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Got Problems With Sugar Too!

Lady Eowyn

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice

Hi all

Anyone get probs with sugar and symptoms.

It's not really coming as any suprise to me but I can't have sugar either.

I don't take sugar in drinks, etc - my only weakness is choc :ph34r: which I mainly avoid because of the soy. Have just been reading the soy posts and have to add more symptoms which I suspect are from the sugar.

Rapid heartbeat (got to be from sugar)! followed by chest pain on exercise (angina type but not severe) and sort of laboured breathing - kind of heavy. Add to this a sense of stressiness (new word).

The laboured breathing is while sitting still but worse with exercise.

I do not get these symptoms normally - I have had a bag of Minstrels about an hour ago - supposed to be gluten free but I have a deep suspicion of all 'gluten free' products that are out there generally (as opposed to specifically produced). Can't eat them either, so G knows why I ate the above :ph34r: .

I'm rambling - possibly another symptom ???

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice

Answering my own posts now - just starting a headache :wacko: .

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1desperateladysaved Proficient

I have hypo glycemia I have known for years, and am used to avoiding sugar. If I have sugar my bladder is irritated the next day. It probably causes fatigue also, but I have never thought about it or tried it alone.

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ndw3363 Contributor

I have the bladder issue with sugar too. About 20-30 min after eating sugar, my face (on the sides of my nose) gets bright red and starts to sting a little. Then my scalp starts to flake and itch like crazy. Usually followed by headache the next day (base of skull) and fatigue.

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dilettantesteph Collaborator

I can't eat processed sugar either. I don't have problem with sugar beets or a certain brand of honey, so I can still get a bit of a sweet fix. I was wondering if it is something about the processing or the sugar itself so I grew hardy sugar cane. I got so little sugar out of it that I still don't know, but it is a nice ornamental grass for my garden.

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice

In what way is your bladder irritated - if that isn't a stupid question?

This is the end of the line with me for sugar - I have been following a paleo/scd type diet for about a week quite strictly so eating that choc made the symptoms very clear for me. It's no good, I just can't eat it - no real surprise actually. I think I'm a particularly slow learner :unsure: . Luckily, I don't generally have sugar things.

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ButterflyChaser Enthusiast

In my case, both sugar and soy do the same. As a chocoholic, this was a trauma. But you may want to try either hot chocolate (made with real cocoa and whatever dairy/non-dairy milk you choose), or a high percentage chocolate, like those by Domori or the Lindt 99% (I like that stuff because it does not have the acidity that sometimes is tied to excess sugar). Ever since getting back on extra-dark chocolate, tasting sugary chocolate has suddenly become unsatisfying and disappointing.

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GottaSki Mentor

I can do agave or honey -- others avoid agave.

I make a yummy chocolate mousse regularly - it is my go to sweet fix

Cocoa, Coconut Oil, Almond Milk, Almond Butter, Agave and a touch of vanilla in the blender.

I've been playing with the measurements for about a month - the almond milk is a recent addition and really made it creamy.

For those that are really intolerant of processed items like me -- I make the almond milk with just water and without the straining step for use in mousse and some other recipes -- saves a lot of work.

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JNBunnie1 Community Regular

I have been grain free for a couple weeks now, and before that was 95% sugar free.

I do occasionally use honey with no repercussions. My sugar issues are very direct-

I eat sugar, and the lymph glands in my neck swell up the next day like they do with

the first day of a cold, and I get very fatigued. Sugar definitely affects the immune

system. I will be grain free for a while, trying to control stress induced inflammation

right now, but will give quinoa and rice a shot in a couple of months. When I just can't

take it anymore with the no sweets, I'll either fry up some diced apples in butter and

add a bunch of cinnamon and nutmeg, or sometimes I'll make hot cocoa with milk,

honey, cocoa, maple syrup, and cinnamon and nutmeg. Probably only add a spoonful

each of honey and maple syrup. And maybe some half n half... :ph34r:

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ncdave Apprentice

If you do try chocolate again, try the enjoy life brand. The mega chunks are great an much cheaper than the candy bars. It"s the only chocolate i can eat without getting sick. It"s gluten,soy,dairy,nut free. I admitt i eat it by the bag fulls :D

You"ll likely have to get it at your local health food store or coop

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  • 2 weeks later...
mamaupupup Contributor

...I hate to be a worry-wort, but a lot of what you described can also be SERIOUS heart issues! I just had a family member die (young) from a heart attack and a year ago a friend's brother died of a heart attack...in memory of two who lost their lives to bad hearts, I wish, wish, wish you would rule out any possible heart issues :)

Thinking of you (and hoping it's just that annoying sugar!)!

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    • trents
      I might suggest taking a bullet list with concisely worded symptoms and test requests when you go for your next appointment.
    • CeeBee1807
      Thank you, I will have a read through through this.    No not insulted at all, you are completely correct.  It has always been this way to an extent with regards to reluctance in ordering further tests, but with current pressures it seems more difficult than ever. There are not enough GP appointments and I’m aware they are seeing more patients than ever. It’s difficult to explain all symptoms and go through history in 10 minutes, so I can see why we are where we are but, equally frustrating as I believe delving a little deeper could have possibly helped, a lot sooner.    I really appreciate all the information on which tests I should be asking for, I think it won’t be as easy to brush me off if I’m confident in what I’m asking for. Hopefully I get a positive response. 
    • Wormsy22
      Sorry....I realized I did it wrong after hitting submit...and I ressubmitted to Knitty.  Getting used to this interface....but thanks for the followup.  You've built a nice community here.  I've gotten more useful information in 24 hrs for free than I have in the past 12 mos for thousands of dollars. Now I'm hopeful some of it helps me   TV
    • Scott Adams
      I think you may be confusing me here with @knitty kitty, however, I also take B1, and in my signature block is a link to my supplementation.
    • Wormsy22
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