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Natural Flavors


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MerrillC1977 Apprentice

Why are NATURAL FLAVORS on the Un-Safe foods list (https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/forbidden-gluten-food-list-unsafe-ingredients-r182/)?

Thank you.

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psawyer Proficient

While "natural flavors" can contain gluten, they very rarely actually do. The most likely source would be barley malt, and that is a relatively expensive ingredient, so it is usually explicitly declared as "malt flavor."

If there were wheat in it, in the US it would be required by law to be disclosed as just that, "wheat."

Open Original Shared Link on flavorings:

It would be rare to find a "natural or artificial flavoring" containing gluten (a) because hydrolyzed wheat protein cannot be hidden under the term "flavor." and (B) barley malt extract is almost always declared as "barley malt extract" or "barley malt flavoring." For this reason, most experts do not restrict natural and artificial flavorings in the gluten-free diet.

Gluten-Free Diet - A Comprehensive Resource Guide, published 2008, page 46

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pricklypear1971 Community Regular

Because some natural flavoring, depending on what it is and where it was manufactured, can be gluten product derived.

A lot of people seem to find "natural flavors" in things they react to - when all other ingredients are clean, and it is assumed "natural flavors" are the culprit.

Personally, I avoid them because I have a problem with things like MSG - which IS a natural flavor.

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mommyto2kids Collaborator

Grated cheese is dusted with flour and not declared because it is on, not in the cheese. That can be a tricky one. So that is one way they can get around declaring wheat in something.

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sa1937 Community Regular

Grated cheese is dusted with flour and not declared because it is on, not in the cheese. That can be a tricky one. So that is one way they can get around declaring wheat in something.

No way this can be true or it would have to be declared. Anti-caking agents are used on shredded cheese to prevent sticking but they're not made from gluteny flours.

ETA: If you are concerned about this, you can buy a chunk of cheese and shred it yourself.

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Skylark Collaborator

Grated cheese is dusted with flour and not declared because it is on, not in the cheese. That can be a tricky one. So that is one way they can get around declaring wheat in something.

Please don't spread rumors like that on the board. Wheat that can trigger allergic reactions, like flour dust on cheese, has to be declared in the US or the food is mislabeled and the FDA will recall it. If you have a letter from a manufacturer stating this is true, please share.

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Skylark Collaborator

I wonder if we could get Scott to put a footnote on the natural flavors in the lists explaining what you just did, Peter?

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kareng Grand Master

Grated cheese is dusted with flour and not declared because it is on, not in the cheese. That can be a tricky one. So that is one way they can get around declaring wheat in something.

The purpose of dusting shredded cheese is to keep it from clumping & sticking together, right? Wheat flour would not work. When wheat flour get moist (from the cheese) it gets gummy.

That said, I like the home shredded cheese better. :)

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pricklypear1971 Community Regular

Cheese aside, we need to remember there are people on this board (quite a few, actually) and site who are not in the U.S. Rules are different for other countries. I assume that's why it's on the list.

Sometimes other countries have better rules, sometimes not.

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lovegrov Collaborator

Cellulose, not wheat, keeps grated cheese from clumping. Wheat would clump. It should be a relief that those worrying about this can now drop it from their list of concerns.

I agree with Peter on the natural flavors, at least in the U.S. It used to be that natural flavors could hide wheat. No longer. It COULD possibly still hide barley, but would be extremely rare.


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MerrillC1977 Apprentice

Thank you, everyone.

So would you agree that, if I live in the US, and all the label says is "Natural Flavors" (not "Malt Flavoring" or something clearly wheat related), that it's safe to eat?

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MerrillC1977 Apprentice

Also, the footnote on the Unsafe Foods list states:


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psawyer Proficient

The US law requiring wheat to be clearly disclosed is the Food Allergy Labeling and Consumer Protection Act, commonly refered to as FALCPA.

Open Original Shared Link

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

Thank you, everyone.

So would you agree that, if I live in the US, and all the label says is "Natural Flavors" (not "Malt Flavoring" or something clearly wheat related), that it's safe to eat?

Personally I never assume something is safe because my reactions are too severe. If I doubt I call the companies 800 number or will do a search for the companies product labeling practices. Some companies are very good at labeling all gluten ingredients and with them I know that there is nothing hidden in natural flavors. Kraft and Unilever are two examples of that.

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come dance with me Enthusiast

I have a little book that has numbers in it. "The Chemical Maze" is the name of it. The book shows all the numbers on the back of the pack then tells you where they come from/ what they may contain/ what reaction they may cause.

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psawyer Proficient

I have a little book that has numbers in it. "The Chemical Maze" is the name of it. The book shows all the numbers on the back of the pack then tells you where they come from/ what they may contain/ what reaction they may cause.

This poster is in Australia. Additives listed by code numbers are on labels there, and in Europe, but not in North America.

