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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Lotte18

  1. Of course no one is studying whether there is a connection or not. The lack of solid information is exasperating. Living with this much uncertainty is so stressful. I get blood tests every year and they never show a vitamin deficiency. I've never had a diet high in carbs, etc. etc. But I am aging. And that seems to create a lot of bio chemical drama...
  2. I guess my fungal issue was also blood related. Had to do some heavy antibiotics. Awful. I will try the Dapsone gel and cross my fingers. Thanks for posting...
  3. Hi All, Thanks for all the input on dermatitis herpetiformis. Once again these discussions highlight how little understanding there is by our drs. about celiac disease. About 8 years ago I was also diagnosed with a "rare" fungal infection. Hope it's not related to what's on my leg now. I'm putting Clobetasol .05% on it now. Seems like strong stuff....
  4. Hi all, I've suddenly got a skin rash on my leg that might be dermatitis herpetiformis...can figs trigger this? Has anyone else had a similar reaction to eating figs? And if so, what did you do to treat it? Or did it go away on its own after a few days? At the moment I'm just icing it and hoping it dissipates. Many thanks, Charlotte
  5. So sorry that you're going through this during your college years. The first year or two of this is the hardest. The Drs. don't seem to know that there's a recovery phase that requires more than going gluten free. Coffee and lactose should be avoided. You need to calm the system down. Start your day with ginger tea. Basic Culture grain free bread instead...
  6. So perhaps, if the RA and/or MS folks come up with an experimental treatment for IL-7 first, us celiacs can apply to try that route as well. (I assume their research grants are much larger and more consistent than ours.)
  7. Thanks for posting this. And for translating the technical medical language in Nature's article into something the average reader can digest. Pun intended! Do you know if IL-7 is being looked into by researchers who study MS? RA? How much cross pollination goes on among these researchers? I have an aunt with MS from the same branch of the family that...
  8. Thanks for clarifying Scott. The FDA does have an enormous job. Looking forward to seeing what else you uncover from this evolving story. Many thanks for keeping us informed.
  9. Trents, Thanks for your comment. Like so many, I was completely unaware of the GFCO step down testing process. I assumed they were testing on a consistent, perpetual basis. My understanding is that companies pay a minimum of $10,000 a year for this certification. You and I pay a premium for that certified product. Testing should be consistent. The FDA...
  10. Scott, As always thanks for providing our community with this much needed information. Like so many, I just could not figure out why I would suddenly feel intestinal pain--everything thing I ate was "Certified gluten-free." After reading about Simple Foods I threw out their crackers and cookies--products that I was eating on a regular basis. Their Almond...
  11. Hi Jefferson, This research is so interesting! Thanks for posting it. It makes me wonder if doctors performing endoscopies will be made aware of it so that they can biopsy these specific locations within the intestine. I know that my doctor took six tissue samples but I have no idea what the intestinal points were. Are D1, D2, D3 universal terms...
  12. Hi Patty, I'm glad that you've had a better experience than I have had. These test strips are really expensive so I'm not going use up a second one on Bluebonnet, which is a very expensive supplement to start with. When I get up the courage to try again I'll try Procapslabs...thank you Beverage!
  13. Thanks so much for that info! I was really starting to worry that I had to look out for a cumulative gluten hit from my "gluten free" food.
  14. Hi Scott, I just spoke to EZGluten. Their test can find up to 10 ppm. Manufacturers are allowed 20ppm. So the vitamins probably have gluten. The only other reason they could test positive is from "some enzyme" included in the recipe. I'm not going to bother boiling this vitamin down to eliminate enzymes. I'm just not going to buy supplements anymore...
  15. Hi RMJ, I believe there is a more recent law regulating gluten labeling. If a product claims to be gluten free it has to test free of gluten. It can't just have gluten free ingredients. But I don't know whether vitamins are covered under this latest ruling. It does have soybeans but I don't think that's the problem, at least not for me. My real...
  16. Thanks for your reply RMJ. I'm going to call EZGluten tomorrow to try and get more info. It seems to me you can get false negatives, but unlikely that you can get a false gluten positive. But hey, I'm no chemist. In the meantime, it would be nice to hear from anyone who also might take, or has taken Bluebonnet supplements. It seems like a major brand...
  17. Hi all, I've been taking these everyday for the last month. When my hip inflammation got really bad I started to wonder if these vitamins had gluten. They claim to be gluten free. I just tested them with EZGluten and got a high positive reading. Are vitamins not covered by the new Federal Law? Has anyone else tested Bluebonnet?
  18. Hi Knitty kitty! Thanks so much for your help. I will look into it! Best, Charlotte
  19. Hi, I don't take medications that have gluten. My toothpaste etc. is gluten free. I've had blood tested for deficiencies. The only thing I can think of might be sliced cantaloupe from Whole Foods. So I've stopped eating that. Maybe their cutting boards have gluten? I don't know what the AP diet is. Many thanks
  20. Thanks Scott, I eliminated all dairy, oats, and soy right after my diagnosis. Funny enough I've just added dairy back in, (after the tests were taken however). I really need the calcium. So I'm drinking A2 milk which is delicious and doesn't seem to make anything any worse. The specialist thought my diet may have been too restrictive. I can't win...
  21. Hi Scott, Thanks for getting back to me. And thanks for sending the article. Not sure I understand my results any better though. I was diagnosed over a year ago with testing and an endoscopy. I know I'm celiac. This was the 5th follow up test to see if my gluten levels were dropping. My TTG was down from the initial 27, to 5 last fall but I still...
  22. Hi all, I was diagnosed last January and my TTG level is down to 4. The range is 1-3. My IgA test is within the normal range. I don't know what IgA is. My Glaiadin peptide AB IgG is way high, 86. The top of the range is 19. I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor but in the meantime, can someone tell me what IgG is? Is this a food allergy...
  23. Hi Scott, I'm thinking of getting an ALCAT test as well. Would love to know how the diet is working for you. Do you know if the test covers quinoa and buckwheat? I've temporarily given both of those up, (as well as corn and rice), and my intestinal inflammation has gone back down. So winter is approaching and I have no hot cereal options. I'd also...
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