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Does anyone out there have A LOT of spare time on their hands? It would be funny if someone got a note from their doctor and requested every single product and color available. Just to be a pain, of course.
Dr Fine was liking the Culturelle Probiotics and I had a very hard time finding Probiotics in my town that I can eat so I ordered those online. The box says there are less than .01 mg of Casein and less than .01 mg of Whey in each capsule. Would you eat them if you were Casien intolerante? So far I have seemed to be sensitive so I have only been looking at the box. :oP
Just thought I'd ask others, what you would do.
I have one celiac gene and one Gluten sensitive one and EnteroLab said my symptoms can be more severe because of this. I am thinking I had symptoms from both these genes too.
I have watched almost the whole DVD now and I am glad I got it. Scary with the Chemicals there I thought.
I am gonne get water from glas bottles now and get even more Organic stuff that I do. I am curious to see more of the homepage Dr Fine is starting up to sell Organic fruits and veggies. I wonder if it will be affordable..
I also felt I got many of my questions answered watching it.
I am allergic to a lot of fruits, tree nuts, almonds and carrots. I had a skin test done when I was a little girl that showed this and I remember my tongue swelled and itched when I ate any of it.
I have been thinking about maybe getting allergy shots for these things but know nothing about this really. I read some where that they weren't good to get and others seem to say they are fine.
I would like to hear from someone who has tried this. Did it help/work?
Any other input is welcome.
Yes, lets hope it goes well.
Some quinoa that you buy has the soapy layer washed off. Ancient Harvest brand is washed and the flakes are great as an oatmeal replacer in cookies.
Thanks! I'll remember that brand.
Some genes are triggered at the start, some aren't. The ones that code your eye color kick in after a couple months on their own, the ones that code for celiac need an environmental trigger. Just having them does not mean that you absolutely will get celiac - you need that trigger to cause them to be expressed - but it means you have the potential to develop it.
Makes sense. I think I read something about that too.
Something interesting I read too in an article was that Gluten Intolerance and Celiac can express different symptoms in different ages. Some new reserch made in Sweden. I guess they are finally opening their eyes some over there.
They did a test with 7000 children and found out that a scary big amount were gluten intolerant.
I think the reason that people get their kids gene tested (when they themselves have Celiac and one or both genes) is because they want to know if their kids *could* ever have Celiac. I have the DQ8 gene, and when I have kids one day, I will have them all gene tested. This way, I won't have to keep worrying and testing, re-testing, re-testing (just because you test your kids at age 5, for example, doesn't mean that they won't develop it at age 6, or 7, or 8, or 15, or 20, 50, 90). This way, parents know if their kids have a risk of it versus little risk (considering that the vast majority of Celiacs have DQ2 or 8). It will save on worry and testing for those who never had the gene. For those that have the gene, it would be good to know to be vigilant about periodic testing, ESPECIALLY if there are symptoms.
The same rationale would apply to any first degree relatives (all first degree relatives are recommended to be screened). My sister has been gene tested, and both my parents are going to be gene tested at some point. Dad has tested negative for celiac disease via bloodwork.
I don't think its the case that people "assume" or look for their kids to have celiac disease, but once you become educated about Celiac, its hard not to be proactive and aware....put the education to work. I would much rather know that my kid doesn't have the gene than worry about getting blood tested every year or few years, "wondering" if he has celiac disease "now."
Hope that helps explain some people's rationale....at least what mine is.
Yes, I can see that and I am sure I would do the same if I ever have children. And maybe they will find more genes that are connected to Celiac and gluten intolerance.
