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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kate333

  1. I struggle with chronic depression/anxiety issues, esp. health anxiety. Chills and body aches are very frequent physical symptoms I have noticed, esp. when my stress level spikes, as it has since the recent celiac disease diagnosis, pandemic, and job loss. Check out Anxietycentre.com. It's an excellent website resource which includes articles on how mental...
  2. It could be that something other than gluten/celiac disease. For example, constant fatigue is a classic symptom of chronic, depression/anxiety and/or insomnia (speaking from personal experience here). Anxietycentre.com is a great resource; explains how long-term depression/anxiety can affect us physically. You don't mention TTG blood tests but if it is...
  3. Someone posted studies and made the conclusion that antidepressants "cause" villous atrophy. I looked at that 2017 study (cited in a link) in-depth. The study noted, "The impact of medication use was very small, and as our results are preliminary, we need more studies before we can draw conclusions about their impact on intestinal healing in celiac disease...
  4. Hi Sabaarya. As others have said, stress and celiac disease together are not unusual. I, too, have had chronic, bad anxiety/depression since late 2019, when I was first diagnosed, then it worsened again when the Covid pandemic hit. Do I consider celiac disease the "cause" of my GI stress? No. In my case, I think it was the opposite: my extreme, chronic...
  5. A friendly reminder that there is nothing "simple" about depression or health anxiety, and I don't think it helpful or appropriate to imply that doctors who even mention MH, let alone offer prescriptions for MH conditions, are somehow dismissive or insulting their patients. That outdated attitude only fuels patient fear/cynicism/reluctance to seek much-needed...
  6. You said all your blood tests were all normal. Does this include the TTG/IGA gluten antibody blood test? If you haven't gotten it, your doctor should order it. If it's normal (lucky you!), it's highly unlikely that you have Celiac Disease. You could be non-celiac disease gluten sensitive but there is no blood test for that and many GI docs don't...
  7. Last year & this year I had about 3 or 4 episodes of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after eating at a restaurant two different times Hi Sharib. This comment jumped out at me because restaurants--even those claiming so-called "gluten-free" menus--are often sources of cross-contamination (cc). It's very likely that you were inadvertently exposed to...
  8. Hi Mazzing. Take Trents' advice. It is the only way to rule out (or in) celiac disease for sure. Hopefully, you don't have celiac disease. If you don't, then "don't" be so quick to dismiss the docs who spoke of stress/anxiety. Esp. chronic, severe anx/depression can present in MANY unexpected physical symptoms--including most of those you listed. At...
  9. Hi Kathryn. I haven't heard any reports of Covid vaccine GI upset as a side-effect. I DO know--from personal experience--how much chronic, severe stress can affect the gut (our "second brains"), and it appears that you are under perhaps more stress than most--what with the added burden of worry, caring for a very ill husband in the midst of the pandemic...
  10. Sometimes people with celiac disease (and other diseases) get eye styes and athlete's foot No offense intended but I wouldn't be so quick to blame eye styes and AF on celiac disease. Not every medical problem in life is related to celiac disease. Sometimes "stuff" just happens unrelated to celiac disease. Esp. styes and AF which happen to so many...
  11. If you/your daughter were on reduced gluten or gluten-free diets BEFORE the blood tests and/or endoscopy with biopsies, that could explain the "normal" lab results and negative biopsy for celiac disease.
  12. I would rely on your doctor for an accurate diagnosis, but your blood test numbers are so low, I doubt you have celiac disease or even gluten sensitivity. Since your blood tests were low normal, and if brain fog is the only symptom, you should consider other possible explanations. There are too many to note here, but a few well known causes of BF are...
  13. Hi Jen. Chronic, daily fatigue is a real bear, so I sympathize. That's a constant struggle for me. I was diagnosed in late 2019 and have been strictly gluten-free for 16 months now and I STILL have it. But I also suffer from other health issues: depression, anxiety, insomnia, hypothyroid (low thyroid production), and I know that really bad fatigue (as...
  14. Hi, small town. Welcome to the "club" no one wants to belong to. I know it's hard not to be discouraged and lost. Be assured that we ALL feel that way, esp. right after initial diagnosis. Some advice from another [relative] fellow newbie [diagnosed in late 2019, gluten-free diet since March 2020: I suggest that you avoid ALL restaurants (even carryout...
  15. OMG! I REALLY MISS goat cheese!!!🐐 I seem to be able to tolerate very small bites of hard cheese, like Kraft's 0% lactose grated parmesan, but I only ate it after first taking a Lactaid digestive enzyme tablet. But I noticed if I ate too much at one time, my gut would throw a 💩 fit the next morning.🤣 Unfortunately, over the past year, I gave in ...
  16. Cristiana, I hope all your tests come back normal. When you notice fluttering beginning, do an experiment: try to "change the subject" in your mind to see if it helps reduce or stop the symptom (e.g., get your mind on something else, like gardening, swimming, walking outside to notice the pretty flowers etc.). That or just laying down for a few moments...
  17. Hi, Cristiana. Sounds like a classic case of chronic, excessive stress, health anxiety. (I speak as a decorated veteran of the Panic Attack and Depression wars). It's sacrilegious to say so on this blog, but every ill feeling in life can't be caused by gluten exposure.😉 Joking aside, the most important thing is that you have already been to...
  18. Hi Aprilmon. I've never heard of "gluten withdrawal" symptoms, but you will not find a dearth of medical opinions on the internet, many from people who offer speculative advice backed up with little or no medical training. So its wise to always consult with your docs before drawing any conclusions about your condition/symptoms. Trents and Godsgal...
  19. Hi fellow Kate. You might consider what else (besides diet, meds) could be possible triggers/contributing factors. There are many different causes of GI distress besides gluten. In my case, I am fairly newly diagnosed and have been strictly gluten-free only since March 2020, about 15 months, but I still have GI issues. But I think mine are...
  20. Ignorant American Q: what's the difference between porridge and oats? Is one safe and the other not?
  21. Hi Daphne. Some people are super-sensitive to even tiny bits of G, and constant worry/stress/fear can be just as damaging as G exposure. When I first was diagnosed and learning about gluten-free diet, I decided to reduce additional stress by just avoiding packaged foods altogether, even those labeled gluten-free, and buy and eat completely natural...
  22. Hi Natalie. If the GI doc can't assure you the EGD will happen soon, I would suggest trying to go strictly gluten-free (no exceptions) for a few weeks to a month and see if you notice any improvement. If so, your gut is probably healing rapidly (typical for younger patients), you may not even need a scope/biopsy for a definitive celiac disease diagnosis...
  23. No worries, Mikeymike. I didn't take your Qs that way.😉 Also, like I said, I didn't mean to be preachy. I've just seen so many consequences of bad lifetime choices and often wonder why people sometimes seem so reluctant to make small, lifesaving changes. But that is for another day, thread... I think what you ask is legitimate, the same Q I ha...
  24. Hi Mikeymike. IMO that's like saying, "Well, what's wrong with smoking, drinking, drugging 'every once in while'? Nothing bad has happened to me so far?" 🙃 I work in the health care field and hear that line ALOT! LOL But, seriously speaking, this condition is lifelong (at least until a cure is found--hopefully soon). But the good news is, u...
  25. Point well taken. The thorny issue with both celiac disease and MH issues is the frequent overlap of symptoms for both conditions. I am happy your issues resolved with time by simply adopting a gluten-free diet. That's not the case for many of us, so no harm in considering other root causes besides G exposure. But I agree that the best doctors are...
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