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    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in Vitamin supplements   
    For many B vitamins you can take more than the RDA. 
    Vitamins and Minerals Generally Safe in Excess of Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA):
    Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Excess vitamin C is usually excreted in the urine ...
  2. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Aaron2018 in Lindor lindt candy cane is it gluten free   
    If a product does not have a gluten free claim on the packaging, then I look it up and if the website says it’s safe then I will eat it,  if the company can tell you it’s safe it should be, but like I said before if other celiac peop...
  3. Upvote
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Aaron2018 in Lindor lindt candy cane is it gluten free   
    I wouldn't assume something is or isn't safe if it doesn't have a warning that it may contain wheat. If I am buying a highly processed food such as candy or an item that might be cross contaminated at the factory like seasoned peanuts...
  4. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in Melatonin and IBS.   
    That's interesting, thank you for sharing. Another thing that can help you sleep and has been shown to be helpful is tryptophan.
    Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter ...
  5. Upvote
    knitty kitty
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from knitty kitty in How long will it be before I will be in no pain   
    Melatonin and tryptophan control muscle spasms, and the relaxation of a muscle which allows for a small amounts of stomach contents to leave the stomach and enter the small intestine. Supplementing is better than foods containing tryptophan...
  6. Like
    Scott Adams
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Scott Adams in How long will it be before I will be in no pain   
    Melatonin and tryptophan control muscle spasms, and the relaxation of a muscle which allows for a small amounts of stomach contents to leave the stomach and enter the small intestine. Supplementing is better than foods containing tryptophan...
  7. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to trents in Muscle Twitching   
    Welcome to the forum, CeliacChica!
    Are you on any vitamin and minerals supplements to speed up recovery from the neurological damage often seen in celiac suffers those with NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) as well? 
    Long ...
  8. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to trents in Child with repeat low positive TTG IGA   
    Three years? That's ridiculous! Okay, in that case I'm changing my recommendations. I feel strongly that you need to place your son on a strict gluten free diet NOW and see if his symptoms improve. If you wait three years you are risking...
  9. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in GLUTEN FREE CHALLENGE FOR BIOPSY   
    In general if you see "gluten-free" on a label in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc., it does mean that the food is safe for those with celiac disease, and it does NOT mean that there is 19ppm gluten in it, as some people might...
  10. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to trents in Celiac blood test diagnose help   
    Genetic testing for celiac disease has value for ruling out celiac disease, not demonstrating that you have it. About 40% of the general population has one or more of the genes associated with celiac disease but only about...
  11. Upvote
    knitty kitty
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from knitty kitty in Celiac blood test diagnose help   
    I have gout although I have only had a few attacks. I was trying to find a food that was high in xanthine oxidase inhibitors. Red spinach fits the category well and you can eat lots of it. But also keep in mind that lowering uric acid...
  12. Like
    Scott Adams
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Scott Adams in New Study Shows 36% Increase in Dementia Risk for PPI Users   
    Interesting article.
    Some stomach issues such as h. pylori infection and GERD are largely caused by diet or aggravated by diabetes which is common. These affect insulin resistance and stomach bacteria which are both strongly related...
  13. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in New Study Shows 36% Increase in Dementia Risk for PPI Users   
    I thought this was an interesting long-term study on dementia risk for those who use proton pump inhibitors:
  14. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to trents in Lung transplant and celiac disease   
    The headaches are possibly related to gluten withdrawal. If so, you are three weeks out now and that should subside soon. In general, headaches/migraines are more common in the celiac population than in the general population. I personally...
  15. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in Celiac and Milk products   
    Many people with celiac disease, especially those who are in the 0-2 year range of their recovery, have additional food intolerance issues which could be temporary. To figure this out you may need to keep a food diary and do an elimination ...
  16. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to HectorConvector in Terrible Neurological Symptoms   
    The pain preceded the weight training, but it was very slight until I started weight training. The weight training exacerbated it, but MASSIVELY. Basically took it out of control and to the point of heavy medication. At first I thought...
  17. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Scott Adams in Terrible Neurological Symptoms   
    This is very interesting, and I hadn't heard of this exercise-induced condition before. 
  18. Like
    Scott Adams
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Scott Adams in Terrible Neurological Symptoms   
    There are some similarities between CFS and what you describe on this thread, but CFS might cover a broad range of different conditions.
    At the 20 minute mark it talks about...
  19. Like
    Scott Adams
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Scott Adams in U.S. Labeling Rules on Wheat in Vinegar and Alcohol   
    Certain peptide sequences (chains of proteins) found within longer chains of proteins (which make up gluten) will trigger an immune response resulting in damage to the gut. Distilled vinegar in the US in normally made from corn. The heat...
  20. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Nikki2777 in Is this ok ?   
    If I understand your question, you're asking if handling gluten while working food service will be a problem with your Celiac? Can't say for sure, but I doubt it - just be careful to wash your hands before eating and make sure you're...
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    Blue-Sky reacted to Elizabeth M Blair in Ice cream.   
    I was thrilled to find GFSharon's Mango Sorbet in my food coop and also gluten-free Breyers Natural Strawberry ice cream.  Thanks again for the help!
  22. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to newtonfree in Is Equate All Day Back & Muscle Pain Relief [naproxen Sodium 200 mg] gluten free?   
    Correct, NSAIDs independently can cause NSAID-induced enteropathy like I mentioned above. But it's early days in terms of understanding it. And we will preferably use clinical data when we can get it, rather than making assumptions based...
  23. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to trents in 10 year old with sudden onset, gastroparesis, weight loss, no improvement after 6 weeks on gluten-free diet. AIP? Supplements? Help!   
    What are they saying about the protein in the urine and amorphous crystals? Protein in the urine can and usually is I believe, suggestive of kidney dysfunction.
    The first step of diagnosing gallbladder disease is an ultra scan...
  24. Like
    Blue-Sky reacted to Wheatwacked in 10 year old with sudden onset, gastroparesis, weight loss, no improvement after 6 weeks on gluten-free diet. AIP? Supplements? Help!   
    A bolus boost of vitamin D, the largest you can get for him.  Maybe some of those 50,000 IU shots from the doctor so it bypasses ingestion.   He's at 29 ng/ml, according to "close to the low threshold on D".  Homeostasis for D is 80 ...
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    Scott Adams
    Blue-Sky got a reaction from Scott Adams in Can may contains cause anxiety and depression   
    "May contain" could mean that is manufactured on the same equipment that makes items that contain wheat. It doesn't take much wheat to trigger celiac disease (a crumb is enough for some people) that could be the problem. My symptoms vary...
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