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This may be one of those "myths" that are out there but I thought when you heated peanut oil it somehow broke down and did not bother people with allergies. I never understood this so I always thought it was a "myth".
You do need a oil with a very high smoke point. When you season the wok you get it as hot as possible. I am sorry I could not be of more help. I always used peanut oil.
Peanut oil is supposed to be safe for those with allergy, because the protein has been removed. However, there is always the risk of contamination depending on how the oil was handled during manufacture. Additionally, cooking changes the protein in foods, possibly making them safe for those who would otherwise be allergic. For example, I cannot eat raw almonds due to allergy, but have no detectable problems with consuming roasted almonds.
In practice I found that I could safely consume chinese food cooked in peanut oil, even though I had a peanut allergy (I've since outgrown it), but my allergy was never anaphylactic. Of course YMMV.
havent posted for a while could do with someinteraction on this. about a year ago i had my nipple pierced ( hurt but ok ) it all healed nicely but about 3 weeks ago i had a small lump appear on my breast by the piercing, it was painful and a bit of goo was coming out of the nipple, anyway the doc gave me antibioics ( 500mg- 4 times a day called fluoxocillin) finished the course but i feel even worse and the pain and the goo is still there, also it has left me feeling sick, bloated and really tired and a major case of thrush that you wouldnt believe seriously its aggoniseing.dont know what to do at this stage, dont want another dose of useless antibioics and my thrush still has gone so i feel trapped, plus what do i do about my breast? any ideas anyone ive heard about an iv thrush medication that they treat cronic patinets with and am thinking of asking for it, has anyone heard of it.
Go back to the doctor for a different/stronger treatment. I wouldn't worry about thrush until the basic infection is taken care of...you don't want to let an infection go on...it could cause serious damage to the tissue, and could lead to a systemic infection.
Ugh, carla whd you bring this up lol, I'm getting white! NO not grey which would blend better they are gleaming white hairs! I have very thick long redish hair naturally curly, its like my trademark, and now its turning white AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I'm going to dye it I just have to find my color somewhere...
I'm getting white hairs as well, and have been since I was 18...now, if I don't colour, I've got an all-over salt n'pepper look...I'm not ready to be grey/white! I console myself, though, with the thought that when I am ready to surrender to being grey, it will be a beautiful white colour.
Aside from going grey early, I'm losing a lot of hair and it's really troubling me (one of the many symtpoms prompting me to test for celiac and autoimmune issues.) I've got a very thick head of hair, and it used to be that when my hair was long, I noticed when I lost the "normal" amount of hair. When my hair was short, though, it was not noticeable. Now I lose more hair than my husband. It's all over the tub after a shower, all over the bathroom after blowdrying, and falls out when I run my fingers through my hair. My hair is very short and I can see it happening. I've got areas where the hair loss is becoming noticeable, and the hair that is growing back appears thinner.
All right, my blood tests came back negative. My interpretation is that under the best of circumstances this test is far more specific than sensitive, and false negatives are common.
Here's a question: I was gluten free for several months, and had only added back wheat two months before the blood tests. Even after adding wheat back, I have not eaten a lot of it. Some days I eat none; some days I may eat two or three slices of bread. Is this possibly why my tests came back negative?
Second question. I have a biopsy schedule for end of October. I asked if they could get me in earlier. If I got in earlier, what about my having been gluten free? Should I just pile on the bread pre-biopsy? Even though it makes me feel like I want to die? Or should I leave the biopsy schedule for when it's scheduled for to make sure I'm good and glutened before they test me?
I wish the doctor had called me himself so I'd know what to do. Maybe he will when they get the amebiasis tests in.
I would keep the biopsy date as is, and continue to eat gluten. I'm waiting for my own gastroscopy (endoscopy) at the end of November (I had negative blood tests as well)...as much as I'd like to give the diet a shot right now, I need to keep eating gluten for the test. Regardless of the results, I will be going gluten free after the endoscopy.
I learned how to use shadows while I was playing around with the program the other day. I didnt want to download any embelishments or backgrounds until I was sure I'd be able to figure out how to use the tools and everything else. I ended up downloading a couple paper paks but havent had time to do anything since. I have so many supplies and a ton of patterned paper....I was wondering if I could just scan my own embelishments and paper instead of buying them and downloading?? It sounds like thats what you do? I just want whatever I use to look realistic. I found a good book with alot of tips...just bought it tonight...the layouts look so real its impossible for me to tell they're digital. I think I'm gonna be busy with this project for awhile.
