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oceangirl last won the day on December 27 2018

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    Maine, USA

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  1. Wine is good. I stick to unoaked primarily, to be ultra-safe, have been gluten free since 2006 and am hyper- sensitive to the evil gluten! I like Barefoot wines but, after reading much research, I am pretty certain any reaction to lovely wine is due to something other than gluten. wine actually helps a reaction for me, by the way! Best luck in healing to...
  2. Hello oceongirl, Ive been reading an old post about the abdominal pain you were experiencing at night time.

    My daughter has recently been diagnosed as Celiac and is suffering with the same pain at night. Did you ever find out how to control this? She is already on the diet and was ok for a few months but recently had a stomach bug and is up every night again.

    Any advice you can give ...

  3. Hello. I'm late to this but thought I'd throw in my two cents. I react very similarly to MargoS.; I am afraid of gluten. I've been gluten free since 2005, am extremely sensitive (found out the hard way) and NOTHING does what gluten does to me so... if I hear hoofbeats..... Symptoms: severe left side abdominal pain, gas and bloating, very distended...
  4. MissyJoy, Both my son and daughter (17 and 20) were on doxycycline last year for Lyme and I just want to warn you (as you probably already know) that it can make you a bit sick to your stomach. Just so you don't think it's gluten... Hopefully, you won't have that reaction. Get better, lisa
  5. Hi, I have successfully put tomatoes back in for 2 years now (didn't have any nightshades for about 2 and 1/2 years) with success. Occasionally, I'll have a little bit of white potato but they still bother me a bit. Potato chips don't (??!!!!!) but I can't find a company without cross-contamination! I sometimes eat red peppers as well. I'm highly sensitive...
  6. I love wine. Isn't it the food of the gods? Along with garlic? And fresh basil? Let's see, how can we change this? "a loaf of bread"... NO! "a rice patty???, a jug of wine and thou?????!" !Salud! lisa
  7. ForbloodyEVER! Okay- about 2 weeks... I also can experience the delay which does make pinpointing the culprit worthy of Sherlock Holmes... lisa
  8. Yes, terrible nightmares when glutened-somehow gluten itself makes its way into the dreams in some nefarious way, too. I have nightmares sometimes without gluten but I ALWAYS have them if glutened. It's interesting to hear others have similar experiences. Sleep tight, lisa
  9. Okay, I'm a bit loathe to say it because some of us like to keep Maine our own little secret, but, Portland, Me. is very good. BUT we have lots of snow and long winters and there's ice and you probably wouldn't like it here... (Heh, heh, heh.....)) lisa
  10. Thank you for this thread. I believe Barefoot wines are unoaked as well as 4 vines, but you might want to check the 4 vines again. We have been seeking unoaked once we knew about the flour paste- too bad because I love oaked wines! lisa
  11. Thank you everyone very much! lisa
  12. Hi All, Is Twinings tea gluten-free? I can't find a reference on here. The English Breakfast and Earl Grey are on my mind. Thanks! lisa
  13. I think I'm very much out of your age-range, but I thought I'd say I keep a detailed food log and I ABSOLUTELY have a HORRIBLE time around my period. I am nearly 50, though, and do have a fibroid, but I NEVER had PMS until now and it is quite intense- sort of a constant early labor type contraction. And if I get glutened during or before my period it seems...
  14. I had a feeling like that all the while I breastfed my daughter except it also extended to the back of my throat. Eventually saw an ear, nose throat guy 'cause I was going nuts, but no one ever found anything. I still have odd 'mouth" reactions to food on occassion-(now I'm going through menopause) I think it might be hormonal. It's very weird, though...
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