My TTG was 167 one year ago. Recently had it retested one month ago and it went down to 16. I only recently had an endoscopy done as I was pregnant within the last year. I did not eat gluten prior to this endoscopy as I get very sick. Prior to obtaining the biopsies, the endoscopy said “ diffuse moderately erythematous mucosa to the second part of the duodenum without bleeding.” However, the biopsy came back negative. I assume it’s a false negative as I have also had genetic testing to confirm celiac. However, what would cause the inflammation to the second part of the duodenum and continued positive blood markers if the intestines have healed?
Thank you for the update. So interesting to know how things are changing, when I was diagnosed I had very similar blood results but still had to have the endoscopy. Glad you know where you stand. As your father has celiac disease you probably already know a lot about it, but do contact us if we can help further.