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Gemini last won the day on August 6 2020

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Celiac.com Forum Moderator

  1. Trents.......I second Scott’s statement about Nima being far from a bust. I bought one and used it to test how reliably it would work. It does what it states.......it detects gluten and is sensitive to 20ppm’s. We all know that in current medical standards, that is the amount that is considered acceptable for Celiac’s to consume (20ppm or less), tha...
  2. You may want to ask your doctor to screen you for thyroid disease. Particularly Graves’ disease or hyper-thyroid. That can cause the hunger and trouble with gaining weight. Thyroid disease is very common with people who have Celiac. In fact, they should screen you for a variety of other autoimmune diseases but sometimes you have to fight to get that d...
  3. Well, that certainly helps! I live outside of Boston so we have pretty good health care here also. At least they are more Celiac aware than when I was diagnosed. For the dehydration, I drank Pedialyte for weeks. It helps. I can’t stand Gatorade......it tastes like sweat to me! 😝. The Pedialyte is more sweet than salty so it appeals to kids.
  4. Yes, Celiac symptoms and the dreaded diarrhea can come on VERY FAST. That was my experience. You will be nervous if you are not near a bathroom. Taking antibiotics like those when you have tested negative for pathogens will make it worse.......if you actually have Celiac. Also, the biopsy is not definitive. Your small intestine, if stretched...
  5. The fact that your blood work has normalized is a good thing. You are doing a pretty good job with the diet, if these tests were a lot higher when diagnosed. Are these the only two tests your doctor ran? They are a part of a panel of tests and having the whole panel done is more helpful. As far as tTg is concerned, getting it to the normal range is...
  6. If you are talking about Milky Way candy bars, the original Milky Way bars are not gluten free.......they contain barley. BUT, the Milky Way Midnight bars are gluten free........and they are delicious! 😋. They are the dark chocolate ones.
  7. Ahhhhhhh........that changes everything! 😉. With a high positive tTg and a positive EMA, you have a 99% of it being Celiac. It probably should be 100% but you know that doctors cannot give it the 100 without actually seeing it on biopsy. LOL! It sounds like you have classic Celiac......which is the people with gastric distress, noticeable and rapid we...
  8. JD........low white cell counts are common in autoimmune disease. Mine were very low for my entire life ( I am now 61) and they have gone up to almost normal range now once I had been gluten free for awhile. It did take a long time for them to bounce back, but they did. I was diagnosed at age 46. All of your symptoms scream of Celiac so if you do...
  9. Trent’s.......those antibody tests are specific to Celiac. While it looks like the doctor did not test the EMA, with results that high and rapid weight loss, Celiac is a strong contender. Other AI conditions can raise tTg but usually only by much smaller numbers. The Gliadin IgA is an older test but the one they used when I was diagnosed 15 years ago. ...
  10. Glad you clarified that, CL! From all the reading I have done so far over the years on vaccines and Celiac, it is only the hepatitis vaccine that is proving questionable. That one requires two immunizations to be effective in people so maybe that has something to do with it? It is more difficult to take hold and work? With regards to shingles, I do...
  11. No thanks. I already have a treatment and that is the gluten-free diet. I am genetically programmed to not be able to eat wheat, barley or rye. There are so many good foods to eat that replace them and I don’t miss the deadly three one bit. I’ll choose diet modification every time over drugs with side effects.
  12. Yeah, good luck with that! There are few doctors who really understand Celiac and how to diagnosis it correctly. According to their criteria, they want you to advance to severe damage because then they can find it more easily. Meanwhile, you go years and more and more damage occurs that can be difficult or impossible to reverse. I was a text book...
  13. Cyclinglady....... It’s funny you should mention looking to older photographs regarding the fitness levels of people back then vs. today. I have long said that also. Not only are the food habits today really bad, but people just do not do the regular activities we did years ago that added up to keep us slender and fitter. Cleaning your house, yard w...
  14. I don’t think that the issue of raw ingredients needing to be 100% free of cc matters. If people think that they need to consume 0% gluten, then they will be relegated to eating fruits, veggies and meat only. I don’t think that it is necessary for the vast majority of Celiac’s. Final testing is what matters because it takes into account everything from ...
  15. So, the questions about shared facilities and lines are good ones. I usually always go with certified, dedicated facility options and have never had problems with those. After all, if there is no gluten in the house, kind of hard to cc something. However, I have had a few items from shared facilities with, again, no issues with the product. I tend to...
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