Yes, I scan everything...and I'll use the paper patterns for creating original cutouts on the computer as well (cutout letter for example.)
You can scan anything you'd like! If you've got all sorts of papers already, it would make sense to scan them. Just make sure that you scan at a high enough resolution so that they print well. I recommended nothing lower than 300 dpi.
Have fun!
I'm highly sensitive to fragrances and chemicals. I use All Free and Clear detergent and stopped using dryer sheets after breaking out in a rash from the Bounce Free and Clear ones. I'd like to switch to Seventh Generation free and clear detergent but dh claims it's too pricey for as much laundry as we do.
For cleaning products I use Seventh Generation Free and Clear, Citra Solve, and Ecover brand products. For scrubbing I use baking soda, for a disinfectant I add Tea Tree oil to my Seventh Generation all purpose surface cleaner.
forgot to mention that I find some of these products at Kroger in their healthymarket section, and others I get at either Whole Foods or Life Grocery
I am sensitive to laundry detergents as well, and have made the switch from Tide (which used to be okay for me) to Purex...not only do I find it more gentle, but it is quite a bit cheaper too. I wish, though, that there was an unscented version for front-load (HE) detergents.
How do the pages turn out once they're printed? I have a 12x12 printer but never actually printed a whole layout. I'm hoping the quality is good for the calander I want to make.
I have a few programs but I think the Photoshop Elements has been the easiest for me to work with. Corel has me totally lost.
I have no experience with these programs so its taking some figuring out. I get all excited when I do something and it works.
I think once I get the hang of it I'll probably be able to make pages much faster than I would with all the supplies....plus the biggest bonus is....no mess!!
They turn out quite well when they are printed, however I haven't printed them at home...the work I've done has been printed on a professional quality colour laser printer at commercial printer...so it's on glossy paper, double-sided and trimmed. The colour printer I have at home wouldn't do it justice. If you've got a 12x12 printer, I'll bet you get some nice pages for your calendar.
I don't know anything about Corel. I work on a Mac, and have a full version of Photoshop along with other layout programs. In terms of saving time, I find that I can get lost in the work I do and go over board on time trying all sorts of layouts and designs. I particularly like to scan embelishments for placement on the layout, and include shadows for a realistic page...as if it's been handmade and photographed. Maybe I'll try post an example to show...it'll take me a little while to prep for web viewing.
Congrats on a great deal! I love getting new supplies for anything...even if it's a new pen...I'm addicted!
Does anyone do any digital scrapbooking?? I'm learning on photoshop elements...I made one "practice" page and it wasnt too bad. I'm gonna try to make a calendar and my regular pages are always really bulky....thought digital pages would be perfect.If there are any other scrapbookers I'd love to hear from ya.
The only type of scrapbooking I can bring myself to do is digital. While I love new supplies, I hate committing to cutting paper or photos until I know exactly what design I'm going to do. I'm a graphic designer by trade, so I'm really comfortable with using computer programs for design...Photoshop is a great program to work with.
I've more recently coordinated the design and printing of two kindergarten scrapbooks (will do a third when my daughter goes to Kindy next year) and had a lot of fun pulling together the handmade and digital designs (I did my pages digitally) to create a really unique book of memories for the kids.
Yesterday I went in to my new dermatologist for my skin patch test. Since I've got such sensitive skin, we're testing for sensitivity/allergy to various chemicals commonly used in products in North America. Hopefully the information will give some clues as to what exactly my skin is reacting to, and help me avoid potentially irritating products in future.
So here I sit with 47 different patches stuck to my upper back. It's itchy and uncomfortable. I'm afraid to move too much in case the tape comes off...and I can't take a complete shower until Thursday afternoon (yuck!) I tell ya, this test better show something!
I'll only mess with color with an experience hair stylist who really specializes in it. It's not worth the risk. I like variety and trying new things. The lady who colors my hair has said no to me before on things that wouldn't work. You want that kind of experience.
Funny all of you who don't like your head touched, I love it when someone else washes my hair ... especially when they really massage my head while they're doing it.
I like having my hair done. I usually enjoy having it washed, and getting a massage, but there is nothing worse then when the hairstylist isn't massaging firmly enough...the touch can just be annoying...the feeling is kind of like having restless leg syndrome. Usually is worse after having the colour rinsed out, and my scalp is feeling a little irritated.
