency. I am going back on an antidepressant to see if that will help. Right now I am feeling very desperate for relief.

The good advise she gave me is that I should be only eating a tablespoon of food at a time.

Yes if things are wonky with the liver and pancreas they can heal in time. If you are still seeing undigested food in your stool some digestive enzymes might be helpful for the short term.

Do you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder? The reason I ask is because all too often doctors will blame symptoms on anxiety or depression and hand us a pill for it. Gluten for many of us causes anxiety and/or depression and if you have been glutened recently you may still have that hanging on. Be careful with the med that you check with the maker to be absolutely sure it is gluten free. I do take an anti-anxiety med for my PTSD and the name brand isn't safe but the generic is. With others I have been prescribed it is the opposite. Also if you are waking up at night with D, in other words out of a sound sleep, then your D is not being caused by anxiety. That is part of the celiac symptoms but too many doctors don't realize that.

I do hope that they are able to figure out what is going on soon. Do take a careful look at everything your eating and drinking and all toiletries just to double check that all is safe.

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jackay Enthusiast

Yes if things are wonky with the liver and pancreas they can heal in time. If you are still seeing undigested food in your stool some digestive enzymes might be helpful for the short term.

Do you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder? The reason I ask is because all too often doctors will blame symptoms on anxiety or depression and hand us a pill for it. Gluten for many of us causes anxiety and/or depression and if you have been glutened recently you may still have that hanging on. Be careful with the med that you check with the maker to be absolutely sure it is gluten free. I do take an anti-anxiety med for my PTSD and the name brand isn't safe but the generic is. With others I have been prescribed it is the opposite. Also if you are waking up at night with D, in other words out of a sound sleep, then your D is not being caused by anxiety. That is part of the celiac symptoms but too many doctors don't realize that.

I do hope that they are able to figure out what is going on soon. Do take a careful look at everything your eating and drinking and all toiletries just to double check that all is safe.


I am not using digestive enzymes right now. My stomach got worse with some of them I have tried. I really don't know what ones to use. I did test low on them back when the gluten intolerance showed up. Since my food was going through processed until now, I figured I didn't need them but that has changed this past week.

Yes, I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. I was suffering from it over four years before I went gluten free. I tried so many medications for anxiety and depression and nothing worked. Although not being bipolar, I tried lithium at one time just to see if it would help and it didn't. Out of desperation, even went the ECT route and that was definitely a mistake. I was talked into 8 sessions and kept getting worse instead of better. My only relief was going gluten free and getting rid of cc.

I am not waking up during the night with D. I have most of the D in the mornings. Can't believe there is that much in me! I can't get to sleep because of urinary pressure and then wake up and have to urinate. I really don't know if that is what is waking me up or if it is the anxiety waking me up.

I am so worn out now from the anxiety and insomnia. I dread going to bed at night since I feel even more anxious than when I am up.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor


I am not using digestive enzymes right now. My stomach got worse with some of them I have tried. I really don't know what ones to use. I did test low on them back when the gluten intolerance showed up. Since my food was going through processed until now, I figured I didn't need them but that has changed this past week.

Yes, I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. I was suffering from it over four years before I went gluten free. I tried so many medications for anxiety and depression and nothing worked. Although not being bipolar, I tried lithium at one time just to see if it would help and it didn't. Out of desperation, even went the ECT route and that was definitely a mistake. I was talked into 8 sessions and kept getting worse instead of better. My only relief was going gluten free and getting rid of cc.

I am not waking up during the night with D. I have most of the D in the mornings. Can't believe there is that much in me! I can't get to sleep because of urinary pressure and then wake up and have to urinate. I really don't know if that is what is waking me up or if it is the anxiety waking me up.

I am so worn out now from the anxiety and insomnia. I dread going to bed at night since I feel even more anxious than when I am up.

Have they ever tried just an antianxiety med with you? I ask because for years doctors were convinced I was depressed and always gave me either antidepressants or combo pills and they always made me worse. Finally getting a pill that is just an antianxiety med has made a world of difference for me. My anxiety however didn't improve on the diet. If anything it got worse.

Is there anything at all that has changed before you got sick? New pet, new hobby, remodeling work on the house, new makeup, could a company have changed formulas on something you eat a lot or a med you take,etc? I am wondering because it sounds like you may have gluten sneaking in. With both the D and the anxiety coming back it just makes me wonder.

I hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight and keep on your doctor to figure out what is going on if it continues and she doesn't have any answers from the tests she did today.

