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Gemme Rookie

It will Help me and all other members if we share

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Adalaide Mentor

I haven't cheated because of how scary the complications of celiac can be. Sadly for me, the last time I got got was on the 13th of this month, which was two Mondays ago. Before that it had been probably 3 or 4 months. I also live in a combined family with one kitchen and while it was a heck of a learning curve there isn't any reason not to be able to stay 100% gluten free doing so. I am two things in my kitchen. First and foremost, I am paranoid. Did someone touch that? Look at it funny even? I keep everything of mine super separate. Second, I'm (to put it bluntly) anal about everything. I clean the counters, twice, with a clean cloth each time before I'll use them. Forgot to put a sticker on the shredded cheese I brought home? Well, idk if someone else touched it so I won't. Someone else opened a package of steaks? They probably washed their hands and dried them on one of the communal dish towels, I won't eat them. Yeah, I'm super anal. Yeah, I may be depriving myself of things I don't need to be. But I also don't get sick.

My recent mistake was due to eating frozen soup I had made in the spring, I didn't realize/remember during that week of hell that I had made the soup after figuring out that what was making me so sick was that someone had put a pizza stone on my cutting boards or I would have thrown it away then. So it was general stupidity this time, not anything I can really blame on someone else.

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rosetapper23 Explorer

I very rarely get glutened because I'm also extremely anal about it. You see, I suffer from Dermatitis Herpetiformis...and when I get glutened, the blistery rash lasts a nice, LONG time because I'm also on thyroid medication that contains iodine. As a result, the IgA antibody deposits stay active for a very long time, keeping the DH extremely active, too.

Anyway, my glutening occurred when I accepted a Baggie of cinnamon from my husband (from whom I'm separated) seven months ago. He said he'd bought too much, and I assumed that he'd bought it from Costco; however, it turned out that he had bought it from a bulk bin at a supermarket :( . So, after I made a nice casserole with the cinnamon that lasted me five days, I kept getting ill every day and was puzzled about why I felt as though I'd been glutened. After the DH started on the third day and kept worsening, I then realized my mistake. Too late! It's been seven months, and my DH is no better. It also caused my immune system to crash...and my breast cancer metastasized to my lymphatic system. This means I'm in Stage IV...so although my death certificate will state that I died of cancer, it was actually celiac that caused my demise. And all because of some cinnamon....

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Adalaide Mentor

I wish I could just give you a big hug. Next best thing though... internet hugs. (((((HUGS))))

Celiac kills and live is too short and too precious to waste not being diligent in the kitchen. Hopefully Gemme you'll take this to heart and realize that CC can be avoided and protect yourself. No ones life should be cut short over food. It's terribly tragic.

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Bubba's Mom Enthusiast

I very rarely get glutened because I'm also extremely anal about it. You see, I suffer from Dermatitis Herpetiformis...and when I get glutened, the blistery rash lasts a nice, LONG time because I'm also on thyroid medication that contains iodine. As a result, the IgA antibody deposits stay active for a very long time, keeping the DH extremely active, too.

Anyway, my glutening occurred when I accepted a Baggie of cinnamon from my husband (from whom I'm separated) seven months ago. He said he'd bought too much, and I assumed that he'd bought it from Costco; however, it turned out that he had bought it from a bulk bin at a supermarket :( . So, after I made a nice casserole with the cinnamon that lasted me five days, I kept getting ill every day and was puzzled about why I felt as though I'd been glutened. After the DH started on the third day and kept worsening, I then realized my mistake. Too late! It's been seven months, and my DH is no better. It also caused my immune system to crash...and my breast cancer metastasized to my lymphatic system. This means I'm in Stage IV...so although my death certificate will state that I died of cancer, it was actually celiac that caused my demise. And all because of some cinnamon....