I am highly sensitive to fragrances, so much so that if you bathe in your perfume and sit anywhere near me in a movie theatre, I have to get up and move to another seat. Wee use Snuggle fabric sheets but now the new and improved ones are so strong that I have to return them as walking by the laundry room makes me nauseous and the box is not even open. Where do you find/purchase earth friendly househould goods - assuming some of you do? I know someone out there must offer a non scented (or more natural scented) dryer sheet. There were 12 different scents at Target and I got the least offending one which still isn't acceptable.
I'm super sensitive to scents too. Just passing by a candle or aromatherapy store gives me a migraine. And it's the worst when you have to put up with smelling someone who overdoes it with scent.
The best earth friendly cleaning products are really the basics. Borax, baking soda, vinegar, ammonia, lemon juice, etc.
For laundry, I find even the unscented dryer sheets are hard on my skin. I don't bother with dryer sheets...they really aren't necessary. Vinegar in the rinse cycle is a very good substitute for the sheets (helps take out any detergent residue too.)
Look lively ye landlubbers! Today be the International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Open Original Shared Link
Aye, matey! Thanks fer th' reminder. I almost let th' tide pass wi' n`er a word o' seafarin' hearty!
Captain Michi8
its very small on the bottom [back]
I took a look again...read every word on the back of the package. No mention about being lactose free on the Canadian package.
it says right on the back of the shredded cheese package "0 lactose per serving" I made chicken tacos the other night and the cheese did not bother me at all..never does, anything else I have to take 2 or 3 lactose pills
That's interesting. I'm looking at my Kraft shredded cheeses (Greek Feta, and Mozza-Cheddar packages) right now, and there is no such distinction on the package. I'm guessing that it is, again, the difference in labelling laws between Canada & US. I know that I tolerate hard cheeses well though, so I've never thought to actually look for lactose info on the packages anyhow.
I'm curious as to how the Kraft products differ between the countries too. I do know that there are some Kraft products produced and sold for the Canadian market that aren't available in the US and vice versa. Are there ingredients differences in products that are sold in both markets?
I was kind of shocked when I went to Mexico because none of the meat is refridgerated (at the mercado or market). The thing is that all the meat is fresh. It is also kind of cool in that section of the market. Another thing is that the eggs aren't in the refridgerator section. They just have them sitting on a shelf (and this is at a big grocery store).
It is actually best not to refrigerate fresh eggs (apparently it changes the taste)...if you were to collecct them fresh on the farm, you'd keep them unrefrigerated and use them up quickly. Unfortunately, given that eggs need to sit for extended periods before we purchase them from the grocery store, they need to be refrigerated for health & safety.
We have a Sanyo rice cooker with an aluminum pot (no non-stick coating.) I've had this rice steamer for more than 10 years, and have never had a crust develop on the bottom of the pot. I always rinse the rice well before cooking in it (removes excess starch, and any non-rice particles.) I've never heard of rinsing removing that many nutrients...if you're really concerned about nutrient content choose brown rice rather than white, because the process of refining removes many of the nutrients.
their shredded cheese is the only one that is lactose free
How can their cheese be lactose free?
Growth percentile is based on how kids grow on average and on average the average american has weight issues. I blame a large amount of your nations health on parents wanting to see their kids in the top 50 percentile YET the majority of these kids then grow up and have weight issues. The top 50% is not a competition ... but it ends up being like this....
This is just MY OPINION.... but the facts are that the percentiles are averages and that obesity is a (excuse the pun) growing problem. I'm not saying this is the sole cause of obesity I am saying basiing your 'normal' growth on kids who then turn out to be obese is not clever!
Anyway... the bottom line is kids naturally develop at different rates.... whether he ends up 5'4" or 6'4" is irrelevant unless you want him to be a pro-basketball player. So I would say relax.. take care of the real issues not artifical ones created by percentiles.
Having said all that.. he probably will catch up
Just to clarify, the growth charts in North America are based on formula fed infants. You cannot accurately compare a breastfed infant to those charts, as the typical growth rate is very different...and studies have shown that a breastfed infant is less likely to be an overweight child. Also, height and weight are monitored on different charts...a child can be in one percentile for weight and a different one for height.
However, the point of the growth charts is not to have children compete to be in the top percentile, it is to ensure that whatever curve a child starts on, that they remain fairly consistant. When a child who is in the 50th percentile dramatically shifts to a different curve in growth it's a warning sign that something may be amiss.
who has a child in the 90-95th percentile since birth, one consistently in the 50th, and one in the 70th
The list was removed because, like any list, it may not be the most current, and may not match the product you actually have if the formulation has changed. The label on the package will, however, always match the contents, and will always clearly disclose gluten sources. This is better than a list can ever be.
