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    Definitely feeling good! The past few years have been a nightmare and I think I've woken up now! First I "had heartburn," then I "was lactose intolerant", and finally I "had IBS" and suffered as the doctors picked and chose my next "diagnosis. But now, here I am, happy as can be and gluten free!
    I enjoy: cooking, gardening, reading, sewing, scrapbooking, photography, writing, shower-singing, camping, bike-riding, exercising, swimming, shopping, anything to do with the ocean and the sun. I also spend a lot of time surfing the internet (I love learning things).
    I love my family and my kitten, and spending time with them. My husband and I are computer nerds (World of Warcraft), and we also like to read sci-fi books together and play video games.
  • Location
    Provo, Utah

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  1. Sweetfudge

    Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

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