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Chris Simmons

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Chris Simmons

  1. EnteroLab does NOT diagnose celiac—only gluten sensitivity—so was no disagreement there from blood test—disagreement was between labs on whether I was gluten sensitive or not—don’t know if you’re familiar with genes-/I have HLA-DQB1*02:01(which predisposes gluten sensitivity and celiac disease & HLA-DQB1*06:03(non-celiac Gene predisposing gluten sens...
  2. Talked to Dr Fine for 40 minutes—good Christian man(so am I)—not into all this competitive #%<>—just want to get well—current doctor wants me to accept diagnosis and proceed gluten free but I want another confirmation so probably will eat gluten 2 weeks prior to endoscopy—remember had “no gut” symptoms when starting this—just chasing neuropathy caus...
  3. Started gluten free 7/8–as told—just received report from GI nurse that blood report showed I did not have celiac disease—want endoscopy done to confirm “gluten sensitivity”(quit drinking & smoking-have “no” desire to go gluten free unless absolutely positive)—Dr Fine at EnteroLab talked to me for 40 minutes(didn’t have to)—is Christian(so am I)—told me la...
  4. I will ask nurse which test I took—how did you find out about autoimmune problems? Am on gluten free diet now—gastro guy wants me to go back on gluten 2 weeks prior to 8/18(scheduled for colonoscopy which is time for) when he will biopsy small intestines(which I assume will show for sure “gluten sensitivity”)—-doctor I am currently working with wants me ...
  5. Blood work came back that I did not have celiac—have extremely high fecal fat score—currently having test run for small intestinal malabsorption vs pancreatic maldigestion—if score was that high for fat then nutrients and supplements that I’m trying to get to body to remedy neuropathy(cause for this entire thing) are not getting there—have never had “any”...
  6. Because of my “trying to be sure & clear up confusion in my head”—gluten sensitivity kicking in at 67 seems strange to me(EnteroLab test also shows genes for probability)—doctors blamed my neuropathy for years on too much alcohol(never alcoholic but drank a lot)—quit and neuropathy actually started getting worse—knew something else was driving—my “chiropr...
  7. EnteroLab is who did test—plus he was head of Baylor’s gastro before starting this—showed gluten sensitivity in test and according to him—is far superior to blood test because according to him—shows up in stool well before blood—as for second part—have been working with regular doctors—the only thing “they” know to do is prescribe “pain meds” which I’m not p...
  8. Did stool test—results show gluten sensitivity—also shows a gene that predisposes to gluten sensitivity and celiac disease and another “non-celiac gene” predisposing to gluten sensitivity—does “not” say I have celiac disease—by definition what is “celiac disease and what is difference to it & gluten sensitivity?
  9. Have struggled with neuropathy for 8 years—no known cause—doctor had me do stool test thru enterlab—Fecal Anti-glossing lgA showed 11 units(normal less than 10—no normal symptoms for this whatsoever—also HLA-DQB1*02:01 & HLA-DQB1*06:03—again no normal gluten symptoms—Fecal Fat Score 1428(way high)—can this cause peripheral neuropathy?
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