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  1. Yes, these were checked yesterday and both are within normal range. I haven't been supplementing with folate, I have just been taking sublingual B12 (1000mg daily), but I've just picked up a B Complex vitamin and started taking that today.
  2. Hi Guys, I'm just looking for some insight. I was diagnosed celiac in August. I also had B12 deficiency which was treated with injections. I was symptomatic B12 deficient with tingling and pins/needs and the occasional numbness, tired, foggy. Things improved on that front after the injections and fast forward to about 2 weeks ago and the tingling started...
  3. I found this website that seems to indicate people with celiac are not immunocompromised and are not at higher risk for covid-19. Our immune systems are over-reactive in response to gluten (reacting when it shouldn't), but we do not have suppressed immune systems. It makes some sense to me. Celiac alone doesn't put you at risk, but other medical conditions...
  4. Thanks. What would be the equivalent? How do I know the amount of gluten in something?
  5. Hi All, I'm still waiting for my biopsy - in fact I am still waiting for a date to meet with the specialist (it's been over a month since I got positive blood work... things are moving slooowwly).. Anyways, I am just wondering how much gluten I need? I feel like crap when I eat it, so I don't want to eat too much, but I am also wanting to make sure I...
  6. My B12 was very low. I've been on injections for over a month and I am just starting to feel better.
  7. The biopsy would need to come from your small intestine. That's where the damage is done from celiac. But you need to be on a gluten diet for the tests to be accurate. How long have you been on the PPIs? My hubby had severe acid reflux issues and the ppis helped after a couple months. Hes off them now because you shouldn't be on them too long. Have you seen...
  8. Your doctor would run a blood tests (ask for full celiac panel) and then confirm with endoscopy and biopsy celiac doesn't always show up on endoscopy and sometimes the biopsy is what confirms.
  9. Thanks! Yeah I am having a really bad case of eustachian tube dysfunction so i am hoping the steroids can help clear up that mess a bit. Thats the most annoying thing cause its what's caused my tinnitus. I really dont like taking meds at all so the fact that I am doing the steroids at all is a measure if just how bad it is. They at least lower my tinnitus...
  10. Thanks! My doc put me on nasal steroids which definitely seem to be helping. I haven't had an allergy test though. I am going to see another ENT in a couple weeks so we will see what he says. I also had a bad bought of acid reflux right around the time this all started. It seems to have settled the last few weeks but perhaps it's some residual effects...
  11. Thanks Fenrir! At first I thought it was just a cold but it's been like this for 3 months... and since it started at the same time as my other symptoms I figured it was related to the celiac. I suspect the gluten must be causing a bunch of inflammation or something.
  12. Hi All, I am just wondering if any one has experienced sinus issues and ear problems before being diagnosed? I had all these symptoms pop up at the beginning of December to do with my sinuses - headaches (had a brutal one last night that about made me vomit on the train home from work), sinus congestion, ear fullness, ETD and Tinnitus - it all started...
  13. So I just found out I need to wait 18 weeks before even getting in to the specialist for my pre endoscopy consult, plus god knows long long for my endoscopy procedure. I'm trying to get in to a different specialist because I don't know how i will survive having to continue to stay on gluten. Any advice in dealing for that long? I dont want to cease eating...
  14. I've taken it recently for about 3 weeks due to what my doctor thought was excess stomach acid. It didn't really work for me (though I suspect my problem was actually low stomach acid). I had one night of really bad diarrhea and stomach pains during the time I was on it - but not sure if that was the meds or celiac or something else (I'm still not officially...
  15. Thanks for this! Yes my GP did say the levels were high "normal" and we should keep an eye on the thyroid and measure levels again in 6 months or so. I am tired a lot and also have the B12 deficiency but I guess just trying to see if celiac is the issue and whether or not the gluten-free diet will help with those problems. I go for B12 shot tomorrow...
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