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The What's For Dinner Tonight Chat


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cougie23 Explorer

I made these corn dog bites.


I used a gluten-free cornbread mix and buttermilk.

They were a big hit.

NOW THATS JUST EVIL!!! :lol: Can't wait to try it!Trader joes has some great dogs..all natural..gluten-free..no nitrates!Whats the best corn bread mix? I noticed alot around here (local stores)have wheat! :( ...Why they would put wheat in corn bread mix...beats me! :blink:

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alex11602 Collaborator

NOW THATS JUST EVIL!!! :lol: Can't wait to try it!Trader joes has some great dogs..all natural..gluten-free..no nitrates!Whats the best corn bread mix? I noticed alot around here (local stores)have wheat! :( ...Why they would put wheat in corn bread mix...beats me! :blink:

I think I'll be making them this weekend too. We use the Bob's Red Mill cornbread mix and even my dad and sister who don't like cornbread ate alot of it.

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TomSki Newbie

Hi all, I tried to start a new post but for some reason it has not been posted. I am trying to make my own wafers but cant find flat dry wafers in the US. I hope you know what I am talking about when saying dry flat wafers. If not please look at these http://www.domzdrowia.pl/112629,bezgluten-wafle-bezglutenowe-5-sztuk.html

Please let me know if any of you know where to purchase these in the US. I would be much obliged.


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Jestgar Rising Star

Hi all, I tried to start a new post but for some reason it has not been posted. I am trying to make my own wafers but cant find flat dry wafers in the US. I hope you know what I am talking about when saying dry flat wafers. If not please look at these http://www.domzdrowia.pl/112629,bezgluten-wafle-bezglutenowe-5-sztuk.html

Please let me know if any of you know where to purchase these in the US. I would be much obliged.


These look like crackers? Made of corn, rice, potato, etc. I don't see any sugar, so something like a saltine? Maybe Glutino crackers?

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sora Community Regular


I think he means this kind of wafer.

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mushroom Proficient

No, my take on it is more like a crispbread, like is made by Orgran perhaps? And I haven't seen anything similar here in the U.S.

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Mateto Enthusiast

I had t-bone steak, and LOTS of fresh salad on the side.

I'm waiting for the berries to start growing! At Summer, I tend to go "berry-tarian".....with the occasional apple, but it's only spring yet.

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pricklypear1971 Community Regular

Well, tonight we're headed to dinner at my FIL's. I'm packing baked beans for all (mine are in a seperate container), and I'm taking a leftover hamburger patty/bun and fixins from Wed. to eat in place of grilled stuff they're making - along with fruit salad (found some great berries today!).

And I made some great little flour less chocolate cupcakes today! I'm taking a few of those for me (infidels prefer cheap grocery store desserts) if that kid doesn't eat them all.


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IrishHeart Veteran

Pesto pizza and cucumber salad. Hubs is golfing and he gets home late.

I am GLAD he goes every Friday; it's my excuse to eat PIZZA and have a glass of pinto grigio!! :D

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Mom23boys Contributor

I tried my hand at Gluten-free Casein-free pizza. It was a hit.

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IrishHeart Veteran

I tried my hand at Gluten-free Casein-free pizza. It was a hit.

:D yaaay! IH applauds wildly!!!

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mushroom Proficient

it's my excuse to eat PIZZA and have a glass of pinto grigio!! :D

Another typo and you could have had a glass of pinto gringo :D

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sa1937 Community Regular

And I made some great little flour less chocolate cupcakes today! I'm taking a few of those for me (infidels prefer cheap grocery store desserts) if that kid doesn't eat them all.


These sound wonderful but I couldn't get your link to work.

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mboebel Newbie

Last night - steak frites! SO GOOD! A very rare treat for us, though. With a dessert of Blue Moon ice cream.

Tonight, I think blackened Mahi Mahi (my favorite), coconut rice, & spinach (husband has been on a huge spinach kick lately - maybe I will switch it up and make green beans or Brussels sprouts...).

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IrishHeart Veteran

Another typo and you could have had a glass of pinto gringo :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: the best part is....I hadn't even had it yet when I wrote that :lol: :lol: :lol:

My excuse is a pulled muscle in my right shoulder. I keep kitttig the wronh keyss/ :unsure:

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pricklypear1971 Community Regular

These sound wonderful but I couldn't get your link to work.


I don't know why the board is truncating links...but that's what's happening.

If it won't go to it the recipe is called Nuts About Chocolate Cupcakes - or search "gluten-free" on the blog.

I'll try it later on the computer.maybe it won't truncate it. I'm on my phone.

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sa1937 Community Regular


I don't know why the board is truncating links...but that's what's happening.

If it won't go to it the recipe is called Nuts About Chocolate Cupcakes - or search "gluten-free" on the blog.

I'll try it later on the computer.maybe it won't truncate it. I'm on my phone.

I think I found it. Nuts About Chocolate Cupcakes Thanks, Prickley!

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sora Community Regular

We are having a glorious hot sunny weekend here.

