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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by RBnorth66

  1. My skin biopsy results say it's "positive" for DH. It also has much more detail in the results. It was a Direct Immunofluoresence Test from the University of Utah. I had a blood test for Celiac, which was positive. Also, I have my DNA results which shows I have the genes for Celiac. When I received my DNA results (prior to DH diagnosis) it said I was...
  2. I was 70 when I first started breaking out with DH so I can't answer your pregnancy question. I have symptoms 2-4 hours after ingesting gluten which includes corn, oats and rice. How long my symptoms last depends upon how much gluten I ate. If it was a miniscule amount, then a few days. If it was say, a slice of bread (that was supposed to...
  3. With the corn allergy I start itching from 2-4 hours after ingesting. I tried re-introducing it twice and had to take Dapsone for 3-4 days to stop the itching. I did not take a pinprick test. My doctor said they are not reliable. As I was trying to figure this out I went to EXtreme lengths to be sure there was no cross-contamination in my kitchen...
  4. I went on the AIP diet twice. The 2nd time I figured out that I am allergic to ALL grains, including corn, oats and rice. Corn is in everything. There is cornstarch in baking powder and powdered sugar. I am not allergic to any other foods, just grains. I was gluten-free for two years, but could never stop taking Dapsone and kept having periodic...
  5. Yes, I have a prescription for it. I'm not certain that it's helping. Thank you for the suggestion though. I may keep trying it once a week.
  6. I have been on the AIP diet now for 61 days. The good news is that the past 3 days I have had no itching, plus I have only taken 25 mg. of dapsone 1 day. The diet seems to be working and some of my rash, which is everywhere, looks like it's starting to fade. I'm not sure what to do about my scalp. It has scaly-like dandruff all over it. I have tried...
  7. I was 70 when I was diagnosed and probably also had Celiac for years. I did not have the usual symptoms. It's very difficult for me to figure out which food is causing the problem since my symptoms don't appear for anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours. I am not taking any supplements right now and since I am not eating any dairy I do have concerns...
  8. I have DH and Celiac. The DH is quite severe. I am very sensitive and it seems like I have the rash everywhere. I have been gluten-free since March of 2019. I have taken Dapsone since then and it does help. My rash did not begin to fade until I went on the AIP diet. It is VERY SLOWLY fading. I have been on an AIP diet since April 19, 2021. ...
  9. Yes, the almond flour is gluten-free. Bob's Red Mill gluten-free. I don't buy anything that isn't labeled gluten-free. Thanks for the link to the AIP article. I have been on AIP since April 19th. I have only re-introduced coffee. The re-introduction of almonds doesn't seem to work.
  10. I am now 6 weeks into my AIP diet. I tried re-introducing almonds/almond milk and a bread made with almond flour. I seem to have another outbreak of my rash. Bumps on my scalp and itching today - 24 hours after eating almond based foods. Has anyone else experienced this? I keep looking for CC of gluten and for the life of me, I can't figure it...
  11. I'm trying to figure out what to do after AIP elimination diet. I have DH and would like to try re-introducing a food, but which one? I eliminated all AIP foods and added coconut and avocado. I would like to try adding coconut back in. What do I look for? Do I wait a week? What did you find out?
  12. I forgot, no iodine and I am only taking my prescription drugs. I have checked on them and they are gluten-free.
  13. I have been gluten-free for almost two years. I have been on the AIP diet 38 days because just being gluten-free wasn't working for me. I do not eat out. No grains or oats, rice, corn are allowed on AIP. No seeds, nuts, coffee, chocolate, sugar,(except honey or maple syrup), nightshades. Also no dairy.
  14. I have been on the AIP diet for 38 days now. It was my only answer after dealing with another serious outbreak of my rash. I have been on a strict gluten-free diet for more than a year and seemed to be getting it under control until last August. I'm on Dapsone but this time the itching would not stop. I re-cleaned everything and tried to figure out if...
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