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jackay Enthusiast

Have they ever tried just an antianxiety med with you? I ask because for years doctors were convinced I was depressed and always gave me either antidepressants or combo pills and they always made me worse. Finally getting a pill that is just an antianxiety med has made a world of difference for me. My anxiety however didn't improve on the diet. If anything it got worse.

Is there anything at all that has changed before you got sick? New pet, new hobby, remodeling work on the house, new makeup, could a company have changed formulas on something you eat a lot or a med you take,etc? I am wondering because it sounds like you may have gluten sneaking in. With both the D and the anxiety coming back it just makes me wonder.

I hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight and keep on your doctor to figure out what is going on if it continues and she doesn't have any answers from the tests she did today.

I don't think there is a chance of getting a good night's sleep tonight as the next door neighbor is having a party. Bummer:( I may end up trying to sleep in the basement with the dehumidifier running.

It seems to me, too, that gluten is sneaking in. I don't wear makeup and haven't tried any new cleaning products nor am I eating any new foods. I will see if it makes any difference now that I am down to just a few foods. That could help me determine that gluten is sneaking in. Our house is not gluten free. I could be getting cc from hand towels, faucets or something like that. I am back to using paper towels for touching most everything so that may change things, too. I started using a spoon to eat most finger foods just to be safer. Of course I need to use my hands for cutting veggies and such.

If I am getting cc from a shared house, I am guessing I've just become more sensitive. My DH has made some meals for me that didn't make me sick. When the grandkids have been here spreading crumbs in the kitchen, I didn't get sick. I am puzzled.

I did do two things out of the ordinary. I was sanding on some asbestos siding at my mom's hosue to get it ready to paint. Only did it for a short time before DH enlightened me that it contained asbestos and it was getting in the air. I also washed down two garage doors with TSP and painted them with latex paint. I wore gloves when I used the TSP. The doctor today said these things would bother the lungs.

I had a few anxiety issues years back that antianxiety medication worked wonders on. I was able to get off them pretty fast. I was also on antidepressants a few times way back and they worked for me then, too. I have tried a few antianxiety drugs in the past five years and nothing I tried made a bit of difference. I don't know if gluten was bothering me years ago when the meds did work for me. Maybe it would be worth a try again. No one is very eager to prescribe anything for me because I've had some pretty bad reactions to some of them.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

I have tried a few antianxiety drugs in the past five years and nothing I tried made a bit of difference.

You could be getting more sensitive to gluten as that does happen to some of us. A few of us are also sensitive to distilled gluten grains, if you eat prepared salad dressing with distilled vinegar or consume distilled gluten grains in alcohol both would be a good idea to drop and then challenge when you are feeling better. Just in case. There is also the posibility that the stuff you were sanding may have had a wheat based ingredient as well as the asbestos. If your new issues are gluten related I think it may be something you are coming into contact with daily though since symptoms are not resolving. Does you DH brush his teeth before you kiss? If you are getting more senstive that could be an issue. I do hope you figure things out and are feeling better soon.

You may find the article below interesting. The bold is mine. I wish when I was going through med after med and just getting worse my doctors had been aware of this.

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Psychiatric symptoms and psychological behavioral pathologies are common in patients with untreated coeliac disease. There are several case reports of coexistence of coeliac sprue and depression, schizophrenia and anxiety. Views on association between coeliac disease and psychiatric disturbances and results of the most important studies are discussed. Biological background is referred. Malabsorption and deficiency of aminoacids and vitamins implicate reduction of synthesis of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Psychiatric symptoms could also be linked to immunological disregulation in coeliac patients. Psychological pathologies do appear in treated and untreated coeliacs, the need of psychological support is stressed. Coeliac disease should be taken into consideration in patients with psychiatric disorders, particularly if they are not responsive to psychopharmacological therapy, because withdrawal of gluten from the diet usually results in disappearance of symptoms. In recent years, an increased incidence of subclinical/silent coeliac disease has been reported. Psychiatric symptoms and psychological behavioral pathologies could be the only clinical manifestation of coeliac disease, but the epidemiological aspects need further investigation.

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jackay Enthusiast

You could be getting more sensitive to gluten as that does happen to some of us. A few of us are also sensitive to distilled gluten grains, if you eat prepared salad dressing with distilled vinegar or consume distilled gluten grains in alcohol both would be a good idea to drop and then challenge when you are feeling better. Just in case. There is also the posibility that the stuff you were sanding may have had a wheat based ingredient as well as the asbestos. If your new issues are gluten related I think it may be something you are coming into contact with daily though since symptoms are not resolving. Does you DH brush his teeth before you kiss? If you are getting more senstive that could be an issue. I do hope you figure things out and are feeling better soon.

