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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by OregonDonna

  1. Oh, my mistake for thinking you were new to the gluten-free thing. I'm not sure whether they will approve my response by telling you Fluocinonide gel will work well for your OLP. I apply it with a QTip twice a day after brushing my teeth and I can't live without it. I sympathize with your non-ending autoimmune issues as I suffer from many as well. Fibromyalgia...
  2. I used the magic mouthwash but have had better results with a steroid gel. My clinic was always out and I got tired of chasing after it. Got the steroid gel from my ENT doc. Works well. I'm almost 3 years gluten free after Celiac diagnosis and my dry eyes and mouth have gotten much better over time. I still use eye drops twice a day. Be patient. Losing the...
  3. I suffered with unexplained vertigo for almost 3 years before being diagnosed with Celiac. They thought I had BPPV but PT did not help. They finally gave up and I was just suffering. I had anemia and low bone density. I decided to research on my own and found research done in Japan. Large study group with unexplained vertigo had one commonality~vitamin deficiencies...
  4. Belly pain can be caused by a plethora of things. You did not mention a visit to your doctor? I'd see one before self diagnosing. Could be something easily fixed like gallbladder issues.
  5. YES! Always read the labels! Thank you for that.
  6. You can pretty much Google any food product and ask the question. It's been a God send for me being able to search information on everything I put in my mouth.
  7. TTG IgA for me was 218 (twice). Negative biopsy. Positive for one genetic marker. It's extremely confusing, my gastro did not give me the 'stamp' either. But the nutritionist I saw said I was Celiac and never consume gluten again. She was the most helpful of any of the docs I saw in convincing me I had the disease and to be my own best advocate. But I was...
  8. The process can be very confusing. So can the results. I had a TTG IgA of 218, negative biopsy, positive for one of two genetic markers. No official diagnosis of Celiac, but the nutritionist I saw said I could never eat gluten again. It's been almost one year being gluten free and have only been 'glutened' once. It made me so sick that I knew then she was...
  9. My test results are extremely confusing and I do not have an official diagnosis of Celiac. My blood test (Igg/Iga) was 210, well above normal on both. My biopsy was negative but I was positive for one of two genetic markers. My gastroenterologist did not diagnose me as Celiac but the nutritionist they sent me to said "oh absolutely" and put me on a gluten...
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