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    • cristiana
      Hi @Sarah Grace I'm a British coeliac too, and have had quite a number of different types of migraine. ***Are you under a gastroenterologist and receiving annual coeliac blood tests to test for compliance, and perhaps also for deficiencies?  If not, I think that is worth considering.  If gluten is still sneaking into your diet that could be the issue.*** That said, for me there was a huge improvement when I went gluten free, but I still get nauseating migraines from time to time, and a new type since going gluten free - aura migraines where I lose my central vision (the middle of my vision looks as if water is running down glass).  This tends to be triggered by small screens and close work.    I know that in the past thirst was a massive trigger for me, and also low blood sugar.   Another contributor for me is tension in my neck caused by poor posture or cold weather, and certain light conditions, like low sun in the winter, can start one up.  One other thought - have you looked into sleep apnea, which can cause migraines?   But in any case, I think I'd be inclined to contact the Migraine Trust if you haven't already.   https://migrainetrust.org/ Cristiana  
    • glucel
      hi knitty, I figured while reading the first few paragraphs of your post that thiamin would come into the conversation, haha. Anyway, I just had annual physical and asked for the b vitamins and others to be incl in the blood test. B12, folate, and b6 came back about mid range but they did not take enough blood to complete the b1 and b2. Are the good results for b12,folate, b6 a good indication that thiamin is ok or should I have another test?
    • Celiac comments
      Thanks Scott, The hay was all I could think of causing a problem and good to know others have had the same problem. Since we feed alfalfa and wheat on alternate days, I am just feeding on the alfalfa days and the eyelid rash is much better.
    • Celiac comments
      Some years we have had problems with hay mites. Too small to see, but had us keeping a can of bug spray by the haystack to use before handling hay. It was either wheat or oat hay, don't remember which, but affected the whole family, not just me with celiac.   
    • Scott Adams
      We've had others report reactions to hay, for example:  I'm not sure if you can try wearing an N92 mask when doing this work, or try rinsing off your skin directly afterwards, but if neither work if might be best if you can avoid handling the hay.
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