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The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat


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Adalaide Mentor

Chicken rice casserole. A year ago this was a quick easy meal that involved throwing rice, soup and chicken in a pan and throwing it in the oven. Since I refuse to spend $4 for a can of soup it now involves making my own mushroom soup which I'm glad I learned to do, it's far better than anything I ever had from a can.

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Mom23boys Contributor

Red beans and rice

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love2travel Mentor

Chicken rice casserole. A year ago this was a quick easy meal that involved throwing rice, soup and chicken in a pan and throwing it in the oven. Since I refuse to spend $4 for a can of soup it now involves making my own mushroom soup which I'm glad I learned to do, it's far better than anything I ever had from a can.

Isn't homemade mushroom soup awesome? It is a revelation. I cannot recall when I last bought a can of soup - it simply is not necessary.

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love2travel Mentor

We're heading to Spain tonight:

Pinchitos Morunos (spicy Moorish kebabs)

Ensaladilla Rusa (Spanish potato salad)

Cubes of Manchego

Red Onion and Orange Salad

Grilled Zucchini with Fried Capers and Fresh Mint

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Marilyn R Community Regular

WB Love! We're just back from a trip too. My DP talked me into buying a 24' very used mobile home. I had 100 reasons why we shouldn't buy it, he had 101 why we should. Number 101 was "We need an adventure!!!!

It was an adventure. We went camping with a club the people we bought the RV from belong to and I caught a lot of flack about not eating their food or showing up for their planned food functions.

DP made smoked ribs with mu homemade Adobe sauce tonight. We ate after I woke up from my little three hour nap, I slept like a zombie in my big little house (It seemed enourmous after the RV, and my bed felt so good!) We had grilled sweet potatos and Redneck Caviar with dinner and those kicking ribs, along with Tostito's scoops.

Over dinner, I said to DP "People say stupid things, don't they" Reply: "All the time" I'm gonna start letting the stuff things people say roll of my back, that's what I learned from camping. That, and those side awnings are a major PIA to get down. We're not going to join the camping group, I had forewarned the organizer that I wouldn't partake in group eating events and why. I felt no need to repeat why during the course of the weekend. She didn't say anything then, but when I told her last night why we we're joining, she said, "Sorry, we're a very food oriented group".

I told her I already belong to a food focused group. Thank God for you folks, I've learned so much from you. :DB);) ((( )))

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Marilyn R Community Regular

Sorry, I meant to say NOT joining, still can't do the edit. I think it's a browser issue.

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Mom23boys Contributor

bbq chicken

corn on the cob

steamed broccoli

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Jestgar Rising Star

fajitas, using corn tortillas

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Adalaide Mentor

A Saturday afternoon trip to the store got me some goodies like ground turkey for $.99 a pound and a ginormous tub of ricotta relatively cheap. I kind of threw a bunch of crap together and called it a pasta casserole. I kept just enough out to have for dinner and froze three small ones for later. It turned out better than I thought it would so at least I won't be worried about pulling out the leftovers on a lazy day.

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alex11602 Collaborator

Breakfast for dinner (I think my girls would eat pancakes for every meal if I let them), anyway tonight we are making banana split pancakes and turkey bacon.

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Adalaide Mentor

Breakfast for dinner (I think my girls would eat pancakes for every meal if I let them), anyway tonight we are making banana split pancakes and turkey bacon.

I think I'll come to your house for dinner. Sounds like breakfast and dessert all wrapped up in one.

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Mom23boys Contributor

Crockpot roast with potatoes, carrots and celery


cauliflower/broccoli salad

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love2travel Mentor

Grilled Orange Balsamic Glazed Pork Shoulder Chops

Quinoa Tabbouleh

Steamed Green Beans with Candied Almonds

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IrishHeart Veteran

Braised lamb shanks with leeks and carrots

Risotto with saffron

Coffee ice cream

(sometimes a girl just wants a nice bowl of "scream") :)

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GFreeMO Proficient

Hamburgers, shredded lettuce, tomato, oven baked sweet potato fries with olive oil. I can't wait to eat. I'm coming off a glutening/corning/soying..one of those, they all feel the same to me and I have had nothing but brown rice and fruit for 2 days. I am finally getting my appetite back.

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mboebel Newbie

"thunder & lightning" - pasta (tinkyada), chickpeas, cracked peppercorn, and garlic last night...

...and tonight black and blue tuna over garlic asparagus & roasted cauliflower.

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JeanneA Newbie

I love this thread! Thanks, everyone! Tonight we had rice vermicelli, tofu cutlets and chunks of watermelon. (Oh--and a pot of decaf green tea--love that with Chinese food.) The rice noodles were stirred with a little sauce I make with gluten-free soy sauce, sesame oil, Korean chili powder and onion powder. The tofu cutlets are cooked in a skillet in a sauce of gluten-free soy sauce, sesame oil, Korean chili powder, garlic powder, ginger powder and brown sugar. Can post the actual recipe if anyone's interested. These are delicious! The whole meal was a big hit with gluten-free and non-gluten-free family members.

