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Restless Legs

Lady Eowyn

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice

Having been undiagnosed for many years have had plenty of time to become aware of symptoms and can usually relate to just about every post on here!

Wanted to mention that I get bouts of restless legs (mainly right leg actually) but also a general restlessness.

I'm pretty sure that it's gluten related (response on the day) and restless by evening.

Have struggled this summer (well all along really - since gluten free 2011) with cc and am super sensitive. I get the impression that lots of foods are like just too complicated for my outraged system to manage. Can't eat any processed food, rice ( :( ) or potatoes.

Have gone back to basics lately, but for the last week have suffered restless legs each evening. Have had it in the past as well and have also associated it with low iron.

Anyone else had this ? or any suggestions please.

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Pegleg84 Collaborator

Hi Eowyn

I get restless leg too, usually at night and yes, usually if I've been glutened (though sometimes alcohol related), though also feel slightly twitchy sometimes during the day if I've eaten something I shouldn't have. I also have problems processing anything too "complicated", like brown rice and quinoa, and can't do dairy or soy.

Restless Leg Sydrome is common with Celiac, so you're not alone there. Hopefully it will get better as you heal and you figure out what your gut can handle.

As for what to do about the restlessness (especially those painful spasms!), they say to keep hydrated. Hopefully someone else can chime in with other suggestions.



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Lady Eowyn Apprentice

Aahaa! Dehydration - get that too, although I drink plenty of water.

Another of my gluten signs - terrific thirst. Also I think gluten (and soy) make me sweat, as in big hot flushes that can last an hour, so I try to keep drinking. Hadn't thought of that with the restless legs but will start on the water to see if that helps.

Am in denial over dairy - although only have milk in coffee. Have reaction with cheese and cream but can live without them, so no problem.

It's all inconvenient - moan, moan, moan. Sorry - just having a moan :wacko: !

Thanks for the reply Peg - that twitchy in the day - know that too.

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Pegleg84 Collaborator

I was in dairy denial for a long time before I bit the bullet and cut it out. I miss cheese like crazy though.

Resless leg is also aggravated by stress (er, gluten causes that too) and low iron (that too!), so yeah, Celiacs are more prone to have problems with it.

So, stay away from the evil gluten, try to cut out milk as much as possible (almond milk is delicious in coffee and cereal), and hope you feel better


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love2travel Mentor

My chronic pain doctor put me on a high dose of Magnesium Glucinate (1200 mg daily). It really helps with my RLS (and I have tried many things). Be careful if you start taking Magnesium as it can cause diarrhea until you are used to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Jeanah64 Newbie

My doctor put me on ropinerol ,which is a generic for requip. This really helps me ! I hav rls so bad I need to take the medicine on long car rides.

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tarnalberry Community Regular

I also was on meds for RLS for a while. Part of it appears to have been caused by low iron stores - not anemic, but something my body needed fixing. It was bad and was significantly affecting my sleep and contributing to fibromyalgia, so the meds were really very helpful for me. I've been fortunate that, after going off them to have my daughter, I haven't needed to go back on them. But I'm also no longer working the stressful job that I have, and that has really made a significant difference in my health too.

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JDThornton Newbie

Calcium is a natural muscle relaxant, and when we cut out dairy, we tend to not get enough. Do you take a non-dairy calcium supplement? It might help.

I have RLS too, and sometimes if it's really bad I have a little valerian tea; it tastes horrible, but I mix it with peppermint and chamomile or catnip, which are also relaxants. Helps a lot, and I sleep like a log. But you have to have 8 hours of sleep at least when using valerian (I think it does come in pill form, but I like natural herbs, so I've never tried it).

Good luck!

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice


Thanks for the replies.

Have thought about low calcium before as I believe it can trouble celiacs. The small amount of milk in coffee is probably completely cancelled out by the caffeine anyway!!

Have always had issues with taking vitamin/mineral supplements (they make me ill in varying ways) although in the past they may of course, had gluten in them. I take a Vitamin D tab now each day with no problem - amazing for me!

About three years ago I took calcium tabs each day for about two weeks (I think) but ended up at docs with constant stomach pain (lower right) and was sent to hosp with suspected appendicitis. Tests found nothing but pain was terrible (and of course, they fed me toast :wacko: ). When I got home, I took loads of laxatives and solved the problem - I think it was a version of constipation. Luckily, not had it since but would be very cautious about taking calcium supplements again. Would like to point out that this was pre-gluten-free!!! Would also point out that I still suffer constipation but not the same as above.

Last week have bought a yoghurt maker and am making the scd diet 24 hour yoghurt which apparently uses up all the lactose and is full of good bacteria. Have eaten two small amounts so far with no problem so I am hoping this will be fine for me and healthy!

Am still getting the restlessness - body sort of not at ease and comfortable - so I think I will have to resort to the iron tabs again aswell.

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    • CeeBee1807
      Thank you, I will have a read through through this.    No not insulted at all, you are completely correct.  It has always been this way to an extent with regards to reluctance in ordering further tests, but with current pressures it seems more difficult than ever. There are not enough GP appointments and I’m aware they are seeing more patients than ever. It’s difficult to explain all symptoms and go through history in 10 minutes, so I can see why we are where we are but, equally frustrating as I believe delving a little deeper could have possibly helped, a lot sooner.    I really appreciate all the information on which tests I should be asking for, I think it won’t be as easy to brush me off if I’m confident in what I’m asking for. Hopefully I get a positive response. 
    • Wormsy22
      Sorry....I realized I did it wrong after hitting submit...and I ressubmitted to Knitty.  Getting used to this interface....but thanks for the followup.  You've built a nice community here.  I've gotten more useful information in 24 hrs for free than I have in the past 12 mos for thousands of dollars. Now I'm hopeful some of it helps me   TV
    • Scott Adams
      I think you may be confusing me here with @knitty kitty, however, I also take B1, and in my signature block is a link to my supplementation.
    • Wormsy22
    • trents
      CeeBee, you might find this interesting and even share it with your doctors: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7868701/ I hope you aren't insulted by this comment, but I have gotten the definite impression from following many postings on this forum that your healthcare system there in the UK is rather inflexible when it comes to ordering diagnostic testing and the patients seem to have little room for input. In part at least, this may be due to the system being overly stressed. When checking for celiac disease, many doctors in the UK will only order the TTG-IGA blood antibody test. Ideally, a more complete celiac antibody panel would be ordered which would include: Total IGA TTG-IGA DGP-IGA TTG-IGG DGP-IGG At bare minimum, at least the first two should be ordered. Please consider talking to your physician about this.  
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