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kareng Grand Master

Also, the footnote on the Unsafe Foods list states:


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Skylark Collaborator

*** Why couldn't wheat leaves fall into this "Natural Flavors" category?

*** Finally, if I turn out to be Gluten Intolerant, and not actual Celiac Disease, could consuming "Natural Flavorings" that *do* contain wheat be okay....as they are in such small quantities?

Thanks again, to all!!

Wheat leaves??? Sorry but you gotta use a little common sense here. Hay is not used as flavoring! You can find wheat grass in supplements but it's always listed as a big, exciting ingredient, not buried in the natural flavors list. There is no gluten in wheat grass, but most of us avoid it for fear of cross-contamination since it's sprouted from wheat grains.

If you're 100% sure you're not celiac (and I don't know how anyone can be 100% sure given the false negative rate on tests), consume wheat according to your personal tolerance.

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T.H. Community Regular

Grated cheese is dusted with flour and not declared because it is on, not in the cheese.

I wonder if you might be thinking of cornstarch? I know that is often used to dust the outside of grated cheese and cheese blocks. Just got an email from Tillamook today confirming that for their cheese, actually.

If you buy a lot of local cheeses, you may want to take extra care, though.

Does FALCPA apply to local companies making local store brands?

The law applies to all food products regulated by the FDA that are required to have ingredient statements. While the FDA technically only has jurisdiction over products that are introduced into interstate commerce, it is difficult to imagine a product that is manufactured locally that would not be subject to the FDA’s jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the FDA’s broad interpretation of “interstate” commerce, it is possible that locally made foods may not be in full compliance with the FDA labeling requirements, including FALCPA. You should carefully read the ingredient statements of all foods and contact the manufacturer if you have questions. (Open Original Shared Link )

Something I've run across from a local cheese maker is beer-washed cheese. The beer is part of the aging process, not an ingredient, so the one I ran into didn't list it in the ingredient section on the label. We were lucky and happened to read the card next to the basket holding the cheese, which did mention the beer washing.

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come dance with me Enthusiast

This poster is in Australia. Additives listed by code numbers are on labels there, and in Europe, but not in North America.

Yeah sorry I'm in Australia. Is there maybe a way like that to work it out in America?

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love2travel Mentor

The purpose of dusting shredded cheese is to keep it from clumping & sticking together, right? Wheat flour would not work. When wheat flour get moist (from the cheese) it gets gummy.

That said, I like the home shredded cheese better. :)

Not only better but also cheaper! :)

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Please look at that list again, and you will see that there is a footnote, and that it is under the section: "The following items may or may not contain gluten depending on where and how they are made, and it is sometimes necessary to check with the manufacturer to find out:"

Take care,


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    • Lockgirl
      I have been using their toothpaste and some of their other products that are labeled gluten free. Sorry about that. It is so frustratingly hard to get clear answers from companies on gluten content.   
    • Beverage
      I've been using eos lip balms. I usually get it at costco. Eos has little round balms, but also stick ones like chap stick. Costco has both. They are labeled gluten free when you buy individual balms, but the combo package from costco isn't always labeled gluten-free. The company web site says they are gluten-free. I'm pretty sensitive, I use the balms all day every day, and haven't had any reactions. 
    • Beverage
      Last time i checked, Burts Bees does not label anything gluten free. They had 1 lip balm that contained gluten, and their site said their products can be made on shared equipment. 
    • cristiana
      I had rib pain, but also hip and leg pain - google sacroiliac pain, it's common in coeliacs. SI joint pain affects the hip, buttock and thigh area.  When I had it at its worst it was incredibly painful, a sort of burning sensation. If this is what your child is experiencing, she may find it helpful not to wear tight jeans or waistbands.  Any pressure around the area exacerbated the pain greatly.  Also, I am sure the lower quadrant bloating I was experiencing at the time made things a whole lot worse, that internal pressure seemed to add to the pain.   One other thing is that it is important that your daughter wears the right shoes, avoiding very flat unsupportive soles or heels, and doesn't overdo exercise that jarrs the joints.  The good news is that for me it did get much better as my gastric symptoms improved, particularly the bloating - but it did take a few months.  You may find these links helpful: https://www.spine-health.com/blog/common-triggers-si-joint-pain-and-how-prevent-flare-up#:~:text=The SI joint can become,the joint to flare-up. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19504097/ If your daughter is experiencing rib pain, that could be costochondritis.  I had that too, and a similar sort of burning.  Again, when my GI symptoms improved so did the pain.  Bloating will still kick it off from time to time. But I am glad you are having D levels checked, as low levels can contribute to joint pain.
    • Russ H
      Approximately 1 in 3 adults have neurological symptoms on diagnosis. The mechanism and pathogenesis is unknown. These normally go into remission on a strict gluten-free diet. Common symptoms are anxiety, slow thinking, 'brain fog', memory problems and headaches. Although I think I have had coeliac disease in a mild form since childhood, my symptoms suddenly became much worse in later life. Along with the gastrointestinal symptoms and fatigue, I developed a tremendous sense of doom, anxiety and paranoia. The diet can be awkward at first but becomes easier with time.
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