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If You Could Eat Whatever You Wanted And


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rmmadden Contributor

I'm watching the Food Network the other night and they were doing a show all about Donuts. Boy, talk about hitting below the belt! it was real hard to sit there and watch all those Krispy Kreme Donuts and think I may never enjoy them again :(

So it got me to thinking (Can you smell the smoke?).......What if you were granted a wish and could eat whatever you wanted for one day with no side effects? What would your top three choices be?

Here's mine:

(1) Little Debbie Nutty Bars (Sniffle, Sniffle)

(2) Giradanno's Deep Deep Pizza from Chicago (And Don't Forget The Beer!)

(3) Double Stuff Oreo's & A Glass of Ice-Cold Whole Milk to dunk them into.

Let's hope this miracle gluten-free pill that is rumored to be in the works become a reality so we can go back to enjoying some old favorites.

Thanks For Playing!

Cleveland Bob B)

P.S. GO TRIBE!!!!!!!!

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frenchiemama Collaborator

1) thick crust pizza with sausage, mushrooms and extra cheese

2) crab rangoons

3) beer

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Carriefaith Enthusiast

hmmmm... my list will include gluten and dairy since I can't have either ;)

(1) Pizza Delight pizza

(2) British Korma Curry - from a restaurant (Churchill Arms) I used to eat at A LOT, I didn't check on this yet, but I'm pretty sure it would have gluten or dairy in it).

(3) Donairs

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skoki-mom Explorer

I only get to pick 3???????? Hmmmmmmmmm...........

1) A hamburger at Peter's Drive-In

2) My mom's home-made dinner buns

3) Turkey with real bread stuffing and full flour gravy!

That was just the main course, lol.....dessert now.......

1) Home made chocolate cake, my Grandma's recipe

2) Smarties!!! And I will eat the red ones last!

3)Sugar cookie dough

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jams Explorer


1) Papa Murphy's Garlic Chicken pizza

2) Milk and cookies

3) One last Fish Fry with potato pancakes

That was hard!! :rolleyes:

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frenchiemama Collaborator

Mmmmmm.......fish fry and sugar cookie dough (not together of course). I forgot about those things. Now if you'll please excuse me while I go weep in the corner.

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skoki-mom Explorer
Mmmmmm.......fish fry and sugar cookie dough (not together of course). I forgot about those things.  Now if you'll please excuse me while I go weep in the corner.


Awww ((hugs)), I know just how you feel. I think sugar cookie dough is the best cookie dough on the planet! I will probably have to make sugar cookies at Christmas cuz my kids love them. It will be torture! If I'm gonna have a weak moment and cheat, the sugar cookie dough will do me in! The fish fry I can live without, lol, never did like fish!

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frenchiemama Collaborator

I wonder if my mom can make some kind of decent gluten-free sugar cookie dough. She made a really good gluten-free poppyseed cake for me (tasted just like the real thing), maybe she can do it.

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Lisa Mentor

I am kinda the strange one here. I have NEVER likes pasta, beer nor bread so going gluten free for me is not so bad (other than the weird ingred. you have to read at the grocery store) I guess my body was telling me something all along.

I do crave a McD's Double Cheeseburger and Fried Chicken (which I have not tried with gluten-free Flour yet).

Necco's carry me through the "pitty parties".

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fisharefriendsnotfood Apprentice

Well, I've been gluten-free since I was two years old so I don't even know what gluten and "regular" food tastes like. I guess that's good because I don't get cravings for gluten food.

But, I would try:

1) A big, fat doughy bagel like the ones that my family eats every weekend that smell SOOOO GOOD

2) Mr. Noodles Soup

3) A real hamburger

Just because I'm curious about what these things taste like.


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KaitiUSA Enthusiast
I only get to pick 3???????? Hmmmmmmmmm...........

1) A hamburger at Peter's Drive-In

2) My mom's home-made dinner buns

3) Turkey with real bread stuffing and full flour gravy!

That was just the main course, lol.....dessert now.......

1) Home made chocolate cake, my Grandma's recipe

2) Smarties!!!  And I will eat the red ones last!

3)Sugar cookie dough


I believe Smarties are gluten free...they are a Nestle product aren't they? That's one of those brands that won't hide anything on labels and I think they are safe...I need to check the label again to make sure.

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skoki-mom Explorer
I believe Smarties are gluten free...they are a Nestle product aren't they? That's one of those brands that won't hide anything on labels and I think they are safe...I need to check the label again to make sure.


Smarties in Canada are not gluten-free. It states wheat flour clearly right on the box. Smarteis are a totally different candy here, candy coated chocolates similar to M&M's only better, lol.

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KaitiUSA Enthusiast

That makes sense then....I was wondering what you were talking about because Smarties here are gluten free to my knowledge. Just comes to show how different countries are so different.

