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  1. You are right. Everyone is different. I was a silent celiac, no symptoms before diagnosis. On stric gluten free diet for almost 4 years. Ate a whole wheat cookie by mistake a few months ago. Was expecting a big reaction as everyone said it was what would happen once my body is totally clear of gluten. But... nothing whatsoever. Felt totally fine. Not that...
  2. I can guarantee that this shall pass. I felt exactly the same for the first 3 to 6 months or so. Total gloom and doom and fear of all sorts of diseases. Now it has been 3 years and I hardly think about those things. It just became normal that I have celiac and I believe I am now as healthy as the next peŕson in my age group, which is mid 40ies. Actually,...
  3. I don't think celiac necessarily makes you more succeptible to infections. I must have haD celiac my whole life but I never even got so much as a cold, let alone flu. I take it that my immune system is just strong, for better or worse.
  4. I have been having twitches and tension forever. I chalk it up to anxiety. Could be also something celiac related. I also have white spots on my brain. But they seem pretty common. I am fine otherwise so I don't worry.
  5. You will be fine as long as your food does not touch that table. I guess it is in a container or on a plate. Also, unless it's a bunch of people hovering over you and your food with their donuts, you should also bE fine 😊. Relax and enjoy your desrved lunch breaks.
  6. I travel without problems. When I don't travel, I never eat in a restaurant that is not dedicated gluten free. When I travel, I sometimes do. I always checked my antibodies after traveling in the past and they were fine. I believe if in my regular life I limit gluten exposure to a minimum, then eating out a few times a year, the possible cc won't be...
  7. Sabaaraya, did you have to do a colonoscopy to check the cause of occult bleeding or did they explain it with gastritis?
  8. I am sorry you feel so miserable. But I guarantee you that you won't feel like this forever. You said you love to cook (when not injured), so this could be a chance to try and learn how to make tasty food that you can eat. I also crave pizza, but I found schär pizza base to be really good. I put whichever topping I have and my pizza is ready in 10 minutes....
  9. No I haven't. I will soon as it has been 2 years, but I am not in a hurry as I don't think there is anything more I could do even if it hasnt healed completely yet. I mean I am already very careful with food and try to live healthy. I check my antibodies every 6 months. Always fine. I don't have any symptoms either. So I don't want to make myself worry...
  10. It takes sometimes more than a year to heal so no need to panic if it turns out you are not there yet. Also, what exactly do you mean by gliadin IGA? I thoguht that is supposed to be positive in order for antibody test to be valid and it is not a sign of celiac on its own. If so and if your Mom feels well there is really no need to put her through more testing...
  11. I must say I don't really get the need for a shared kitchen and I would not be comfortable using one. Even if I would get used to it, I think it's unnecessary additional worry, caution and effort. But of course, it all depends on what food a family is used to eating. After my diagnosis, the only thing that changed for everyone is bread (now made gluten free...
  12. Thank you for replying. My antibiodies also normalized within a year and have stayed so for the following two. I am careful but not as you. I eat in normal restaurants when I travel, so a few times a year. I also eat suff that is gluten free, even if only declaration wise, such as snickers or bounty. I know it's not 100% safe but I feel fine and it doesnt...
  13. I see. I did some research and it seems dgp is a newer test, and while ttg is rather cheaply available in most private labs in my country, dgp is not. I will try to ask my doctor next time. I hope only negative ttg still means I am doing well. 😥
  14. Thanks for replying. I never tested dpg. Is ttg not enough?
  15. Hello, I have a question for those who have been diagnosed a while/years ago. How often do you check your blood for antibiodies ttg iga to make sure celiac is not active? And if you check them often enough, like once a year, do they fluctuate? Are they higher if you have been contaminated recently? I check mine once a year. So far so good but...
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