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  1. Interesting! I got tested for SIBO too but it was normal. I just avoid processed food and eat mostly homecooked. It helped. I just started using metamucil 4 in1 and digestive enzymes supplement, and I have noticed a decrease in the burping. I take a bit of metamucil after every meal and the enzymes morning and evening. Initially milk did make me burp...
  2. Hello, I get bloated from gas. I burp way too much, many times for hours after meals. I haven't really paid attention to upper abdominal distension but I do get lower. Reflux is sometimes and doesn't really bother me. When I do get reflux I feel more of a burning in the lower abdominal region rather than upper. Thank you! I'll take note of that...
  3. Guess I'll try and see how it works out. I might try to take some digestive enzymes too. Hopefully I won't get too bloated.
  4. So psyllium husk should increase the transit time of the stools and promote regular bowel movement? I'm worried about the bulk forming property of psyllium. I don't want to get uncomfortably bloated.
  5. Yes, I had both procedures done. The results were negative for all biopsies, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon. They found and removed 1 sessile serrated adenoma in the colon but that was it.
  6. Yes, I was eating gluten when they tested for Celiac. I did start the gluten free diet 10 days before the endoscopy/colonoscopy. I'm not sure of the turnover rate of the cells in the gut so I was thinking that may be why damage wasn't detected.
  7. Oh wow! Thank you for the in depth explanation! I had so many other tests done like pH probe, a smart pill, gastric emptying, etc. and most of them were normal. It's just weird that I can no longer eat as much as I used to and my calorie intake is around 1000. I tried exercising once and 20 mins later I was nauseous. I want to feel better and not tired all...
  8. https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/i/prettiepumpkin/celiac_HLA.jpg Here are the blood tests pics. lab test lab test lab test lab test most recent test this pic was uploaded to my account slightly blurry.
  9. Hello! Thank you for replying. I did mistakenly write colon, but yes I meant blunted villi were not detected. I am trying to figure out how to post pics on here.
  10. Hello Everyone, So a year ago I woke up one night horribly bloated and in pain from cramping. It left me nauseous and unable to sleep and constipated. The nausea lasted for 2 months, I couldn't lay down to sleep because of nausea, I couldn't eat much either. Everything I ate made me bloated and constipated. Several visits to the ER and doctor, I finally...
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