I have told my parents and my aunt about this. Dad got mad that I even mentioned it (he is weird), mom is suspecting she might have some troubles but feels they are too small for her to wanna change, my half brother has ADD possebly and has some milder symptoms but doesn't even wanna hear about it being celiac. My aunt had had lots and lots of problems with constipation and some heart burn. She also totally didn't want to have anything to do with Celiac. Her mother, my grandma I am pretty convinced had Celiac. She had lots of trouble with her GI and depression and anxiety. She has surgery I don't know how many times in her stomach, had Stomi for a while, diverticulities, ulcers..She was in and out of hospitals my whole life. Her stomach was constantly BIG.. I dunno. My family do not wanna hear about this at all. Fear maybe, probably ignorance. They live in Sweden, I am from there, and I live in the US. My symptoms has been much worse than theirs. I dunno. I feel I am just telling them to help, but if they do not wanna listen..
Anyways.. Long story.
Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sausages are gluten-free and Purdue makes chicken strips that are precooked and packaged for salads, etc. Not all of the varieties, but some of them are gluten-free.
I realize they're not homemade -but they are alternatives in a pinch. It's easy to get in an eating rut and get tired of things!
I often just bake some chicken plain to cut up. I freeze some and then make a real quick chicken salad - either with salad dressing or mayo..... It's nice to have something I can just grab and go. I usually take some tostitos to scoop up the chicken salad.
I try to avoid deli meats, b/c the deli is always so crowded I don't entirely trust that they'll wipe down the machine to de-contaminate it before they slice mine.
Apple slices with PB are also a big stand by for me. Protein, fruit, and yum all in one.
In a real time cruch I use Hormel's microwavable kid's meal "Weiners and Beans" - only 1 1/2 min. to heat up and pretty filling.
Yeah, I am not doing the meats from the deli. Too paranoid of that and not feeling comfortable enough with this to ask thye to clean of the machine yet. I am the shy type.
Can't do peanut butter and I am allergic to apples so that is out.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Man do I eat a lot of Chicken already though . hehe
Oh, sad. I wonder if you could make one....
I can see my own company form infront of me now..
I did a search here and a google one but couldn't find an Alcohol free gluten free brand.
Does anyone know of one? My husband wants to find one.
tuna? leftover grilled/broiled/roasted chicken/turkey/beef? avocado/sprouts/cucumber?
Tuna I had forgotten about. I never seem to have much left overs, should work on that. I go through everything so fast.
I do eat cucumber and bell pepers on my sandwish daily. Avocado gives me a stomach ache for some reason although I love it.. I wonder what family sprouts belongs too. Shouldn't be Legumes you'd think. I'll google it.
I'll look into the other ham brands. Thanks to you both!
Ooh, I do that too! Pizza commercials make me crazy, and I didn't even like Pizza that much. Cheese does that to me too. Really bad.
I believe you can do that after you have had 500 or more posts....I think that is the magic number. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. LOL
Ah, a magic number. Thanks!
I can't have dairy, so cheese is out. No soy/legumes either. I have been getting Hormel Natural Choice Deli Ham for my sandwich. Getting a little tired of it and would like to find something less processed or not at all processed, but I can't find or come up with any ideas.
I was told there is a pretty natural Chicken Sausage out there but none of the stores carry it in my town and I am not sure of the brand.
Does anyone make their own ham?
I tried to find a rice cheese, but they made dairy cheese on the same machines so that is out too.
Ideas would be great!
I have eaten too many of the Lundberg's ones. Would be great to find others, but I actually have not seen any. I stay away from corn (most of the time) so far.
I decided to order the DVD Dr Fine has made. Hopefully it is the same stuff as what you guys heard on your "lecture".
No problem. I'm fascinated by the gene interplay with all of this. Dr Green talks a lot about the "basics" of celiac disease, including genes, in his book (in my signature). Its a good reference for a ton of stuff. I wish it had been out when I was diagnosed, as it would have cleared up SO many things for me and my learning curve would've been lessened considerably
Yes, I did a search on the book and saved it. Looks good.
Some times I wish I had a proper diagnosis of this though. What isf EnteroLab is wrong...and I never had any anemic problem or weight loss. I dunno, sometimes I feel I don't count when I read about Celiac disease. If you know what I mean.
