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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Aaron275

  1. Thanks. Now that I think about it, I suppose it is mostly sugar that I'm craving. I'm also craving carbohydrates like breads and breakfast cereals, which I know have a similar effect to sugar in the body.
  2. Hi, I am trying to do the AIP diet to improve healing, but I've been running into a few problems with it. The problem I'm having right now is that I simply don't want to eat the food on the AIP diet because my body craves high-sugar, high-fat, and high-salt foods. I know that these foods are bad for me, but I am having an extremely hard time giving...
  3. I was eating the blueberries at the same time as other foods, so it's possible that they might not have even been a problem, but I thought I would mention them anyway in case it helped people to work out what was happening. It was mostly the dairy alternative products that I was having problems with. Eating those triggered a huge reaction, and now I...
  4. Thanks for your help. I have just one more question. Is this ingredient something that I might be able to tolerate when I am fully healed, or will I always need to avoid it?
  5. Wow, thanks for that - I never would have figured that out. So this microbial transglutaminase is in a lot of foods then? Is there any way to tell which foods have it and which don't? I guess the best way to avoid it is to stick to unprocessed foods? Is it used in canned Salmon? That's another thing I was going to use in my AIP diet.
  6. Hi, I am having a weird problem that I am hoping to get some advice on. I usually eat the same thing every day with a few small variations. Lately I have been trying to introduce some new foods into my diet, and I seem to be reacting to these new foods for no apparent reason. I get all of my usual symptoms like bloating, brain fog, depression, etc...
  7. Thanks knitty kitty and cyclinglady, I really appreciate the help.
  8. I meant that I might run into deficiencies because I might not be eating a wide enough variety of foods.
  9. Hi knitty kitty, Yes, that sounds like a good plan. I do have one concern though - I am worried that if I make the diet too simple I will run the risk of developing nutrient deficiencies. Like you said, I probably already have deficiencies, so is this something to be worried about? Or will the healing offset any potential issues? Also, I can...
  10. I'm struggling with food preparation and cooking. My short term memory is bad and I already struggle with organizing and planning meals, and this is much harder on such a restrictive diet like AIP. I just can't seem to remember all the steps that are required, like how much food I need to buy, how to prepare it, how much I need to prepare, etc.
  11. Hi cyclinglady, Yes, that was me with the peanuts. I visited an allergist back in March and was tested for a peanut allergy and the result was negative. I told the allergist that I was celiac and he said the most likely scenario is that the peanuts were contaminated with gluten (there was a warning about this on the packaging but I didn't notice it)...
  12. Hi, I accidentally ate gluten a few weeks ago and am still having issues. I recently tried going lactose-free because I know that lactose is one of the main intolerances that appears when we eat gluten. However, the lactose-free products that I tried made me feel even worse. I tried replacing my usual dairy products with lactose-free and dairy-free...
  13. Sorry for the confusion. I will look at the links you posted to see if there are differences in the diets. Paleo AIP is very restrictive and one of those diets might be easier.
  14. This is the diet I'm talking about. Paleo AIP is an extension of the Paleo diet. https://thepaleoway.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/TPW_AIP_FoodList.pdf
  15. Hi everyone, Since going gluten-free I have not healed properly and I believe that this is due to leaky gut and other food intolerances. There was a few diets recommended to me on this website to improve healing. One of them was the Paleo AIP diet. I wanted to do the Paleo AIP diet because it is the most effective for healing, but I am finding it...
  16. I had never heard of SIBO before. Very interesting. I found some studies that say SIBO is common in Celiacs, and also that SIBO can mimic symptoms of gluten exposure. Is it possible that my recent gluten exposure caused SIBO (or worsened it if I already had it) and that's why I still have symptoms? The bacteria in SIBO feed on sugar which could...
  17. Hi, I could really use some help. I seem to have gotten myself stuck in a hole. I was diagnosed with Celiac about a year and a half ago. Before I was diagnosed I had no symptoms except for some minor bloating. I recently had a severe gluten exposure (I ate it for 3 months before I realized my mistake). Since then I have been dealing with severe...
  18. Thanks everyone, this has been very helpful and has given me a lot to think about.
  19. There's another reason that I think the peanuts might have been part of the problem. I've been exposed to gluten before (without the peanuts) and I had almost no symptoms. However, those were only one-off occurrences and not for weeks at a time like this was. So maybe it is just the gluten. I hope I don't have a peanut allergy because I would like to...
  20. The allergy test was a RAST test. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioallergosorbent_test Is this a reliable test? It was done by my GP. I had no knowledge of allergy testing and this is what she suggested so I just agreed to it. My peanut allergy was classed as 'Moderate' on a scale of Negative, Low, Moderate, High or Very High.
  21. Thanks for the responses. So is it possible that the peanut allergy could have been caused by being exposed to gluten? And that's why I never noticed it before?
  22. Hi, I recently made a big mistake. I was diagnosed with Celiac about a year and a half ago. I was trying to make some changes to my diet recently, and I decided to start eating peanuts as a snack. I ate them for about 3 months and then I realized the peanuts I was eating were not gluten-free. It hadn't even occurred to me that peanuts might not...
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