I was able to get my results from my doctor and have listed them below!
IGA Reflexive - 133 (>378 is positive)
TTG-IGA - 2.97 (>20 is positive)
Deaminated Gliadin IGA - 5 (<20 antibody not detected)
Deaminated Gliadin IGG - 2 (<20 antibody not detected)
I think I’ll give them a call, I’m worried they won’t kn...
I don’t have my exact results but I can see if they are “flagged” or not. My IGA, TTG-IGA and Gliadin IGA are normal. But my ANA was high and I remember the naturopath I saw saying untreated celiac can cause this if no other auto-immune diseases are present
Thanks so much for your reply! I can’t seem to access the results, but I can see if they are “flagged” or not. My IGA, TTG-IGA and Gliadin IGA are normal. But my ANA was high and I remember her saying untreated celiac can cause this if no other auto-immune diseases are present.
Hi everyone, I’m hoping I can get some guidance here.
Two years ago I saw a naturopath for some gastro issues, among others. She made the connection between them and the EXTREMELY itchy rash I’d been experiencing, telling me it was possibly celiac/DH. All the blood work she ordered came back negative for celiac, but there was evidence in the tests of ...