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Gypsy Jane

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Gypsy Jane Newbie

Hi all

I am currently managing a gluten free diet and weight loss and am enjoying protein shakes in the mornings to kick start my metabolism. A while ago I had found a recipe to make low calorie chocolate cookies out of the protein shake mixture and they were delicious and a good low calorie treat. I am currently loving my strawberry flavored protein shake and am wondering if anyone has any recipes for low calorie desserts that can be made with the strawberry flavoring? Recipes for other flavors are also most welcome. A word of caution to those that are new to protein shakes you have to be careful to check ingredients as a lot are not gluten free.

Thanks all for your contributions. I am loving reading the wealth of knowledge in the forums and have only recently signed up.

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gatita Enthusiast

Hi! I always prefer the vanilla shakes because I can add whatever flavors I want -- I have a cupboard full of extracts like, vanilla, orange, coconut, almond, etc. I drank a lot of these when I lost weight around five years ago.

I used to make a quick morning "muffin" out of powdered protein shakes. Mix the powder with 1 egg or 1/4 cup egg white, sweetener if desired and maybe some ground flax seed, dried cranberries, and/or nuts.

Put this in a coffee cup, no need to grease it, the egg keeps it from sticking. Nuke it for around a minute, maybe 1 and 1/2, depending on the oven.

It looks weird on the outside, but when you slice it, it looks like bread.

Another thing I always made was soft-serve "ice cream" by blending the shake mix with a cup of ice, around 1/2 cup water, and a few tablespoons low fat cream cheese. Add sweeteners if desired. You need a powerful blender for this, or use one of those trays that makes tiny ice cubes so the ice can be crushed more easily in the blender. Blend until super smooth.

You can put it in the freezer for a bit if it's too runny.

Hmmm... you're inspiring me. Maybe I'll make some of these again!

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kareng Grand Master

Hi! I always prefer the vanilla shakes because I can add whatever flavors I want -- I have a cupboard full of extracts like, vanilla, orange, coconut, almond, etc. I drank a lot of these when I lost weight around five years ago.

I used to make a quick morning "muffin" out of powdered protein shakes. Mix the powder with 1 egg or 1/4 cup egg white, sweetener if desired and maybe some ground flax seed, dried cranberries, and/or nuts.

Put this in a coffee cup, no need to grease it, the egg keeps it from sticking. Nuke it for around a minute, maybe 1 and 1/2, depending on the oven.

It looks weird on the outside, but when you slice it, it looks like bread.

Another thing I always made was soft-serve "ice cream" by blending the shake mix with a cup of ice, around 1/2 cup water, and a few tablespoons low fat cream cheese. Add sweeteners if desired. You need a powerful blender for this, or use one of those trays that makes tiny ice cubes so the ice can be crushed more easily in the blender. Blend until super smooth.

You can put it in the freezer for a bit if it's too runny.

Hmmm... you're inspiring me. Maybe I'll make some of these again!

How much powder do you put in the muffins? Wondering if we could get my mom to eat one

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gatita Enthusiast

How much powder do you put in the muffins? Wondering if we could get my mom to eat one

Hmm. this was Medifast protein powder, so it came in a pre-measured packet. Now I use EAS low carb powder in single serving packets. One packet is 41 grams, which looks to be around 1/4 to 1/3 cup. The recipe is pretty flexible -- if it comes out too 'wet' I just flip it over and nuke it a bit more.

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kareng Grand Master

Hmm. this was Medifast protein powder, so it came in a pre-measured packet. Now I use EAS low carb powder in single serving packets. One packet is 41 grams, which looks to be around 1/4 to 1/3 cup. The recipe is pretty flexible -- if it comes out too 'wet' I just flip it over and nuke it a bit more.

Thanks. I might see if we can slide one by her.

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Sarahsmile416 Apprentice

I have never heard of these protein packets but I'm intrigued - partly because of the low carb options. This mighr be a stupid question, but what other ingredients can you add to the shakes?

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  • 8 months later...
shfini Newbie

I have a Melaleuca nutrition shake (Crave Blocker) which I like and if I have one for breakfast, it really gets me through the morning.

It states that it is gluten-free. However it says on the list of ingredients that it contains (a small percentage of) barley fiber. How can they claim it is gluten-free when it has barley fiber in the ingredients? ( have heard that if it contains less than a certain amount of gluten, a company can claim it is gluten-free. Is this true?)


