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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kate333

  1. Hi GFinDC. Can you recommend any specific, certified gluten-free potato chip brands that you have personally eaten and like? I used to LOVE Ruffles chips and had to give them up after bad indigestion when I ate them. I think Frito-Lay (FL) makes Ruffles? The last time I was in a store and looked, I noticed the words "gluten free" in very small font...
  2. ROFL. Nice comeback to previous post who said "everything is caused by celiac disease". Hmmm. celiac disease experts estimate that only 1-3% of the global population has celiac disease, whereas 75-90% of ER visits of all patients are attributed to extreme depression/health anxiety. I seriously doubt ALL the folks running to ERs/doctors offices have...
  3. Very likely your body will quickly tell you.. esp. your "second brain" (aka gut)..😉 That's how it usu. works with me but many folks aren't bothered by GI symptoms and some with celiac disease tolerate oats, dairy and many more foods without any problems. Sadly, I'm not one of them and I really miss my Quaker Oats!!
  4. You're welcome! I saw a neuro months ago and after the eval./tests he said my symptoms (neuropathy, dizziness) were likely anxiety from a mix of recent celiac disease diagnosis and chronic, bad stress/insomnia. But I admit I did feel reassured after consulting with him as I tend to be a "catastrophizer"/hypochondriac who ALWAYS assumes/fears the...
  5. Hi trents. Just curious, you said you were first diagnosed with celiac disease almost 20 years ago, long before retirement, so did you mean that you could not maintain a strict gluten-free diet while still working?? Were you eating out a lot back then? And how long did it take you to heal your gut (and any other symtpoms) after you went on a STRICT gluten...
  6. I moved to California in 2014. I haven't stopped sneezing, suffering burning eyelids, nasal congestion/post-nasal drip/dry and sore throat ever since. I have those symptoms 24/7, no matter what kind or how many antihistamines I take. I think the increasingly severe air pollution from fire smoke, constant road and housing construction (which churns...
  7. Spot on, Ivana! Thanks so much for your response. It's far too easy to overlook or downplay anxiety/depression in general, let alone the role it can play in celiac disease. I've read that sudden, severe anxiety or trauma can even trigger or "activate" full blown celiac disease in people who formerly had only a "dormant" genetic predisposition and...
  8. Hi RMJ, did you have any of those symptoms. If so, how long did it take after your gluten-free diet for you to notice improvements or feel you had returned to "normal" (or near-normal) in that dept.?
  9. Hi Celiomniac. As others have noted above, many of the sx you describe could be celiac disease-related. But they are also classic physical symptoms of chronic, severe anxiety/depression, esp. the emotional and physical fatigue, insomnia, "weird" muscle aches/pains/weakness, neuropathy, and indigestion. At least that's been my personal experience. I...
  10. Hi again Janet. Also, your earlier notes did refer to label reading and packaged foods. That's what sparked my concern and made me think perhaps you could benefit from some clarity about the meaning of gluten-free diet. I'm glad you are eating mostly a fresh diet and avoiding eating out...but unless you bake that bread yourself from scratch, using...
  11. Hi again Janet. I cannot emphasis these 2 points enough: 1. Please don't be misled or fooled by a lack of overt symptoms. Just because you are lucky enough to not feel bad now or have any GI (or other) symptoms, that doesn't mean you aren't consuming gluten and damaging your intestines. 2. If your blood test numbers have started rising again...
  12. I can so relate to this sentiment. I feel the SAME way. When I was diagnosed late last year, my blood test was over 200 and many others here reported much higher scores. So if your reading is "only" 34, you should take some comfort in knowing your test results will likely quickly return to the normal range on a strict gluten-free diet. I really wish...
  13. I take calcium, Vitamin B12 and D supplements (Nature's Truth brand with gluten-free label on the green bottle). I honestly can't say they make me feel any better. I wouldn't start taking any supplements without having first consulted with a GI doc to discuss your lab results. You may need a supplement of one kind of vitamin but not another. Also, taking...
  14. Hi Janet. Are you newly diagnosed? How many months or years have you been on your diet? Is this your first blood test? Did you get an endoscopy with biopsies? I'm no expert but I assume most GI docs give newly-diagnosed patients awhile before doing a follow-up scope or even addressing that issue, esp. because it take longer for some patients to heal...
  15. Hi Scott. Point taken. But, speaking as a relative gluten-free "newbie" here, it is so easy to become overwhelmed and even frightened (esp. when first diagnosed) by the huge amount of information, data, research available on the internet, even info. well-summarized on the best websites (like yours). Also, data and research studies are often preliminary...
  16. Hi again Kifaya. Thanks for your update. I think GFinDC's earlier recommendation to stop feeding her oats is a good one. Not sure if Australian gluten-free regulations and food inspection practices are stronger there than here in the US, but here oats (even if labeled gluten-free) are often and easily cross-contaminated with gluten during harvesting...
  17. Thanks for the link Scott! I often see that oft-quoted "1 in 100" statistic, along with the observation of massive under-diagnosis. I can't help but wonder whether a more accurate global celiac disease rate must be a lot higher, maybe closer to 1 out of 50?
  18. Hi Ivana. Well said!! Fortunately, most commenters on this board are very kind and helpful, but I have noticed a few exceptions. That earlier comment was ignorant and totally out of bounds, even cruel to say to a mother already worried about her young daughter. It is so important to remember what it is like to first get a diagnosis and to try to be helpful...
  19. Extreme, chronic stress could also trigger migraines (and even "regular" headaches). Fortunately, I have had bad migraines only once or twice in my life. Both times coincided with periods of bad job physical/mental burnout. But from other comments on this board, I see many others linking them to celiac disease. Regardless of the cause, I would think...
  20. Amen!! Big Agri & the politicians they own, lock, stock and barrel "set the rules".😖 Why else do so many of these companies still get away with labelling so many of their products, menu items, restaurants "gluten-free" for marketing purposes (and misleading & endangering Celiacs) when, in fact, there is a very high probability that they AREN'T!...
  21. Hi again, Kifaya. So glad to hear our words are a comfort to you. We have all been down this path, so you and your precious daughter are not alone. We are here for you! Just a point of clarity: a "normal" TTG reading is 15 or less (not 200). Don't know if you live in the US or Europe, but hopefully, your daughter's high reading will spare her the...
  22. My heart goes out to you! I know that sounds scary high, but the good news is: gluten anti-body blood test results sharply, dramatically decline once a STRICT gluten-free diet is started; small children heal MUCH FASTER than adults (as you are seeing with her quick response to the gluten-free diet); and you were lucky enough to discover her condition when...
  23. No disrespect intended but since you are STILL eating cheese, you are still consuming dairy. Everyone is different, but if you have developed a dairy intolerance/allergy you cannot just "cut back" on it or skip a few days (same applies to gluten or any other allergen) and expect your GI system and function to heal and normalize. You have to eliminate it...
  24. Trents, thanks for your response and for taking my points in the spirit in which they were offered...:). That said, Bob, there are so many reasons for GI distress, many of which have nothing to do with celiac disease problems or gluten exposure/damage, so I wouldn't automatically jump to the conclusion or assumption that this is the issue here or that...
  25. @RMJ, do you know: 1) whether people with celiac disease were specifically included in any of those trials? and 2) whether any CV vaccine includes gluten contents (not just eggs or other commonly used vaccine ingredients)? In response to Q 1, if the answer is yes, were the trial results any different than those observed without celiac disease? If no, are...
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