Oh sweetie..my heart goes out to you! It's just awful that this has happened to you. I wish I could take it away from you. :(


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Gemme Rookie

I haven't cheated because of how scary the complications of celiac can be. Sadly for me, the last time I got got was on the 13th of this month, which was two Mondays ago. Before that it had been probably 3 or 4 months. I also live in a combined family with one kitchen and while it was a heck of a learning curve there isn't any reason not to be able to stay 100% gluten free doing so. I am two things in my kitchen. First and foremost, I am paranoid. Did someone touch that? Look at it funny even? I keep everything of mine super separate. Second, I'm (to put it bluntly) anal about everything. I clean the counters, twice, with a clean cloth each time before I'll use them. Forgot to put a sticker on the shredded cheese I brought home? Well, idk if someone else touched it so I won't. Someone else opened a package of steaks? They probably washed their hands and dried them on one of the communal dish towels, I won't eat them. Yeah, I'm super anal. Yeah, I may be depriving myself of things I don't need to be. But I also don't get sick.

My recent mistake was due to eating frozen soup I had made in the spring, I didn't realize/remember during that week of hell that I had made the soup after figuring out that what was making me so sick was that someone had put a pizza stone on my cutting boards or I would have thrown it away then. So it was general stupidity this time, not anything I can really blame on someone else.

Thank's for sharing

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Gemme Rookie

I wish I could just give you a big hug. Next best thing though... internet hugs. (((((HUGS))))

Celiac kills and live is too short and too precious to waste not being diligent in the kitchen. Hopefully Gemme you'll take this to heart and realize that CC can be avoided and protect yourself. No ones life should be cut short over food. It's terribly tragic.

People like you around , i will keep myself on Track. Every word in your reply has a meaning for me.

I have made a copy of this and have pasted on kitchen door..............Now they (wife,children) know i have people on my side.........ha...ha..ha..........

Thank you for yr time n reply

May i add you as a friend .

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Gemme Rookie

Oh sweetie..my heart goes out to you! It's just awful that this has happened to you. I wish I could take it away from you. :(


Reading yr answer i have tears in my eyes, after long long time i have enjoyed crying. i never thought i will find a family here . Your feelings for me are strength to move forward .

I am very much OK now and looking to start business again where i left it.

Please do remember me in yr prayers .

Thank you ....................BIG Thank you.biggrin.gif

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Gemme Rookie

I very rarely get glutened because I'm also extremely anal about it. You see, I suffer from Dermatitis Herpetiformis...and when I get glutened, the blistery rash lasts a nice, LONG time because I'm also on thyroid medication that contains iodine. As a result, the IgA antibody deposits stay active for a very long time, keeping the DH extremely active, too.

Anyway, my glutening occurred when I accepted a Baggie of cinnamon from my husband (from whom I'm separated) seven months ago. He said he'd bought too much, and I assumed that he'd bought it from Costco; however, it turned out that he had bought it from a bulk bin at a supermarket :( . So, after I made a nice casserole with the cinnamon that lasted me five days, I kept getting ill every day and was puzzled about why I felt as though I'd been glutened. After the DH started on the third day and kept worsening, I then realized my mistake. Too late! It's been seven months, and my DH is no better. It also caused my immune system to crash...and my breast cancer metastasized to my lymphatic system. This means I'm in Stage IV...so although my death certificate will state that I died of cancer, it was actually celiac that caused my demise. And all because of some cinnamon....

This is the second most difficult reply or letter I have to pen down, first was long time back in 1976.

Your reply was with me all day and night and I do not know how and what to write you, I thought I am the only one on this ill-fated train of life. Before reading yr reply I always asked myself……………why me ? and since yesterday it is like , why me , why you …………..why us.

They say, The treatment is really a cooperative of atrinity--the patient, the doctor and the inner doctor.

-- Ralph Bircher

My prayers and wishes are there for you for your speedy recovery.

Good Luck

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stephaniesherie Newbie

What a sweet thread.

It sound to me like it takes educating our family members just as much as ourselves.

The more others RESPECT the gluten-free lifestyle, the easier it will be for everyone.

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Persei V. Enthusiast

I cheated. I bought peanut butter. The first tube didn't cause me anything. But I noticed the second gave me the funkies in the stomach.

