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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by raspberryfirecracker

  1. Hi thorn, I second the low histamine autoimmune paleo diet. There's a list out there for "whole 30, low histamine" which is essentially exactly this; a good place to start if you're feeling overwhelmed. I would get ill when I talked too much as a consequence of mast cell activation syndrome, which is common alongside celiac disease. It's a type...
  2. Hi charks, have you considered pushing this back until you can get the vaccine? I'm not sure dental health matters very much if you die two weeks afterward... 🤪
  3. Doing the Lord's work here, posterboy. When I get my next vitamin checkup I'm going to come ask for you by name! 😂 "Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses al...
  4. That's a lot of info, but none of it impacts my suggestion to this new person seeking help. What I said is very relevant to the situation, at this particular point in time, for this person, concerning the topic I brought up to them. Nothing more, nothing less. Take care.
  5. Hi, definitely not recommending anyone just stop B vitamins altogether: Was suggesting OP lay off them until getting over the flare. She said she was taking a B complex. High potential to exacerbate both MCAS attacks, and dehydration. And someone recommended an Ultima electrolyte powder, that reminded me it has those "extras" many of us with MCAS...
  6. Being forced to learn in order to get better, like everyone else, I presume. Can't just post a study or two, because it's impossible to summarize 6+ years of information learned from mental effort, doctors, bloodwork, research studies, genetics testing, and treating my deficiencies in a way that wouldn't hospitalize me or cause additional diagnoses, by posting...
  7. Re: B vitamins: Yes, in the case of mast cell activation and a body in crisis fighting to remove the excessive histamine produced by those cells wherever they stirred, B vitamins like B9 (folate, even methylfolate), and B12 (even adeno- hydroxy- or methyl-b12) naturally result in histamine down the line, and would overload the pathways the body is using to...
  8. Vapor girl, I made this account just so I could tell you this. Here's my two cents. Celiac disease is correlated with something called mast cell activation syndrome. Research doesn't yet know if celiac disease triggers the mast cells (a white blood cell), or if the mast cells are what "turn on the ignition" for celiac disease to switch on, but they tend...
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