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John Spoolman

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John Spoolman last won the day on November 1 2019

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  1. I've been gluten-free for 23 years having been diagnosed after finding out I was severely anemic, very unusual for a man. The RLS has been a more recent development, gradually getting worse over the last few years and really bad the past 4 months. Having done some research over the last 4 sleep-deprived months, I've found that low iron may be associated...
  2. Sorry for your added troubles! I've been a celiac for over 20 years and have had to figure out a lot of dietary problems as I've gone along. Are you taking a daily multi-vitamin? Once off gluten it's easy to gradually develop a severely unbalanced diet as you eliminate a number of foods with key ingredients that you once took for granted. Even if taking...
  3. Be sure your doctor checks your levels of B vitamins, especially B6. It's very rare to have vitamin B6 deficiency, but not in celiacs! A lack of B6 can cause sleep problems, including muscle twitching.
  4. I've been diagnosed with celiac and gluten-free for over 20 years, and during that time I developed severe insomnia. A couple years ago I decided to gradually stop taking sleeping pills, becoming convinced I was reacting to something I consumed. After about 3 years of keeping track, I think I've become sensitive to tannins, of all things, and why being...
  5. Thanks for the comments and good to hear you learned about celiac in time, before the effects got even worse (or fatal!)
  6. Glad to hear it. Other things you may need to do for awhile (I did the first year) while the gut heals is to take a regular iron supplement and have a bone density test. I was quite anemic and had mild osteoporosis. I had good news too, the first year. After about 6 months I was no longer lactose intolerant. Apparently the little critters that digest...
  7. Good advice. With white pills, I have several inert ingredients that cause sleep problems. A common one is polyethylene glycol. Gel caps are usually safer for me so I stick with them whenever possible. In this case, the two products, Nature Made 1000 IU and 5000 IU, have exactly the same inert ingredients; soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, water and corn...
  8. Thanks for your comment. I also stopped nightshades for about 6 months, but results were inconclusive so I started eating them again. Now that I've heard this from you I may try omitting them again. You can have two or three things going on at the same time, so sometimes it's hard to tell what helps and what doesn't. Here's a very informative blog post...
  9. I tried 1000 iu of Nature-Made softgels vitamin D3 and after a few days I couldn't sleep. Then I switched to 5000 iu Nature-Made softgels vitamin D3 twice a week (Mon and Fri) and have had no sleep problems with that even though I went from 7,000 to 10,000 iu a week.
  10. Thanks for the comments. I'll check out the various food coloring, though I try to avoid all processed foods. I seem to have an allergy to chocolate, so avoid that unfortunately. I had the same results with vitamin D if I took it every day. Taking 1000 iu daily kept me awake, but taking 5000 iu twice a week works with no problem - go figure! My doctor...
  11. You don't say how long you've been gluten free, but be sure to double check everything you eat and if you get a reaction to something, check everything you've consumed in the previous 2-3 hours. There is a lot of misdirection in figuring out this gluten-free diet! If you've consumed anything 2 - 3 hours before that hay fever med, suspect all of it. If...
  12. Thanks for your reply! Very interesting comments on thiamine and niacin. I know too much of foods containing high amounts of the fat soluble vitamins keep me awake, and I've suspected it has something to do with metabolism but don't know why insomnia would be the effect. Your comments may answer both questions. I'll have to check my B1 and B6 levels....
  13. After years of tracking what I eat vs how I sleep, I know if a food has a high tannin content it will cause sleeplessness. I also have a problem if I eat too much of a food with a high vitamin A or E content. So that's what I avoid and sleep pretty well when I do. There are no other foods that I'm aware of that give me trouble. Thanks for the comments...
  14. Thanks for your comment. I've suspected a thyroid problem and have had it checked many times over the past 20 years, but it always shows normal readings from blood tests. My family has had a history of thyroid issues, so I still keep an eye on it but it seems to be OK. I stopped caffeine completely several years ago but the insomnia continues to be a problem...
  15. Thanks for your reply. I've been gluten free for over 20 years and am very careful to avoid any contamination. I've tracked other suspicious foods and a high tannin (polyphenol) content is what many have in common. Certain polyphenols have large molecules, and that has led me to believe it is my leaky gut condition that is allowing other large molecules...
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