I thought it was temporary and ate yet another spoon full of it yesterday.

My guess was wrong. <_<

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kareng Grand Master

I cheated. I bought peanut butter. The first tube

didn't cause me anything. But I noticed the second gave me the funkies in the stomach.

I thought it was temporary and ate yet another spoon full of it yesterday.

My guess was wrong. <_<

I'm not sure where you live, but I have never seen a PB with gluten in it.

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Adalaide Mentor

I have also never seen peanut butter with gluten in it.

Amendment. I have never seen peanut butter that comes home from the store with gluten in it.

While I suppose it's possible some off brand or another I've never seen may be susceptible to CC, it is a naturally gluten free food. Yay!!! (I still advocate reading every label, every time, and calling every manufacturer about manufacturing processes.) The key is that it is never okay to share peanut butter with evil doers... um... I mean gluten eaters in your house. Well, with gluten eaters anywhere really but I suspect the ones we live with are the problematic ones. The really cool thing about this is you can put your name all over a jar (or in my case my special stickers) and then double dip all you want and no one can complain because they can't be using it anyway. Hah!!!

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Adalaide Mentor

By the way Gemme... too late I friended you first. Neener neener neener :P

I hope that your family will take those words to heart. We should all cherish those we love and do what we can to protect them.

I didn't say this before but I like the idea of sharing how we got gotten. Not to whine and moan about it, but because it can help others avoid the same mistakes. I did something stupid and idiotic. I even wondered to myself as I pulled that soup out if I had been anal enough in the kitchen when I made it that I would trust me from then. I suppose I shouldn't have!

If we're all perfectly honest, most of us wouldn't trust each other. There are a few veterans around here I'd trust with my life to cook for me, but other than that I don't know any of you from Adam. I wouldn't expect any of you to let me cook for you either. Heck, I wouldn't trust my best friend to microwave a bag of popcorn for me. (I'm seriously not kidding.)

I eye everything with suspicion. My MIL (that's who I share a house with) opened a package of ground beef, I wouldn't eat the other half. She doesn't understand CC. I don't know what she touched. She got PISSED. She was like "I didn't touch it with bread or anything!" You didn't have to. All you had to do was wash your dishes, wring out your dish cloth, then dry your hands on your dish towel while still covered in only god knows how much gluten. Now next time you dry your hands you're covering yourself with gluten and BAM I get sick from eating that beef. Pass.

I eye small children with suspicion. Toddlers spend their days walking around with Cheerios and pretzels. Then they get their little hands washed but keep putting them in their gluten contaminated mouth and touching everything. Not me! No thanks! No, I do not want to hold your gluten eating baby. No I won't pick up your gluten eating toddler's toy they dropped until I've fished a tissue out of my purse. Sure, they're cute and all and maybe I'm too anal but they're CC nightmares. I'm scared to death of children. There. I said it. I am afraid of small gluten eating children who put their hands in their mouths.

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Persei V. Enthusiast

So I have to mark my territory. :lol: I already stopped sharing the butter butter because people in my house threw bread crumbs in it... Whoever touched the peanut butter will suffer my wrath, then.

It's an almost full tube, though.

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nvsmom Community Regular

Rosetapper23 (((HUGS))) Best wishes to you.

I was last glutened about a month and a bit ago when I ordered a daiquiri and cedar planked salmon with roasted carrots and potatoes with a side greek salad from the gluten-free menu from a supposedly gluten-free savy restaurant. I have no idea what was cc'd but something got me good and it took about 2 weeks to feel really well again.

Before that was a supposedly gluten-free beer. I didn't read the label past "gluten-free" until I started to get a stomach ache. then i noticed that it was started from barley but they somehow removed the gluten to less than 3 ppm. I guess 3 parts per million is too much for me or they didn't do as good a job as they thought. LOL

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pricklypear1971 Community Regular

Rosetapper23 (((HUGS))) Best wishes to you.