It is very interesting with the genes. I have seen/read about people with Celiac saying they test their kids with the gene tests to see if they have it and it sounds like if they have the genes for it people expect them to have it too. Made me confused.
I was reading in Dangerous Grains last night and it talked about a typical shape of the face too. Big forhead and narrow chin. Triangle shaped face.
My stomach is on the bigger/swollen side, but I have a round rear end and never had the foot padding thingy I don't think.
My grandma (who had LOTS and LOTS of stomach problems during her life and eventually died from them) kinda looked like that though. BIG stomach, no butt.
Quinoa is not technically a grain . . . which I just found out a week or so ago. Here's a quote from a Web site: "Though not technically a grain, quinoa can substitute for nearly any grain in cooking. Actually the seed of a leafy plant, quinoa
Jeesh--is everything a legume??? I feel so much better since I cut them out--I don't want to eat any by accident.
Yes, my intolerances are: gluten, dairy, soy, coconut, tapioca, legumes--basically all plant proteins. I do best with the Paleo-type diet--meats, fruit, veggies, olive oil and nuts (almonds, walnuts).
As far as the xanthan, I had problems with the Bob's--that why I wrote to them. I do not have a problem with whatever type The Gluten Free Pantry uses. That is the only mix I can tolerate--and only those without tapioca.
The whole gene thing is interesting. I was sort of obsessed with it, too after I did the gene test.
Yes, cutting out the Legumes made a big difference for me too. I pretty much eat what you eat except I am allergic to nuts, almonds, pears, apples, peaches, strawberries and cherries. Which is a big problem for me now. I never really thought of it that much before I realized I had Celiac/gluten intolerance. Strange thing I seem to do really bad on Avocado, weird to me. Stomach ache. Yeah and the citrus stuff is too strong for now.
I haven't noticed having problems with coconut..Haven't had it much at all though and I haven't tried Tapioca really either yet. I guess I'll try it and see what happens.
But I eat mostly fish, chicken, fruits and veggies. The ones I can have.
Yes, it is pretty interesting.
I'll have to look into The Gluten Free Pantry. I haven't tried any of their stuff yet i think. I am in general paranoid with trying new stuff these days. Too tired of being sick. I'll have time to try later.
My favorite brand of stuff is Enjoy Life. They do use some fruits I can't have, but I do well on the stuff I eat.
Okay, a bit off subject here. Sorry.
Okay, thanks!
Guar is a legume??? I was going to switch to it, but I'm intolerant to legumes, so it's out. Thanks for posting that!
This probably has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but I got this response from Bob's Red Mill about their xanthan gum--this is how they describe it--
Hello Patti,
Thank you for your email. The xanthan gum is manufactured in a gluten
free facility. The micro organism are fed on a combination of soy and
corn, do you have an allergy to them? There is a small chance of the
soy and corn products being in the harvested outer layer that makes
xanthan gum. I hope this helps. Have you considered guar gum ? I
this helps you.
Happy Holidays,
Customer Service
Bob's Red Mill
This is all so confusing
Yes, look here at this link:
Open Original Shared Link
Guar Gum is made from the Guar Bean.
Making things complicated. It doesn't seem like I always have problames with Xanthan gum. Not that I eat a lot of it at all.
I have also seen products with Carob bean/locust bean gum, which also belongs to the Legume family.
The Rice Milk I have been drinking had that. I thought it was Guar Gum but it wasn't, but they are both in the Legume family.
We have the same genes (as you know ) . So are you intolerant to Gluten, Casein and Legumes like me? Interesting if it would be the same.. I am into the gene stuff right now. I'll get over it.
Dental Enamel Defects Connected With Celiac?
in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms
So Dental Enamel Defects are connected with Celiac? Can this be miss coloration of teeth (like a spot) or what does it mean?
Just getting a lot of cavaties?
I just remembered that I had this white spot on one of my teeth when I was a kid that they removed. I had forgotten about that. My teeth has been strong though.