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JeanneA Newbie

Beans made in crockpot--worked most of the day---with small pieces of ham thrown in. (I put molasses, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard powder, a little tomato paste, a little Korean chili powder, black pepper in the beans. Right before serving I'll salt it.) This will be over rice. I'm checking the garden to see if we have lettuce for tonight and we'll have that with some pieces of cukes and celery.

My son made non-gluten-free cookies for which I'm thankful----one diet helps the other! :)

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JeanneA Newbie

Yesterday I made Morrocan chicken and rice. I didn't feel like cooking tonight. I had a bowl of popcorn while watching a movie with hubby. Hubby ate some leftover morrocan chicken.

I'd love the Moroccan chicken recipe! Sounds delicious!

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JeanneA Newbie

Oh...and meant to say that my husband brought home gluten-free beer this morning. I've tried Green's ale and really liked it. He brought home a mixed 6-pack of 3 different kinds. We'll report the taste-test back! It's going to taste awfully good with the beans!

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IrishHeart Veteran

...and tonight black and blue tuna

Sounds like you roughed that tuna up a little. :lol:

I bet it was de-lish !! I love tuna.

and I still cannot get over how adorable your dog is. So cute.

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IrishHeart Veteran

I'd love the Moroccan chicken recipe! Sounds delicious!

hon, that post is from 2010 and I am not sure she will see your request. (just so you know)

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IrishHeart Veteran

Mexican tonight.

Guacamole and mango and pineapple salsa and a batch of

Beef nachos (I make my own taco seasoning)

Flan with vanilla whipped cream.


I wish I could have a marguerita, but I got glutened this week (I KNOW!! duh!! how can an OLD VETERAN make such a rookie mistake? <_< wellll, I trusted a company rep who said they have "no complaints from anyone on their gluten free assurances" ....)

anyhoo, "doo doo happens" and you move on. I took it slow for a few days, and now, IH wants Mex!!! :lol:

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love2travel Mentor

Very good eats tonight...

Grilled Double Cut Pork Chop with Apple Calvados Pan Sauce and Blackberry Gastrique and Crispy Leeks

Roasted Baby Potatoes and Leeks with Creamy Dijon Sauce

Apple-Glazed Baby Carrots

Individual Pavlovas with Blackberry Compote and Raspberry Sorbet

I'm thinking lamb tomorrow.

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CarolinaKip Community Regular

hon, that post is from 2010 and I am not sure she will see your request. (just so you know)

Wow, we've been doing this thread since 2010? How time flies when you're eating well :D I still enjoy reading what you all are making. I'm not feeling so well, so I'm making my safe chicken and rice soup.

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    • GardeningForHealth
      FMT has a strong potential to either cure or improve many diseases, including Celiac Disease. However, the FDA has only approved FMT for the treatment of C.Diff infection at this time, and FMT is not approved in the United States for any other treatments. However, I hope that this changes in the future. Preliminary studies have shown benefit of FMT for treatment of a subset of autism here and here, and Phase III trials will begin soon for FMT for that subset of autism. I believe (this is my opinion) that autism is an autoimmune disorder. Dr. Alessio Fasano states that autoimmune diseases begin with leaky gut/intestinal permeability, so it is probably true that FMT from a or several very healthy, disease-free donors may offer cures or relief of some kind for many who suffer from autoimmune conditions. While the adaptive arm of our immune system will never "forget" gluten as an antigen, in my opinion if the gut microbiota can be brought back into a healthy state that contains missing microbes discovered by Dr. Fasano's CDGEMM team to be protective against gluten, and also an overall balance of the microbiome is restored, then zonulin will not be triggered upon ingestion of gluten, meaning the intestinal wall is remaining closed and not leaky, and therefore the immune system will not become activated by gluten anymore.  In such a theoretical scenario, gluten would only become a problem again if/when there is another pathogen inside the intestines that activates zonulin, causing the intestine to open to pass the pathogen to the immune system beneath. So if there was a serious bacteria or virus, then the person would need to avoid gluten during the illness and maybe for a while beyond the illness as well, so as not to have a reaction to gluten (this is all speculation based upon my understanding). Antibiotics can do permanent damage, but usually not. In an adult, the microbiome usually recovers, unless their microbiome is already very compromised. However, in a child under the age of 3, antibiotics do have the potential to permanently harm the child's microbiome, killing off protective strains of bacteria, causing a life-long predisposition to autoimmune diseases.
    • Scott Adams
      SIBO is a common secondary issue in people with untreated celiac disease. Articles in this category cover this: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/bacterial-overgrowth-and-celiac-disease/
    • Scott Adams
      Many people with celiac disease, especially those who are in the 0-2 year range of their recovery, have additional food intolerance issues which could be temporary. To figure this out you may need to keep a food diary and do an elimination diet over a few months. Some common food intolerance issues are dairy/casein, eggs, corn, oats, and soy. The good news is that after your gut heals (for most people who are 100% gluten-free this will take several months to two years) you may be able to slowly add some these items back into your diet after the damaged villi heal, although some people may need to permanently eliminate certain foods. The two main ones to eliminate would be dairy/casein and oats.  
    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
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