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  1. Thank you so much! I have been looking more into the histamine tolerance and I think this is what is going on with my body. I have many of the symptoms and am going to try to work to get it under control. I did not know this was a thing and wish it was talked about more. Going to start a food diary to try to track the reactions and symptoms with food. Hoping...
  2. Ya, it doesn't look like DH. How long does it take for a food allergy to cause a reaction? Also, I am on so many antihistamines, the rash is very mild if even there. Would I have to decrease my intake to observe any reactions to food allergens?
  3. I tried going dairy free for a little and it did not help. How long did it take for symptoms to relieve? Also, thank you for the advice I greatly appreciate it.
  4. I was diagnosed with celiac disease via blood work 7 years ago. Since then I have struggled with many other issues including migraines, digestive issues, breathing trouble, and now hives. 3 months ago I broke out into hives all over my body that were incredibly itchy. When I would itch the skin would get red and become raised. Sometimes the blood vessels...
  5. I have had celiac for 5 years too and am struggling with the same thing. I am currently trying to work on the fatigue and irregularity in BM. For me what has helped is taking magnesium daily. It is really important to make sure you take it everyday just be careful if you start having laxative effects from it. If I miss a day I get backed up. Something else...
  6. I work out regularly by lifting but I often feel that I am more out of breath than I should be. Taking a b complex (which has thiamine) has helped a little bit but not entirely. Should I take a thiamine supplement on top of that?
  7. I will look into it! Thank you very much for the suggestions! Okay, thank you! I haven't had that but I will be careful.
  8. Is magnesium citrate something that I would take everyday? Do you have a supplement recommendation for magnesium citrate?
  9. The muscle fatigue would range from feeling like I can barely get upstairs to my right arm would be too tired to write. Some days minimal movement feels very difficult. It has gotten better since I have started taking a B complex and magnesium. The breathing issues feel almost as if I try to take a deep breath it makes me more out of breath. If that...
  10. Thank you very much for your response! I am going to try to start cutting down my diet to see how that might help.
  11. I have been checked for anemia a couple times and always seem to be right on the bottom of the normal range but have never been diagnosed.
  12. I have never heard of a thiamine deficiency. Ill look into it! Thank you so much for your response and the articles you attached.
  13. Thank you so much for your help!
  14. I think I will start a food journal then too see if there is any food that is causing problems with my gut. I was on vitamins for little bit but then stopped because weird things were happening with my body and my doctor told me to stop taking them to see if that would help. I think it was my probiotic though that was causing me numbness in my hands and feet...
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