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Sweet Basil Vs Spicy Globe Basil


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alex11602 Collaborator

My husband came home with two basil plants for me this afternoon and after I got caught up in smelling how wonderful the fresh basil smelled I began thinking and I am almost embarrassed to have to ask this since I find basil to be such a comforting scent, but what is the difference (mostly taste wise) between sweet basil and spicy globe basil? I usually use basil in my homemade sauce and in caprese salad or bruschetta, but that has always been the sweet variety.

Also what else do you use basil in? Garlic, rosemary and basil are so calming and relaxing (like lavender is to some) and I use the combination together often so I am wondering what others pair basil with.

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Marilyn R Community Regular

I love basil! I'm dairy free but still make pesto in a mini food processer or M&P with olive oil and safe nuts. It's great as a marinade for anything you grill or as a condiment for meats and shellfish.

I have both varieties too. Spicy globe basil is more peppery in flavor. It's nice in homemade broth and chicken soup. Enjoy!

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love2travel Mentor

I love basil and grow lots of it for:

- pizza

- basil jelly

- fried basil leaves for lemon-based desserts

- pesto, of course (including a lovely red pesto)

- chiffonade on watermelon with feta cheese and mint

- garlic basil butter

- place under chicken skin with other fresh herbs and butter when roasting

- Caprese salad (already mentioned)

- salmon and basil en papillote

- stirred into risotto at the very last moment

- lemon and basil granita

- basil panna cotta

- basil aioli

- steep in balsamic vinegar

- make blueberry basil vinegar

- basil lemonade

- several vinaigrettes

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    • Drewy
      Yes, but I also have separated gluten-free and gluten foods in the kitchen but they don't seem to respect it. Especially my brother. We have two jam jars one with a large red sticker and one large green one.  Red is gluten, Green is gluten-free. It's the same with yogurt. He'll intentionally put granola in my yogurt and mix it then dump it out and leave contaminated yogurt in my container and I eat it and have a reaction. Then there's my father, he's better but he doesn't read ingredients or gluten-free scanner apps till after it gives me a reaction  I'm 17. I can cook my own meals but I go to school 3 days a week, and work 4 days a week.  No I'm not usually the one making meals but lately I've been staying up late to make myself gluten-free meals 
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, Drewy! So help me understand about the Tacos and "trying to keep my gluten free food from my dad and brothers gluten food." When you say, "keep my gluten free food" from them, do you mean they take your gluten free food items and then use them to make meals that also us gluten things? So, for instance, they would make taco meet or salsa that contained gluten but use your gluten free taco shells to put that stuff in? May we ask your age? May we assume you are not the one who is usually fixing the meals in the house?
    • Drewy
      I've been trying my best to keep my gluten-free food from my dad and brother's gluten food but it's like they don't care. I just had what was supposed to be gluten free tacos but I'm curled up in pain. This isn't the first time either. I've stopped eating meals I haven't prepared because I'm scared I'll eat gluten and I'm scared my family doesn't care. They want to eat what they've always eaten and they don't want to even try and make the switch. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice?
    • Scott Adams
      For you it sounds like this will be the case, but no two celiac diets are alike, and there is no "one size fits all" in this case. Another examples is how some celiacs choose to eat out at restaurants, while others never will.  
    • Richwhitelady
      So in essence it's really not safe because we have no idea what the manufacturers are doing in my opinion. 
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