I made Taco Salad and again, watermelon for dessert.

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sa1937 Community Regular

I made meat loaf, mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus. It was such a beautiful day here and I was hungry for comfort food.

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Adalaide Mentor

Well, I haven't really cooked since Sunday. Between spending all day Monday at a midnight release event and spending way too much time playing video games since then I've lived off of all of my chocolate-peanut butter snacks and some Glutino frozen pizzas. (Which aren't particularly good, but they were on sale for $1.50 each.)

I managed to find my way to the kitchen tonight and we had honey glazed tilapia with brown rice and carrots. I was shocked that my husband actually ate the fish with the glaze and he liked it. He has this thing for plain and flavorless food, it drives me nuts when I make amazingly delicious things and he just makes a face and microwaves a pizza. This is one I can definitely add to my "recipe book" I keep in my head.

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IrishHeart Veteran

I made meat loaf, mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus. It was such a beautiful day here and I was hungry for comfort food.

It was a beautiful day here, too. And oddly, I also made meatloaf, smashed potatoes (as we call them) and fresh green beans.

Must have been a meatloaf kind of day on the East Coast :lol: ....

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sa1937 Community Regular

It was a beautiful day here, too. And oddly, I also made meatloaf, smashed potatoes (as we call them) and fresh green beans.

Must have been a meatloaf kind of day on the East Coast :lol: ....

I was debating between asparagus and fresh green beans...I figured I should use the more perishable asparagus first. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

And it looks like another beautiful day here on the East coast!

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IrishHeart Veteran

I was debating between asparagus and fresh green beans...I figured I should use the more perishable asparagus first. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

And it looks like another beautiful day here on the East coast!

B) Sunny and 80. Looks like we'll be using the grill then.

Chicken, cole slaw and grilled asparagus (which was hardier than the green beans, so they were used first :lol: .)

Might make hubs some chocolate cupcakes with butter cream frosting--as he has toiled long and hard all week building the front porch. If I can't swing a hammer with him right now, I can feed him some goodies as a reward. :D

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dcns65 Apprentice

Ah meatloaf! We haven't tried making that since going gluten-free in January. Can you post the recipe? Hubby usually make the meatloaf in our house so I'll give him some tips on adapting it to gluten-free.

Looks like a broiled steak, potatoes and green/yellow beans for dinner. I would love to grill the steak outside but the grill needs repair-it won't heat above 300 degrees. :(

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freeatlast Collaborator

Baked ocean perch, fries, homemade slaw and fresh, uncooked corn on the cob.

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    • GardeningForHealth
      FMT has a strong potential to either cure or improve many diseases, including Celiac Disease. However, the FDA has only approved FMT for the treatment of C.Diff infection at this time, and FMT is not approved in the United States for any other treatments. However, I hope that this changes in the future. Preliminary studies have shown benefit of FMT for treatment of a subset of autism here and here, and Phase III trials will begin soon for FMT for that subset of autism. I believe (this is my opinion) that autism is an autoimmune disorder. Dr. Alessio Fasano states that autoimmune diseases begin with leaky gut/intestinal permeability, so it is probably true that FMT from a or several very healthy, disease-free donors may offer cures or relief of some kind for many who suffer from autoimmune conditions. While the adaptive arm of our immune system will never "forget" gluten as an antigen, in my opinion if the gut microbiota can be brought back into a healthy state that contains missing microbes discovered by Dr. Fasano's CDGEMM team to be protective against gluten, and also an overall balance of the microbiome is restored, then zonulin will not be triggered upon ingestion of gluten, meaning the intestinal wall is remaining closed and not leaky, and therefore the immune system will not become activated by gluten anymore.  In such a theoretical scenario, gluten would only become a problem again if/when there is another pathogen inside the intestines that activates zonulin, causing the intestine to open to pass the pathogen to the immune system beneath. So if there was a serious bacteria or virus, then the person would need to avoid gluten during the illness and maybe for a while beyond the illness as well, so as not to have a reaction to gluten (this is all speculation based upon my understanding). Antibiotics can do permanent damage, but usually not. In an adult, the microbiome usually recovers, unless their microbiome is already very compromised. However, in a child under the age of 3, antibiotics do have the potential to permanently harm the child's microbiome, killing off protective strains of bacteria, causing a life-long predisposition to autoimmune diseases.
    • Scott Adams
      SIBO is a common secondary issue in people with untreated celiac disease. Articles in this category cover this: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/bacterial-overgrowth-and-celiac-disease/
    • Scott Adams
      Many people with celiac disease, especially those who are in the 0-2 year range of their recovery, have additional food intolerance issues which could be temporary. To figure this out you may need to keep a food diary and do an elimination diet over a few months. Some common food intolerance issues are dairy/casein, eggs, corn, oats, and soy. The good news is that after your gut heals (for most people who are 100% gluten-free this will take several months to two years) you may be able to slowly add some these items back into your diet after the damaged villi heal, although some people may need to permanently eliminate certain foods. The two main ones to eliminate would be dairy/casein and oats.  
    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
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