Diagnosed with celiac in April, out of concern we had my 10 year old daughter tested and she has tested positive for celiac also. As of yesterday I have now been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Haven't been back to doctor yet but I am still in a lot of pain in hands, hips and knees. I'm on a b complex and taking magnesium citrate. Before I see the doctor is...
I was recently diagnosed with celiac by endoscopy and blood tests. I received results on my patient portal. I called to ask about a followup to discuss a plan or if any further testing would be needed. The office recommended a nutritionist and said they could see me the end of July. Is this normal for celiac? Am I pretty much on my own to figure this out...
Thanks for the comments. I actually had the biopsy first which led to the blood panel. I guess it's time to buckle down and get it under control. Already starting to clean out cabinets.
My results showed up this morning on my portal. Can anyone tell me what it means? Gliding peptide Ab.IgA is H 38 (reference 0-19), Gliadin peptide Ab.IgG is H 50 (reference 0-19), Tissue transglutamine Ab.IgA is H 14 (reference 0-3), Endomysium Ab.IgA is A positive, there is a line that says IgA 90. HLA-DQ2 positive, HLA-DQ8 Negative.
Been trying to remove gluten for a little over a week now. Added B12, D vitamin and prebiotic. Started taking Aloe Vera Gel. My question is safety for carrageenan, citric acid and potassium sorbat that's in this one. Should I be concerned with these ingredients? Brand is Lily of the Desert. I am experiencing joint pain, light headed, and constant urination...
Thanks for response. Had endoscopy biopsy last Tuesday. Came back celiac can not be ruled out. Doctor called and had me do blood tests today. Sounds like I did things backwards? I am pretty much at the point of not being able to eat anything.
Thanks, started b vitamin today.
Have been experiencing symptoms since September 2019. Symptoms gradually have gotten worse since then. Had endoscopy this past Tuesday with the doctor saying evidence of celiac awaiting results of biopsy. After being told possibly that I have celiac I began trying to remove gluten from my diet. Over the past two days I can not eat anything without becoming...