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  1. Such an awesome source of info!!! I'm so glad you shared this. My kids are grown, and I have been gluten-free for awhile know, but still managed to glutamate myself last week, and I hadn't even thought to read the labels on my shampoo and cosmetics. Thanks
  2. PS. I also have kids, and even though the odds of them sharing my blindness were incredibly low all of my kids share my visual disability. And it's true sometimes I feel sad for them and how tough things can be, but things are tough for lost of people, and at least for us, we have a built in support group. They're such cool people too. I loved being their...
  3. Hi, My straightforward honest answer is, you should go for it. If you want children have them. In the big picture Celiac disease isn't the end of the world. You're doing ok, and your kids will be ok too. I say this also, as my father was legally blind, which means even with glasses he couldn't see enough to function wit out help. No driving...
  4. Always Learning, (great handle by the way), Thank you, your advice is really helpful. It's been such a strange road to figuring out what was going on with me. It's been a bit reaffirming to learn taht so many other people have had similar challenges. I don't mean to say that is good, but somehow I feel better not being alone in this. Grateful...
  5. Thank you. My old Dr, was so worried about ;labeling any of us whit preexisting conditions as our insurance is quite sticky at times. For example three of my four kids have had seizures, but our MD called them shaking events. He said they wouldn't become seizures unless they happened again. That may be why he didn't run the tests for Celiac.
  6. Based on an elimination diet, and then reintroduction of gluten foods, my MD diagnosed me with Celiac HD. My main symptoms are skin rash and blisters after eating gluten. I also get body aches, headaches and some intestinal issues after even a small amount of gluten. I also had the slow growth as a child and the mottling on my bones, particularly on my...
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