Oh, I understand that and I agree. But why can they not say that in their email response? The way they send form letters back sounds as if they are not truly listening to customer concerns.
Additionally, how do I know that their ingredients lists are treated the same in Canada vs. the US? We have different regulations about listing ingredients (we appear to be behind the US in terms of timing, although it looks like Health Canada will eventually be requiring gluten sources to be listed as opposed to just "wheat" along with the other top allergens.)
Finally, the online gluten listing was still available on Kraft.ca when I first joined this list at the beginning of August...one week it was there, and suddenly it was removed. I would like to hear the reason for that from Kraft, rather than getting the run around.
My guess was they removed it because of the whole McDonalds thing(fries !=? gluten free). Companies got scared.I'm not clear on when the McDonald's thing happened (or what happened?) The Kraft gluten & dairy free list disappeared this August.
Thanks so much Im not sure which one it would be lactose or casein but my side effects after the initial diarrhea and cramping is constipation all day today, just like michelle listed. I feel like I have to go but nothing happens.
Just to clarify, it's not constipation for me (although that's my main "IBS" symptom unrelated to lactose intolerance). When I am reacting to lactose, I get horrible gut-wrenching cramps and the sensation that I suddenly need to run to the bathroom, but the minute I sit on the toilet, the sensation passes. When I lie down again, I suddenly have to go...again the sensation passes. When it finally does happen, it's diarrhea. Once the diarrhea passes (takes a few bathroom trips) then my lactose "attack" is over. I haven't noticed any constipation afterward...at least not related to lactose intolerance.
I was starving yesterday, I had been on the go and had not ate anything but 8 grapes for about 7 hours, my daughter ate while we were out but it was glutened stuff so I didnt eat. I came home and I was ready to just stuff myself. I had a huge migraine from not eating all day. I made a half stick of velveeta cheese and melted it and covered it in gluten free tortilla chips. Plus I have been curious to see if I do have a problem. I didnt eat it all but darn near close, I pigged out and paid for it.I should get tested but have not yet for intolerances. Maybe I'll do another test when Im up to it to see if its lactose. I'll take lactaid and eat some ice cream and see if I get another reaction. Im having other medical problems (vision problems) and unfortunately dont have the money for more testing for me.
You all have helped me alot
I hope that you find relief with the Lactaid. Lactose intolerance can be "tolerable" with it, certainly easier to cope with than casein intolerance.
I use a lot of Dove products, because I find them most gentle (up until now, I hadn't needed to worry about gluten content.) None of the Dove products I use have any ingredients lists on them...shampoo, antiperspirant, moisturizers and facial cleansing products do not have complete ingredients lists. Is the requirement to list ingredients on cosmetics different in Canada than in the US?
It's companies like Kraft that make our lives easier!
Except that they not long ago had a very helpful webpage listing all of their gluten and dairy free products. That webpage has since been removed. When I enquired about it, they sent me exactly the same email response. When pressed further, they still would not answer my question, preferring to send the same cycle of canned responses. I'm frustrated by their avoidance of questions, and further frustrated that such a good resource has been removed.
Ok, Im google TSP and see if I can find an equivlant French product.
TSP is trisodium phosphate. It's a standard cleaning/degreasing chemical...I alwasy wash the walls with it before painting. BTW, it's also an additive to some foods...Cheerios for example.
Lactose intolerance is due to the body not producing enough lactase enzyme to break down the lactose. It's often associated with villous atrophy because lactase is normally produced in the small intestine...when the villi are damaged, lactase production is affected.
Reactions to lactose can vary from person to person. The severity of my reactions is based on the amount of lactose in food. Ice cream, for example, will produce severe stomach cramps and diarrhea within minutes of consumption (I think that the added sugar in the ice cream compounds the problem.) Drinking milk or exposure to lactose in a prepackaged product may show a more delayed reaction with cramping over several hours along with an intermittent need to void, but being unable to. I liken it to a brick moving through my intenstines: prolonged pain finally ending in diarrhea hours later.
Some products, though, I am able to tolerate better: hard cheeses & yogurt are okay for me. To be on the safe side, I always carry Lactaid with me. If I don't have any, I don't consume milk products.
Are You Dying For Milk But Can't Have Lactose Or Soy?
in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications
What about lactose free cow's milk? Or are you casein intolerant as well?