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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kate333

  1. Could be...give up grains for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. I wish you speedy healing!
  2. Hi Alan. As a med student, you probably already know that brain fog, extreme fatigue are also classic symptoms of chronic, severe insomnia/anxiety/depression. Not unusual complaints for beginning med students (or all of us during this crazy pandemic). If you are still having those symptoms after being gluten-free for awhile, you might consider counseling...
  3. Dear Scott, I think it a bit simplistic and unfair to imply that doctors who consider MH conditions in making diagnoses or prescribe anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds are just dismissive psych pill peddlers with little concern for their patients or making an accurate diagnosis. Perhaps I've just been lucky, but I think most doctors genuinely care...
  4. Hi Ollieotters. Don't sweat the GI appt. GI docs are identical to general, family docs except more advanced, specialized training focused on digestion issues. You will likely just sit in the office and describe your symptoms. No reason to be scared or embarrassed. These docs have heard and seen it all...:-). As for any future tests they may recommend...
  5. Rejoycin, I forgot to add a note of caution about your comment, thinking Ivermectin could be used would treat or cure Covid infections. Nope...It is a medication commonly prescribed by veterinarians to treat cattle infested with intestinal parasites.🐮 Covid is caused by a virus, not parasites. So if I were you, unless you live on a cattle ranch, I...
  6. Hi Rejoycin. If not yet done, I would recommend an updated TTG blood test to assess the current level of your daughter's G antibodies. It's not unusual for college students to have ongoing G exposure, no matter how careful they think they are since they often have little control over food purchased/served in places like dorms, co-ops, other shared housing...
  7. Hi Pinkee. I'm glad you don't have MS. If you don't mind my asking, which of your symptoms improved when you went gluten-free for 2 weeks last December? I've had some neuro-like symptoms despite being gluten-free for over a year now. But I think in my case they are due more so to chronic, bad anxiety than G exposure. BTW, many GI docs will...
  8. Le me also mention that there are many websites/articles online that describe the physical symptoms of depression/anxiety and great tips for helping to reduce them. I especially like anxietycentre.com, which has an article with a cool chart that lists the many physical symptoms of depression/anxiety. Reading, learning, and understanding about the many ways...
  9. I used to be a go getter and willing to do anything, but the past years I have felt depressed and alone. +++++++++++++++ Hi Ihu7. Your comment above caught my eye. Fatigue, brain fog (and even GI probs) are often classic PHYSICAL symptoms of severe, chronic depression/anxiety--quite understandable in response to your recent celiac disease...
  10. Hi Laynuh. My TTG was also 224 when I was first diagnosed in late 2019. It's now down to near normal (I adopted a strict gluten-free diet, no packaged, processed foods). I know it's hard not to be impatient, get discouraged. But, as others here have said, healing happens gradually. Younger folks typically notice improvement of the gluten-free...
  11. I'm sorry you got sick after doing well on the gluten-free diet. 2 points to make here: 1. GI docs insist that you keep eating G right up until the day before the procedure in order to ensure the greatest accuracy of the procedure and assessing the extent of damage. 2. Even those who try to adopt a gluten-free diet can easily end up getting...
  12. Take my advice: GET THE SEDATION!! I've had upper EGDs first without sedation, then with. The first time, I opted to pass on sedation after speaking with a young clinic intake clerk reassured me she had it done un-sedated with no probs. I even brought a meditation relaxation videotape to play and help me chill out during the procedure. I thought...
  13. I would wait for the biopsy results before guessing, worrying too much, or drawing any conclusion about a diagnosis. The good news is if you do have some blunting, the strict gluten-free diet should help heal any damage, esp. quickly as younger folks seem to respond faster. A few years ago, I had an upper EGD and overheard the GI doc doing the scope...
  14. That's a good Q for a GI doc. I've never heard of PPIs or stomach acid levels actually "causing" hiatal hernias. I think it's more of a mechanical/structural problem where part of the stomach is literally pushed up inside the lower esophagus where it doesn't normally belong, usually due to weakened lower esophagus sphincter (opening between the stomach...
  15. If you haven't had an updated TTG-IGA test in awhile, get one to assess your current G antibody levels. You could be getting G exposed and not even know it. I'm pretty new to this diagnosis and eating gluten-free, so I'm still super finicky about buying, cooking eating only fresh food, avoiding ALL processed and packaged foods and eating out (restaurants...
  16. Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Enough sleep and exercise? Ask your GI about SIBO/IBS. All of these can effect digestion... You might also consider that fatigue (and digestion) issues are often classic physical symptoms of chronic depression/anxiety/insomnia, quite understandable to spike during this pandemic. That's certainly been the...
  17. Cristiana and GodsGal comments are spot on. The fatigue and muscle aches, pain are classic physical symptoms of anxiety and depression, esp. long-standing or severe A & D, understandably exacerbated during a stressful pandemic. In addition to seeking counseling, there are many free online resources. I particularly find Anxietycentre.com a great...
  18. The TTG-IGA gluten antibody blood test is relatively cheap out of pocket (about $50 without insurance), and some labs offer home test kits but you DO have to be eating G in order to get an accurate reading. Others on this site recommend genetic testing. But I would totally skip that, esp. if you are strapped for cash, because it's not an accurate, reliable...
  19. Hi acurry. I was diagnosed in late 2019, after YEARS of progressively worse exhaustion, anxiety/depression. I first chalked it up to work burnout because it required constant out of state travel. Finally, it all hit the fan in the summer of 2019 when I had a sudden, severe headache/burning in chest right after a big phone argument with a rude client and...
  20. Agreed. It's human nature to find change difficult. But it's also human nature to be easily lulled into a false sense of security and rely on it as an excuse to continue pre-diagnosis habits that caused illness in the first place and continue to damage the body. I also see that a lot in my work with people who have morbid obesity, HBP, and/or diabetes...
  21. Going from a high TTG level of 110 at diagnosis down to 23 in 9 months isn't anything to be worried about. In fact, since the "normal" TTG level is 14 or below, you are almost there. (BTW, I went from a high of 224 at diagnosis to 28 three months ago, when I last had a blood test. I didn't begin the STRICT gluten-free diet until March 2020, so it took...
  22. Yes. Toasters cost about $15 at Target or Walmart--a very small price to pay to promote healing and avoid further gut damage.
  23. Hi and welcome to the website. I, too, am a relative "newbie". Dx in late 2019 and STRICTLY gluten-free since March. GFinDC is spot on in recommending limiting your diet to fresh meats, fruits, veggies to expedite your healing and improvement in your G antibody blood test results. If you've been on the gluten-free diet for only 2 months, your current...
  24. Hi again Lotte18, Wow. Small world! Thanks for the kind words. Sorry for your tummy aches and skin inflammation. If your TTG # is as low as 10, that is well within the normal range, so you might consider other, non-G sources of those symptoms, esp. chronic anxiety/stress, which often triggers or intensifies a ton of PHYSICAL symptoms, including...
  25. Hi Lotte. Welcome. I can sympathize. I have all kinds of allergies (I live in a large Northern Calif. city), including especially dust and, post-celiac disease diagnosis, dairy. I constantly sneeze, eyes run, congestion, but find it honestly hard to discern whether my symptoms are due to food or dust, air pollution, pollen etc. I did get a food allergy...
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