I am not celiac, but gluten intolerant (I have a gliaden count of 8).  I do not notice any symptoms when I drink it, (No intestinal gurgling, or pain.) I suspect that either the fiber contains no gluten, or that it is not enough to disturb me. Any comments?

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GF Lover Rising Star

Yes, the ingredients say barley fiber, this is not safe for someone with Celiac Disease.  It is also made on the same machinery as wheat products therefore there is a high chance of cc.  I can only assume that they must mean "wheat gluten free".  There is no statement of it being gluten free on the package that I can see from the picture but in the search option on the website it is under gluten free.  A product must measure 20 ppm or under to be considered gluten free.  I don't think I would trust this company. 



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  • 2 months later...
Micheles13 Newbie

Try "Komplete" by Kate Farms. It's a gluten, soy, and dairy free meal replacement shake. I just have one in the mornings instead of a full breakfast and it has enough protein to keep me full until the afternoon. 
Hope this helped! :) 

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  • 2 months later...
AfterAll Apprentice

Orgain shakes are pretty good. Or you can make your own with whey powder and different fruits.

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  • 8 months later...
elilovesjay Newbie

Hi, I am new to the forum, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if GNC Total Lean shakes are gluten free? I called their 800 # & someone told me that they were in fact gluten free, but I wanted to check with other fellow celiacs to get your perspectives. Thank you

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GF Lover Rising Star

Hi, and Welcome to the Forum.


The label does not have wheat barley or rye listed.



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elilovesjay Newbie

Hi thank you Colleen, I just wanted to to be sure before I spent a lot of money on something that I will to throw away. It gets tiring dialing 800 #s & looking up websites every time I want to eat something ha ha

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    • RMJ
      Celiac associations have some directories of physicians: National Celiac Association Pediatrics directory Celiac Disease Foundation searchable directory  
    • JForman
      Thanks so much. I will definitely look into this. 
    • JForman
      Thank for you such a lengthy response! She has been on gluten (eating whatever) for quite some time, and was when we did the scope after the first round of labs. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit “crazy,” after so many doctors have been unable to find a root cause for her troubles. Your insight is helping me feel less so. I do have NCGS. Or I suppose it could be celiac. I’ve just never been tested. I realized a few years ago if I have gluten, I get a horrible rash on my scalp and my eyelids, get gassy, the like.  Wouldn’t it be important to determine if she does have celiac, to prevent cross contamination and prepare her for the future? I know taking her off gluten and living a gluten-free lifestyle without testing is an option, but wouldn’t it be best to know for sure if it’s celiac?  Is there any kind of directory I could access to find a celiac specialist? Our GI was fine, but when the scope was negative it felt like he threw all possibility of it being celiac out the window, not considering some of the basic things youve said here. And he’s the one who ordered the labs I reported above. We are cash pay in the US, so it may be that he was trying to save us money by not ordering it. Not sure.    Thanks again! 
    • Russ H
      For those in the UK wondering whether a diagnosis of coeliac disease alone makes one eligible for a 2024 Autumn COVID booster, it seems that yes, this does make one eligible. There is variability between GP surgeries in proactively calling people in for vaccination, but it is straightforward to use the NHS App to book a vaccination. If attending a pharmacy you might have to point out the information to the pharmacist. I have had no problem receiving vaccinations at nurse-led drop-in centres or GP surgeries but did have an awkward pharmacist on one occasion. According to the UK Health Security Agency, COVID vaccination is offered to (ignoring other qualifying criteria): UKHSA, Who’s eligible for the 2024 COVID-19 vaccine, or ‘Autumn Booster’? According to Table 3 of Chapter 14a of the Green Book, coeliac disease is a risk group: COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a Approximately 30% of people with coeliac disease are hyposplenic - it is more common in those diagnosed in adulthood than childhood.
    • Nicole Maree
      So need some guidance here was diagnosed now 4 months ago and have been going gluten-free.  But I must admit haven’t been strict with the dairy.  On some days I’m great and then days like today I’m on the toilet four times and severe nausea -  it seems I’m getting worse before better the more gluten-free I become.  I have anxiety around the toilet issue and obviously over think the worse.  I did start taking herbal supplements and minerals and a probiotic a few days ago wondering if this is contributing or if it’s the coffee or perhaps the alcoholic beverage I had yesterday?  Just need some reassurance 
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