You may find the article below interesting. The bold is mine. I wish when I was going through med after med and just getting worse my doctors had been aware of this.

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Psychiatric symptoms and psychological behavioral pathologies are common in patients with untreated coeliac disease. There are several case reports of coexistence of coeliac sprue and depression, schizophrenia and anxiety. Views on association between coeliac disease and psychiatric disturbances and results of the most important studies are discussed. Biological background is referred. Malabsorption and deficiency of aminoacids and vitamins implicate reduction of synthesis of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Psychiatric symptoms could also be linked to immunological disregulation in coeliac patients. Psychological pathologies do appear in treated and untreated coeliacs, the need of psychological support is stressed. Coeliac disease should be taken into consideration in patients with psychiatric disorders, particularly if they are not responsive to psychopharmacological therapy, because withdrawal of gluten from the diet usually results in disappearance of symptoms. In recent years, an increased incidence of subclinical/silent coeliac disease has been reported. Psychiatric symptoms and psychological behavioral pathologies could be the only clinical manifestation of coeliac disease, but the epidemiological aspects need further investigation.

I agree with this psych information 100%. In fact, I two people in the mental health food told me I had to keep looking for what was causing my problems, suggested books, etc. One was a pschychiatrist and the other a psych nurse. They were not able to find the answer for me but told me it was out there. The psych nurse doesn't even feel comfortable prescribing meds anymore, although I think she still does.

Maybe I do need medication and maybe it will work now that I am gluten free, that is if I don't get CC.

As for kissing, it is sad to say but not a lot of it is going on here because of fear of CC. Kissing requires not only brushing teeth but also flossing and gluten free mouthwash. A lot for DH to go through for a kiss.

I haven't had any alchohol in quite some time but I have been eating gluten free salad dressings again. They seemed to be O.K. but maybe it was an accumulation effect. I hadn't had any since the D started over a week ago. I'll have to watch them.

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jackay Enthusiast

Last night I slept about 1 1/2 hours and woke up. I decided at that time to take mirtazapine. It took a while to get to sleep but then I slept very well. The anxiety is WAY DOWN this morning. Urinary pressure seemed to be letting up by evening last night. I haven't had a BM yet so that is a good sign. I have a mild headache but that is bearable. The headache could be from not eating enough or from the bland foods I am now eating.

Taking the doctors advise, I am eating just a tablespoon or so of food at a time and eating often to allow my stomach to heal. Either I got CC or got sick from something else. It could be that my tummy got so irritated and reacted to everything. By no longer taxing it with bigger meals and harder to digest foods, it is relaxing and healing.

If my BMs return to normal, I may not do the stool samples at this time. I have an appointment with my DO on Oct. 5 and will see what he wants to order. If everything seems O.K. along that line, he may think it isn't necessary.

As far as the mirtazapine goes, it has happened in the past that the first night or two taking a medication that it works for me and then it no longer does. I hope that is not the case.

Also, my system can be so sensitive that when one part of the body gets stressed, everything goes haywire. My stomach getting distressed led to my nervous system coming under attack which led to anxiety, insomnia and bladder pressure. It's like "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" What came first, the insomnia or anxiety. The human body cannot go without sleep so one becomes anxious. Anxiety revs up the body and doesn't allow one to get sleep. I sure don't like these viscious cycles.

My DO says 90% of health problems come from the gut. He is definitely on to something there.

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    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @RondaM! These two tests are celiac antibody tests and they both look to be negative: Endomysial Antibody IgA:  Negative t-Transglutaminase (tTG):  <2 We commonly refer to the t-Transglutaminase (tTG) as tTG-IGA.   This one is what we commonly call "total IGA" and is on the high side:  Immunoglobulin A, Qn  Serum :  417.  H Total IGA is not an antibody test for celiac disease per se but the reason it is run is that if it is on the low side (i.e., you are "IGA deficient") it can cause the individual IGA tests that are designed to check for celiac disease per se to be falsely negative. This is not a problem in your case. I do not know that there are any particular health concerns connected to having a higher than normal total IGA. Based only on these IGA tests it does not appear that you have celiac disease but it is unfortunate that only IGA tests were ordered. I would have been helpful to also include the DGP-IGG test. Some people who truly do have celiac disease just have immune systems that don't throw positives for IGA celiac antibody tests. But here is an important question. Had you already begun limiting gluten in your diet before the blood draw for the testing was done? If so, it rendered the testing invalid.  
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