I was last glutened about a month and a bit ago when I ordered a daiquiri and cedar planked salmon with roasted carrots and potatoes with a side greek salad from the gluten-free menu from a supposedly gluten-free savy restaurant. I have no idea what was cc'd but something got me good and it took about 2 weeks to feel really well again.

Before that was a supposedly gluten-free beer. I didn't read the label past "gluten-free" until I started to get a stomach ache. then i noticed that it was started from barley but they somehow removed the gluten to less than 3 ppm. I guess 3 parts per million is too much for me or they didn't do as good a job as they thought. LOL

Yeah, the barley gluten-free beers are controversial. If I remember correctly, the testing they use isn't as specific for barley gluten as wheat gluten...so there's always a chance you're getting quite a bit of gluten. There are lots of threads on here about that testing and beer. Search for them and see if I remembered that correctly.

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bartfull Rising Star

RoseTapper, my heart and prayers go out to you. When my dear friend Kelly went through this, I kept looking for my magic wand that I seem to have misplaced. I wish I could find it so I could help you. Please know that not only are your family and friends with you, but your online friends as well. ((((((HUGS))))))

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lucky28 Explorer

Ah, the last time I was glutened was 2 days ago. Still suffering; D has quieted down but still have cramps (especially after eating!), tired and irritable! It was my own stupidity. Pressured into going out to eat somewhere with visiting parents (who are in their 80's and clueless about cc). After trying, again, to explain it I gave up. I was already exhausted, had the absolute worst day at work and was starving-I was really in just a weak state of mind. Even though I ordered a steak (no seasoning) and baked potato, I'm sure that the steak was cc at this steakhouse. Within 30-45 minutes my tummy hurt and bloated like I was 7months pregnant. I awoke @5am running for the bathroom-7 trips later (before 10am) it started to subside.

I already visit them less, cause they just don't get it (and are pretty hard headed LOL). Next time I will just go with them and order a glass of wine and tell them I ate at work! (then go to the restroom and gobble down a larabar! LOL)

I don't know how long I'm going to feel like crap- any other glutening incidences were sneaky accidents so it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I guess I'll use this as a learning experience.

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Adalaide Mentor

OMG you're hilarious. I just imagine someone running around your kitchen with a bag full of bread crumbs throwing them in the air and prancing around. Opening jars and flinging some in.

The wrath... may it be swift and without mercy.

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Adalaide Mentor

My guess nvsmom with that fish would actually be the cedar plank. If the restaurant also prepared gluten contained things on the cedar it would be all sorts of gluteny. No matter how much you scrub and how much you clean, there is no getting the gluten out of wood. Of course, this is all just me guessing also. It could very well have been something else entirely but I'd be way too scared to go near something "planked."

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mbrookes Community Regular

What kind of peanut butter comes in a tube? Sounds like a cool idea; I've just never heard of it.

My last glutening was my fault. I love Abe's Barbeque in Clarksdale,MS. Last time I had a chance to go, I thought I would be really smart. I took my own Udi's bun and ordered pulled pork and slaw. Standing at the counter to pay (after eating my delicious sandwhich), I saw them heating the pork AND the buns on the same flattop grill. AAAARRRGGGGG. Yep, I have had the bad D for a week now.

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Persei V. Enthusiast

OMG you're hilarious. I just imagine someone running around your kitchen with a bag full of bread crumbs throwing them in the air and prancing around. Opening jars and flinging some in.

The wrath... may it be swift and without mercy.

That's how I think they do it. So many bread crumbs *rages*

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tctwhite Apprentice

I glutened myself Friday and I knew it would happen. I made the glutens of the house a loaf of homemade bread. Either the inhaling of the flours, the residue of the flours on my lips, or cc'ing myself by touching things I shouldn't after making the dough is what got me. After reading so much on here about cc and the best ways not to gluten yourself, I should have known better. DH knows that loaf of bread was "expensive" for me and there will not be another one made by me. He is also eating that loaf very sparingly :)

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Gemme Rookie

What a sweet thread.

It sound to me like it takes educating our family members just as much as ourselves.

The more others RESPECT the gluten-free lifestyle, the easier it will be for everyone.

