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Corinne D.

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Corinne D.

  1. I had erosive gastritis at my celiac diagnosis too and I think it is related to celiac. Mine was not autoimmune in nature and slowly healed with the gluten-free diet. I was also prescribed PPIs, but never took them, having found out about the side effects. Diet-wise, I would recommend well-cooked bland foods, which are easy to digest, like soups and...
  2. If these ranges are for deaminated gliadin IgG, then this one is positive and a possible indicator of celiac disease. Although not all celiacs have all antibodies positive, I'm not sure this is enough for your doctor to give a firm celiac diagnosis. Your gastroenterologist will probably want to confirm it is celiac through biopsy. Unfortunately, you would...
  3. Tonto, are these your test results from the beginning of November? If yes, were you gluten-free at the time? You did not give us the lab ranges. The tissue transglutaminase IgA looks negative to me, but I am not sure about the deaminated gliadin IgG. It's great that you are feeling better! While an official diagnosis is not strictly necessary, it...
  4. Hi Ennis, I hope your dislocated rib is better. You sure sound like you had a busy time this week, I wonder how you managed it through the pain. Bravo for your work for the community Thanksgiving dinner! Can we have a picture of lovely Xenia?
  5. Alas, glyphosate is not banned in most of the EU and is still used in agriculture. It has been approved until 2022. Hopefully, it will not get an extension. I am a European celiac, btw. I cannot eat anything with gluten, whichever country it may come from. I live in France and no, I cannot eat French baguette. I actually cross the street instead of passing...
  6. If your son is not vegan and can tolerate dairy, this is a good and versatile protein option. So are eggs, out of which you can make a whole meal, like a veggie frittata. Certified gluten-free grains like quinoa, amaranth and teff are protein-rich. Among vegetables, there are peas, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale. I would...
  7. That's a great suggestion, GFinDC! I was thinking of buying an iron skillet now that I can eat meat, but the lucky fish would actually work better for making broth. As for oils, I have always tried organic and extra-virgin versions, not mixed with anything else. Have tried so far olive, coconut, avocado, sunflower, rapeseed, linseed, camelina, hemp seed...
  8. NNowak and Ennis, thank you both for sharing your experiences and for your suggestions. You two are not having it easy either, struggling with such symptoms and figuring out what to eat to minimise them. I hope it won't take too long until you get better and can lay off the nasty meds. I wish it were that simple as a nutritional deficiency. So far, the...
  9. Hello again, fellow celiacs, I thought I should post an update of my status quo. After almost two months of eating only fish, it is a wonder, but I still tolerate it. Also, my immune system has decided to give me a break and let me have beef! This is a great surprise, as I still cannot tolerate chicken, duck or lamb. I had not retried meat since...
  10. I experienced significant weight loss soon after going gluten free. I lost about 5 kg in one month. This may not seem so much as in your case, but I weighed 52 kg at the celiac diagnosis and ended up at 47 one month later. At the time, I read some explanations on several websites - sorry I cannot give a reference now - that it is only inflammation weight...
  11. Hello Mmead, It seems to me that you are at least gluten sensitive. Given your family background, celiac is indeed quite likely. Your neurological symptoms sound really worrying. You can, of course, have it without GI symptoms, it's called silent celiac. As it is a systemic disease, there are hundreds of symptoms apart from GI ones, ranging from...
  12. Hello Tonto, you were saying you still need to do a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Normally, people awaiting an endoscopy to confirm celiac disease are advised to continue to eat gluten until then. Otherwise their gut may heal just enough so that the biopsy results are negative. Has your doctor advised you to already remove gluten from your diet?
  13. As I'm sure you must know, when choosing supplements like vitamins make sure they are gluten free - look at the ingredients, but there should also be some statement from the manufacturer. For folate supplements, it is best to choose methylfolate, not folic acid, to ensure optimal absorption. As above, for folate and not only what helps most is a...
  14. Hi knitty kitty, I could eat: carrots, spinach, all squashes and pumpkins, zucchini, fennel, chard, celeriac and arugula. All had to be well cooked, I could have nothing raw. I usually boiled them, because I needed such large quantities. I tried steaming them, but with large batches not all would cook well and I would get sick. All veggies were cooked...
  15. Hello cyclinglady, Thanks for the suggestion, I've been reading up on biologics myself, though I must admit the idea terrifies me. Before Entocort, I was never on any immunosuppressive medication, because I could control my symptoms with diet only. As long as I stuck to fish + 8 veggies, I was fine, I would get symptoms only if I tried a bite of...
  16. Hello knitty kitty, Thanks a lot for this info. I have carefully read the article, but I honestly do not think I have refeeding syndrome. When I still tolerated my 8 vegetables, in order to have a normal caloric intake, I would eat up to 2 kg of veggies a day (and about 600 g of fatty fish). That included e.g. carrots, squashes, fennel, so I could get...
  17. Hello all, I’m afraid I have a long tale, so please bear with me. I am female, 39 and I live in France. I was diagnosed with celiac disease in July 2017. My symptoms were iron-deficiency anemia (ferritin constantly at 7), chronic diarrhea with undigested food, bad abdominal pain. I had a very high anti-Ttg antibodies value, 2185.7 U/ml, positive anti-e...
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