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Celiomniac's Achievements

  1. I'm on a really low dose of Wellbutrin (actually, the generic version, Bupropion) @ 75mg/2x daily. I felt some positive effects early on, probably 6 months ago, though at this point I can't say that I really notice it doing anything at all. Having said that, I don't typically feel like I need any extra help avoiding a feeling of depression, otherwise I...
  2. Thanks for all of the thoughtful responses. There’s so many pieces to this puzzle and it’s going to take a little time to put them all together. I’m hopeful that the neurologist will have some insight that’s valuable, though I’m prepared for the canned response that celiac is a GI disease. Happy Holidays, all! And yes, a better year ahead, in...
  3. Thank you. Good catch wrt depression and anxiety. An endocrinologist I saw said the same thing. After months of feeling poorly with no diagnosis or resolution I began to get anxious and mildly depressed. I was on cymbalta for a number of months which helped my mood but eventually began to make me drowsy. Now I’m on Wellbutrin. A therapist was in the m...
  4. Thank you. Oats, cooked with fairlife, and berries have been my daily breakfast for years. I’ve switched to Bob’s Red Mill Oatmeal. How would I know if Fairlife and gluten-free oats are a problem for me?
  5. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’ve been shocked by how pervasive gluten is our food supply. It’s been a serious task to do just as you say, eliminate all traces. I’m sure mistakes will be made but we are trying. I am taking some supplements. I’ve been on a Centrum Men’s for several months and recently added a b12 1000mcg, 2k unit ...
  6. Just wanted to add that I was found to have mild hypothyroidism 2 years ago and am on levothyroxine, keeping my TSH around 3. Also have hypertension and take valsartan for this. I have a follow up with my neurologist on Monday so I’m not sure if I should push for more scans or is this looking more like celiac related symptoms.
  7. Good afternoon, I was recently diagnosed via biopsy indicating atrophic mucosa and increased lymphocytes followed by a positive ttg iga blood test. It surprised me in a way, as I didn’t have what I thought were the stereotypical GI issues, but on the other hand, I became lactose intolerant 2.5 years ago, for some reason had to begin supplementing m...
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