No drum roll. I have DH (biopsy diagnosis of Celiac April 18). I had shingles last July (6 th time in my 73 years) I am presently being treated for shingles yet again!! There is a huge difference in the symptoms & subsequent side effects of DH & shingles. During the active stage of shingles when the vesicles appear there is tremendous burning...
Had hypoglycaemia for many years.... Diagnosed celiac disease (biopsy) last March. gluten-free diet has almost completely cleared up my hypoglycaemia! Such a joy! Now I enjoy fruit juices etc.
I had been experiencing hair loss & thinning hair for a couple of years & thought it was the result of chemo (I had been bald) some years ago. My HB had been very low but not my ferrite. However, once diagnosed as celiac (biopsy) in April '18 I started taking sublingual B12 twice a day & my hair is really thickening & much...