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  1. Hi everyone, Just wondering if a celiac can get sick from using skincare product that has wheat or oatmeal in it? For example, the Aveeno hand lotion has colloidal oatmeal in it - would this cause a reaction in a celiac patient? This might sound like a dumb question but I was wondering about this. Thanks for any answers.
  2. Hi everyone, I recently read of a scientific study ( https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(14)01010-0/fulltext ) that described using hookworms to “infect” celiac patients in order to increase gluten tolerance. The idea sounds very unappealing as hookworms are parasitic roundworms that often affect people in developing countries, but when the...
  3. Thanks for your replies Ennis_TX and GFinDC. Wonderful suggestions! I also heard that the University of Washington's Protein Design Lab have been working on a pill to break down gluten in the stomach, thus allowing celiacs to consume gluten. It sounds like they're close to conducting clinical trials: https://www.acsh.org/news/2018/12/26/how-synthetic...
  4. Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed as celiac, based on igA (anti gliadantibodies) found in a lab test of my stools. I’m in my early 40s and I’m of Asian ancestry and I was previously suffering from digestive problems since about 2011 (mainly small intestine bacteria overgrowth SIBO). I had tried a “raw foods” diet briefly in 2011 which likely contrib...
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