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Ricky B

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  1. Thanks Trents but I have actually been on the AIP diet since February which eliminates even more than wheat because although I was better on the gluten free, I was still having some symptoms. I rarely eat out anymore and am vigilant in reading labels. I guess the main purpose of my post was to question a weak positive test score for Celiac in adults. I would...
  2. I had the Celiac Disease panel done before I stopped eating gluten along with some other tests. When it showed a weak positive, that doctor told me to stop eating gluten, which I did. I changed insurance and doctors so the new doctor tested me again after being gluten free for four months and I went from a 6 to a 5. I asked to have the genetic testing done...
  3. Thank you for commenting. That is my thinking as well...a positive is still a positive no matter the number. What if someone doesn’t eat a lot of gluten on a daily basis or it is the beginning stages of the disease, wouldn’t that affect the numbers?
  4. Thank you for your comment. Yes I have been gluten free since November and did see some improvement but my new gastroenterologist is saying I do not have Celiac Disease.
  5. Has this same study been done on adults and determined that low positive test results mean these adults do not have Celiac Disease? Why would the results be different in children and adults? I am curious about this because I am a 71 year old woman and did test low positive (6) on the same test but was unable to have the biopsy due to blood clots and...
  6. I was just diagnosed less than a year ago at age 71. It all began with blood clots that traveled to my lungs. My doctor at the time did not know why the blood clots happened and I was insistent on trying to find out why. My other symptoms were abdominal swelling, fatigue, body aches and headaches. Among many other tests, I had the Celiac Panel test and was...
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