Teaching is a two way traffic, i hope you understand my point...........

It should be as you say but..................

I tried but,................. no luck , in a society where Doctors are not updated with Celiac , how come Ordinary people can sail with updated knowledge.

My whole family is Celiac 3 children, wife.....................but they don't listen...........

I feel lucky being here and everyday i learn something new

Thank you for yr reply n time

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    • RMJ
      I don’t know what sort of labeling TJs does for gluten free.  In general, if a company labels some products gluten free, then has a product not labeled gluten free, I would be very cautious with that product.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Tracey Thomas! Can you be more specific about the the blood test that was done for celiac disease? There isn't just one that can be run so it would be helpful to know which one or which ones were run to get an idea if others should have been run that weren't. Here is an article to help you understand what I'm talking about:  In order for celiac disease testing to be valid you must be eating significant amounts of gluten containing foods for weeks up to the time of testing. Often, people who suspect they may have celiac disease will experiment ahead of testing with the gluten free diet or at least cutting back significantly on their gluten intake. By so doing, they sabotage the testing. A person should be consuming at least 10g of gluten (the amount found in approximately 4-6 slices of bread) daily for several weeks leading up to the day of testing. Also, if a person has certain medical conditions such as anemia and diabetes or if they are IGA deficient (see the article I linked) it can skew the IGA blood tests down toward the negative range. It's really important that a "total IGA" test be ordered to check for IGA deficiency but many physicians neglect to do this.    
    • Tracey Thomas
      Also I had low b12 but my blood test came back normal for celiac not sure if it was because I didn’t eat anything at that time. 
    • Tracey Thomas
      Hi, I’m recently new to the celeiac disease. I’m still going through testing. I’ve had major pain in stomach for years off and on like stabbing fold you over can’t move type pain. I assumed it was gas pains but had a lot of that too. Now after going back and forth to doctor for 2 years with same symptoms just new ones were added every time. Very fatigued muscle weakness felt like my legs could collapse. I’d sleep all night thinking I was good. I’m always so tired as if I had no sleep. Terrible headaches joint pain numbness and tingling in fingers. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have circulation problems and Renards disease hands and feet stay cold. Now 5 weeks ago I woke up with a rash on hip that itch so bad it was red purplish bumps I thought was shingles went to doctor several times they told me it wasn’t shingles but gave me a steroid and a cream it didn’t really help I started getting more on my elbows all down both sides my chest and sides of breast’s needless to say I was going crazy it hurt it felt like it was stinging and itching so bad. I went to emergency room had low grade fevers and blood pressure was up never had that issue I also have major brain fog through all this is all of a sudden feel dizzy like it come and go quick. With the dizziness. So doctor in emergency room ask have I ever been sent to a rheumatologist. I haven’t. So they referred me to dermatologist and dermatologist did 3 biopsies and was suspecting dermatitis herpetformis . A reaction to celeiac disease. Doctor put me on another round of steroids for 10 days and gave me something to help me sleep and a cream to help the itching. It started to help still after 4 weeks I have places that are still there but fading. I’m currently out of steroids and I ate brownie and woke up with sore throat so tired neck was hurting itching hairline had bumps and back of neck ate blue bells new chocolate ice cream with brownie and truffles in it absolutely delicious but 5 minutes after my throat felt like it was closing up had severe itching and bumps on front of neck and elbows and arms and under breast. Pain in stomach felt nauseous. So I go back Tuesday for final results of biopsies from dermatology. They don’t want me to change anything until testing is over but I’m so miserable. 
    • glucel
      Trader joe stocks a potato chip simply that is made with potato, olive oil and sea salt but is not stated as gluten-free.. Many chip bags state gluten free but this one does not.  Of interest, I raised the point of cross contamination to my gastro doc and he just waived it off said don't worry about it but being a newly diagnosed celiac {4 months} I am being cautious. So I would like to hear some opinions from fellow celiacs. I admit that I have already eaten one bag of these thinking they were gluten-free and had no reaction that I knew of.
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