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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kate333

  1. Yes! In fact, a big reason I got the J&J shot was because I knew I would 🐤 out and not get a 2nd shot if the 1st one made me sick.😱 LOL The other reason was because J&J held their vaccine trials later than Pfizer/Moderna and included the effects on the "latest" Covid "variants" (mutations); whereas the others were developed a bit earlier and n...
  2. I know it's hard to keep health anxiety under control (which I have BIG TIME since my diagnosis), but I find staying off "Dr. Google" and avoiding getting too worried about lab results/meaning really helps. I know, easier said than done...:-). You will also notice a lot of comments here, touting this or that supplement or product. IMO, best to check with...
  3. Hi Melissa93. I live in the USA and have Kaiser Permanente insurance. My docs here always test both TTG and DPG levels (which includes IGA). My DPG numbers have always been in the normal range (14.9 or less; scale for both TTG and DPG). What were yours/what are they now? As long as the "trend" is downward, you should celebrate or consider CC. I...
  4. Hi Chris. You're DEFINITELY doing the right things! I was diagnosed in late 2019 after TTG blood test. My first (highest) TTG level at diagnosis was 224. I adopted a strict gluten-free diet and eliminated ALL packaged foods (IMO you're right about that being "boxed garbage"--gluten-free-labeled or not). Then I noticed the numbers rapidly fell about...
  5. Thanks for your response, Cporosus1. Just wanted to warn you that "magic bullet" Xanax is also highly addictive! My GP has prescribed Remeron (Mirtazapine), which also reportedly helps treat both insomnia and IBS. I haven't tried it yet but may do so soon. I've relied on meditation, relaxation videos (I highly recommend Michael Sealy's YouTube videos...
  6. Hi Cporosus1. Just wondering if you find Lexapro and Unisom much help to you? Either for sleep and/or digestion issues? I have really bad anxiety and insomnia and likely IBS and could use some "extra help" in relieving all those symptoms I've heard some anti-depressants/anxiety meds can actually calm down one's digestive system as well as addressing...
  7. Hi Melissa. Welcome. Your comment about your hands (highlighted in bold print) caught my eye because my poor hands have begun to look like dried out, red 🦞🦞🦞 thanks to a year of my CONSTANT, OCD- and Covid paranoia-fueled handwashing! LOL. My dermatologist said she sees ALOT of that these days. I suggest you follow each hand-washing session with moi...
  8. Hi Scott. I have heard of lactose-free yogurt. Is there also such a thing as CASEIN-FREE yogurt or other dairy products (esp. ice-cream or cheese, which I love)? I have seen lactose-free cottage cheese on the market (Lactaid is the company).
  9. First, I wouldn't assume you aren't healing fast enough or you aren't properly absorbing food. You have only been on a gluten-free diet for 9 mos; it takes some folks longer than others to heal. Everyone is different. Second, you might be losing weight because you are inadvertently limiting your food consumption (total calories) because of your food...
  10. Thanks everyone for your replies! I feel less nervous about it now....😉
  11. Hi RMJ, thanks for sharing your expertise! I guess that's what I meant. I am a "newbie" (diagnosed with celiac disease late 2019, started very strict gluten-free diet nearly a year ago). I'm assuming my system has not yet fully healed from celiac disease gut damage because I STILL have slightly elevated TTG blood test results (38) plus continual indigestion...
  12. I got an email "invite" from my health insurance company today urging me to make an appt. for Covid vaccine. While I have always gotten an annual flu shot for years with no side-effects, etc., I wanted to hear from anyone else with experience getting the vaccine before I decide on timing. I know the vaccine has no "live" virus but, as a person who...
  13. Hi Xniehtan. Welcome to the board. Like you, I am a "newbie" to gluten-free diet. Please don't feel bad or apologize about your stress, fears and worries. That is a VERY normal reaction for people, especially at first as they learn about their health condition and how to avoid gluten in their lives and diet. I've found it much less stressful...
  14. You can find many Rx and OTR medication lists online which specifically ID ingredients, esp. gluten and dairy. But to be on the safe side (because some of these lists are not always up to date and because processing procedures and ingredients often change with time), I recommend calling the manufacturer directly to make sure.
  15. Hi cristiana! See a dermatologist for a skin biopsy. That's the only way you will know for sure. A red flag in your OP is your comment that scratching your neck (and any other body areas?) is a "nervous habit"...Scratching the skin leads to more inflamed skin..which leads to more scratching, etc. You also mentioned temperature. I can...
  16. Chronic allergies/post-nasal drip, living in a very dry, desert-like climate, and/or chronic, extreme anxiety could be factors, as could simply snoring/sleep apnea/sleeping with your mouth open at night (which dries out the throat/mouth moisture/mucous linings). You said you "had all the tests" and they found nothing. If those tests done included an upper...
  17. Hi KMS83. You might ask your doctor for an updated TTG blood test which shows the level of gluten antibodies in your system. If your gluten antibodies are still high now, a year and a half after your initial diagnosis, that could be an indicator that you are still getting regularly exposed to gluten, whether directly or indirectly (via cross-contamination...
  18. Just wanted to point out this article language: "*Important Notice medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information." IMO, this kind of caveat should be placed in the first paragraph...
  19. I also wanted to add that, in addition to a dentist visit, I have had several visits to my doctors' offices/clinic over the past year for preventative care, routine blood tests, an annual flu shot and pharmacy refills. Was I nervous/scared? Absolutely (and still am every time I leave my house, to be honest). But I was also reassured that ALL drs. and...
  20. Hi Charks. Do I think your partner is overreacting? Yes...but we are all understandably nervous these days. I've not seen any valid study discussing higher risk of CV to those with celiac disease or other GI issues. However, I have seen PLENTY of studies linking poor dental hygiene/neglect to gum/blood infections that can actually damage the cardiovascular...
  21. Hi Cristiana. After you realized you had neck problem and tinnitus, how was it treated? PT? Chiro? Did the tinnitus go away when the dizziness resolved? Have you had any recurrence of these symptoms since 2013? I've had dizziness, tinnitus, along with audiophobia, all of which seemed to develop several months ago. I also have a constant daily feeling...
  22. Hi Scott. Just wondering...how long ago did you have this symptom (vertigo, room spinning sensation) before your celiac disease diagnosis? AFTER your celiac disease diagnosis and beginning of a gluten-free diet and return to "normal" G blood test range, did you STILL struggle with it, or ever have lingering "lightheadedness"? Can you recommend any tips...
  23. Doctors like to blame many symptoms on depression IMHO. And they are right to a certain extent. But depression can also be a symptom of physical illness. Yes. But extreme depression/anxiety can also CAUSE (or manifest in) many physical symptoms, including constant, severe fatigue. Or it could be a mix of both gut issues AND depression/anxiety. ...
  24. Same here. IMO these dietary "supplements"--like so many others on the market offer customers no more than unproven marketing claims, wishful thinking, and dangerous false sense of security that can actually seriously hurt people with celiac disease disease by misleading them. (Beano and Lactaid are 2 others that come to mind, and supplements are not...
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