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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Charliexxx

  1. Hi Ida, I am so sorry to read. I had childhood eczema until teens, I could not touch wool. I also would hide in my room on a Friday as I could not stand the smell of vegetable oil. When I became very unwell, smells became completely over powering making me nauseous and sick, such as favourite perfumes, washing liquid, household products. Even the smell...
  2. Thanks so much Knittykitty, Sorry to hear you got so ill eating gluten. Where I live the powers that be will not accept anything but. I said, fine but you do know that celiac crises is a rare but a medical emergency. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2900539/ In 2014, Professor Michael Marsh (who the Marsh scale was named after...
  3. Hi, Thanks for the support. It is character building, I’ve got lots of that as I’m particularly quirky. So, my small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth had to be diagnosed by a gut microbiome as my reaction to a breath test was severe. I had no good gut bacteria meaning I would have low iron, ✅ , low calcium received an infusion so ✅ B12 shots ✅ etc. ...
  4. Thanks Knittykitty, I pretty much have to take everything. Have you read Dr Derrick Lonsdale’s M.D and Chandler Mars book on Thiamine Deficiency ? I told a doctor I was copper deficient having had private test and he said Wilson’s disease. I had to correct him, no that’s a hereditary illness where the liver can’t break down copper and toxicity occurs....
  5. Hey Evan, Thanks for asking, how I am. I’m in the U.K. and we have 5 charities for vitamin B12 deficiency/pernicious anaemia. Yes, such a small island with that much dedicated support. I live not far from one, so even though I’d been up half the night being ill, I was determined to attend the latest meeting. Over here the B12 test measures both act...
  6. Hi Scott and others, Thanks for this. I’m in the U.K. and there was a GP in Ireland who screened all patients with a history of psychosis for coeliac disease. Lack of essential vitamins like B12 and B1 also cause psychiatric symptoms. The 3rd man in the world to be diagnosed with gluten encephalopathy which on this occasion was by Prof Marios H...
  7. Hi Knitty kitty, yes doctors are not trained in vitamin and mineral deficiencies but pharmaceuticals. I am so sorry to read your story. In 1994, I went to a doctor with my grandmother, she told him, I wouldn’t eat, I explained I was in pain, bloated, nausea, lack of appetite. Of course, he thought I had an eating disorder, so I was put on antidepressants. ...
  8. Hi Justin, I am so sorry to read your story. I can empathise, the severe depression, the dropping out of studies, sleep problems and all the issues with the stomach. You finally have a diagnosis and yes it can really just be celiac disease. There’s access to lots of information and support. The science bit, I won’t be technical but if we cannot abs...
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