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bmorrow Rookie

I would love to have the following:

(1) Pizza from Alligator Ray's!

(2) Fried chicken

(3) Chocolate Fudge cheescake and Cherry Black Forest Cake

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laurelfla Enthusiast

*sniff, sniff*

beer, bagels, pizza

plus my mom's sourdough bread.


i was the Bread Queen!!!!

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tarnalberry Community Regular

1) veggie pizza ('cause I can't have the cheese either)

2) sourdough bread

3) oatmeal

But I wouldn't rely on a pill anyway, so those are all in the "permenantly delete" pile. :-(

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hez Enthusiast

1-Being able to order whatever I want at a resturant without having to explain a thing!

2-Sourdough bread


I had to think real hard on the last one. I think that is a good sign!


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quantumsugar Apprentice

1) Fresh bread

2) Carrot cake

3) Guiness

I loved my simple-white-wheaty carbs...

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bratcat Apprentice




Oh Lord,I could eat biscuits all day.

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Guest Viola

Going into a Chinese restaurant and have a little of everything in the buffet without giving one thought to what might be in it :P

Ordering apple pie alla-mode with coffee when travelling.

Going to a group dinner without having the "what's in it" conversation. :rolleyes:

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PicturePerfect Explorer

1. ANYTHING from a restaurant!!!!!!!

2. Cookies!! I was the cookie queen of the house.. if I could, I would have eaten the whole box!!! :P

3. Apple Pie- my favorite dessert :(

4. PIZZA!!! -I can't stand watching my family eat pizza!

Sorry, I had to include pizza! :D Ooooh! and

5. Taco Bell

<_< I hate that we can't have ANYTHING - ugghh their burritos were SOO yummy!!

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KarenCM Rookie

1. Spaetzels, I have been craving them a lot lately

2. Silver Dragon Chinese food

3. Almond Puff, my Mom makes this amazing dessert for special occasions she made it recently and of course I couldn't have any but she let me have a taste of the icing before putting it on the Almond Puff and to my surprise that tasted almost like eating it to me amazing.


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beelzebubble Contributor

1. spanikopita

2. b & J chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

3. grape nuts

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pixiegirl Enthusiast



sourdough bread

:P , Susan

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morrigan Newbie

Chinese Buffet

Sweets-Cookies, cake etc.

Pizza - all kinds, any kind

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    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @glucel, I lost sixty pounds in six weeks.  It was shocking.  Fat loss as well as muscle wasting.   Thiamine is needed to turn carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.  With insufficient Thiamine, the body uses a shortcut to save thiamine.  The body stores carbohydrates as fat, and later burns the stored fat for energy, a process which uses less thiamine.  Unfortunately, this leads to fatty weight gain seen in obesity, NAFLD, POTS, and metabolic syndrome.  With a diet high in carbohydrates, but low in Thiamine, High Calorie Malnutrition is the result.  The more carbohydrates you eat, the more Thiamine is needed.   One of the most important concepts to keep in mind about Thiamine is that high doses are required to correct Thiamine deficiency disorders.  The body responds amazingly when high doses of Thiamine are taken.  There are changes seen in high dose Thiamine not seen at lower doses.  The best results are obtained by taking more than 500 mg/day of Thiamine Hydrochloride or Benfotiamine.   I had taken a multivitamin for years, but it wasn't until I started taking high dose Thiamine that improvements were seen.  More than 100 mgs are needed.  I took 300 mg of Benfotiamine with each meal.  Our bodies can absorb about 300 mgs every three hours.   If all the extra energy keeps you awake at bedtime, take the last dose in the early afternoon. Thiamine supplementation should be continued for three months minimum.  Subtle health improvements continue to surface with continued thiamine supplimentation.   Thiamine interacts with all the B vitamins, so taking a B Complex in addition is important.  Thiamine needs magnesium to make enzymes, so take a magnesium supplement as well.  (Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium chelate, or Magnesium Threonate are great.  Avoid magnesium oxide as it pulls water into the intestines, relieving constipation, but is not absorbed well.) Dr. Derrick Lonsdale and Dr. Chandler Marrs on their website hormonesmatter.com have been sharing information about Thiamine for years.     Cheers to you for eating liver!  My favorite food!   Do keep us posted on your progress!  I'm excited to hear about your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
    • glucel
      OK maybe I will look at future blood test just for historical changes. I am taking b vitamins as I mentioned in my other post to you. Definitely interested in Benfotiaminefor intestinal issues. However I already seem to be feeling some improvement in diverticulosis. Constipation gone but I think that resuming glucosamine may have something to do with that as well as general healing. Beans are antagonizing for me but I eat them anyway every few days in the form of pasta as well as baked beans. gluten-free for 4.5 months so still experimenting. Thanks for the info.
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