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Potential Gluten Reaction: Enlarged Spleen


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researchmomma Contributor

Hi, my daughter's reactions to being glutened seem to be getting more severe. We are very strict and cautious but we travelled recently and I left her for one hour with my relatives and she got glutened. She is 13 years old and when she is exposed now, she gets horrible stabbing pain in her side near her appendix which is her mesenteric lymph nodes as evidenced by CT. This is how we know she gets glutened and then come all the other symptoms: constipation, lethargy, paleness, overall malaise. LIke she has the flu.

This time, it was bad. She had the stabbing pain and now her abdomen and back (bilateral flank pain) occurred.

She is being tested for mono (UTI and kidney infection ruled out) and we should have the results. However, I don't think it is mono. She tested positive for strep (maybe that could cause the enlarged spleen?).

Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else has a glutening response of enlarged spleen. It seems pretty out there but thought I would ask.


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nvsmom Community Regular

I had an enlarged spleen only once (that I know of) and that was when I developed ITP (thrombocytopenia). If she has that, her blood and platelet counts will be low because the spleen is destroying platelets... it's a rare disorder and unlikely but if she is at anemic it could be something to give a quick look at.

I hope she feels better soon... Poor kid.

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researchmomma Contributor

I had an enlarged spleen only once (that I know of) and that was when I developed ITP (thrombocytopenia). If she has that, her blood and platelet counts will be low because the spleen is destroying platelets... it's a rare disorder and unlikely but if she is at anemic it could be something to give a quick look at.

I hope she feels better soon... Poor kid.

Thank you for replying. The mono was negative but her Free T4 is low. More testing. Thanks again. I don't think that swollen spleen is from gluten. I think it has something to do with whatever she is fighting. I hope.

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Findin my way Rookie

nvsmom beat me to it. I too had ITP and only got an enlarged spleen then. I used to get really sick when my platelets were low. I would start with a tickly throat and then 3 hours later have a fever of 104F, without fail! If she's fighting something that is even mono-esque ask what her platelet count was/is at.

I can't say that my spleen gets enlarged now after a glutening as I don't have one. I definitely get inflammation in other areas when glutened though.

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nvsmom Community Regular

I missed the strep test mention there... when I was a kid I tested positive for strep every day of my childhood; if they tested it, it was positive and they had me on antibiotics for a full year... and then I still tested positive. I mention it as a warning that if she doesn't have strep symptoms (which I usually didn't) then she might not need antibiotics for it.

Is your doctor testing TSH, Free T3, and TPO Ab as well? Hypothyroidism (even subclinical when the TSH is within range but high and FT4 and 3 are low normal) can make you feel pretty slow and weak. I often described myself as a sluggish too... you feel very "blah". I felt poorly when my TSH was above a 3.

Best wishes.

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    • trents
      But here's the thing. As long as the product in question tests out at less than 10ppm of gluten then the company can legitimately advertise it as certified gluten free according to GFCO standards. Here they claim their products have "No Gluten": https://www.kachava.com/ingredients . I suppose you could quibble with them over the verbiage that "No Gluten" is not the same as "Certified Gluten Free". 
    • rio
      Thanks so much for this post. I was actually thinking of purchasing it as they do advertise it as gluten-free on their website. But, I clearly had not scrutinized the label closely enough!
    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
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