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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by KylieG

  1. Hi there! I have Hashimotos and NCGS. I’ve only been on the journey since February but I have felt so good just a few days after I went gluten free….but whenever I accidentally get ‘glutened’ I get the aches and pains come back, massive anxiety and sometimes brain fog and muscle fassiculations. It’s a massive learning curve. I just need to s...
  2. Hi @trents I’m having trouble finding the original thread but I saw you mention somewhere that there are long term risks for those of us with NCGS if a gluten free diet is not followed. I’d love to read more about this. I hadn’t heard that to date. Are there any good articles around? Thanks, Kylie
  3. How did you go @Addy86? I have had very similar symptoms and investigations as you and have come to the conclusion that I have NCGS. It’s frustrating that there is no real way to diagnose it but going gluten free was amazing for me. Many of my symptoms lifted within days. If your bloods do come back negative for celiac it would be interesting to see h...
  4. Hi there, @Becktoria01 did you ever receive a diagnosis? I have very similar symptoms. I was negative for celiac but just told I must have a Gluten Intolerance, cutting the gluten has certainly helped (it's only been 2 weeks!) Thanks, Kylie
  5. Hi there. I know this was a while ago but did the doctor end up diagnosing you with anything? Any reason for the rectal pain? Some of your symptoms sound very similar to what I’ve experienced.
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