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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by AmericanaMama

  1. Hi there, I'm about eight months out from being diagnosed with celiac disease. Happy to say that my TTG level dropped from something like 86 to 10. That's not bad. The other part is the cautionary tale bit. If you search for my topics in forums here you'll probably see where I've talked about neuropathy. I've had the problem since April 2020 (yes, the year...
  2. I've read about inflammation of the connective tissue due to Celiac called Enthetitis.
  3. Anyone with celiac have this condition? Just discovered this one. Can happen with psoraitic arthritis and with Crohn's.
  4. First, I want to thank this forum and all that participate. You all are invaluable resources and are definitely helping me in this journey towards health. Thank you. Last I posted about my struggles. It was mentioned a couple of times that I could be low in a couple of different vitamins or minerals. I'd like some of your suggestions, even brand names...
  5. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time. At least in the past, my B12 and B vitamins have been at a normal level. But what is normal? LOL!
  6. Thank you. I think I read once that the magnesium level that is preferred is a Magnesium-RBC. I will talk to my doc about this.
  7. The one descriptor on food packaging that kills me is the one that says spices. What the heck are "spices"? Isn't that a subjective term? LOL! One man's cinnamon could be another man's dryer lint, LOL. Could you tell me what vitamins and minerals I should be tested for? Is there a list here on the site? I have seen some lists and they are quite involved...
  8. Thanks for your thoughts. What is a recovery time frame for folks? Months, years? Thanks
  9. When I first went gluten free, my joint pain symptoms went down about 50%. I still have residual neuropathy and muscle stiffness. I am also basically on a gluten-free-Paleo allergy elimination type of diet. The last few days my nerve pain has kicked up. Also I feel like a joint pain wants to come back. Does this whole journey sort of wax and wane? Do you...
  10. McCormack's, does is say right on the package "gluten-free" or there aren't gluten substances within the ingredients list? I just took a look at their allergen statements and it sounds like they are diligent about cleaning protocols but aren't certified as such. Thanks. An aside, I did reach out to Costco about a few of my staples and they couldn't tell me...
  11. I have an interesting genetic predisposition. I have what I like to term "boutique" conditions. The thing is, none of my family members have ever seemed remotely interested in being tested for any of them. Early on, I did stress that these were genetic conditions and therefore they may be prone to them or at least carriers of them. My husband and I are...
  12. We camped with some of my husband's family over the Memorial holiday. Inevitably, the conversation comes around to why I'm eating the way I am. Rather than tell them the whole sordid year long (which it's been lifelong, now that I know) tale that led to my diagnosis as "potential celiac", I just say "I have celiac disease and I have to avoid a few foods right...
  13. Has anyone listened to any of podcasts by Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Alessio Fasano, Dr. Robert Pastore, or the "Gluten Free R.N."? They are very informative. Thanks, Robin
  14. Long story short, I was gathering up medical records from the past year to make a type of "historic" overview of my celiac journey. There was something I sort of dismissed early on that I questioned recently. Because my journey started out with my back going out on me, I had a CT scan of the lumbar/sacrum region. On the radiologist's report it was mentioned...
  15. My results are back from Prometheus: Celiac Risk Haploptype Detected: HQ 2.5 (HLA DQA1*05:DQB1*0201) and other non-risk alleles. Then it listed the Category as 4- DQ2 Heterozygous Increased risk: 10x Relative Risk: High Doc's office said I was at high risk for celiac and that I could just do the gluten-free diet and go from there or...
  16. Because it is how my mind works, LOL, I think a lot. Probably not always a good thing. But I was wondering. Are there situations where this could be a scenario? If so, what could it possibly mean? TTG is positive (twice ran). EMA positive. Biopsy negative. Low iron/hemaglobin. Osteoporosis. Joint pain. Neuropathy. Primary Sjogren's. ...and then...
  17. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia. Three years later it was just osteopenia. I wonder how the results are interpreted? Hmmm. That was when my pcp thought I had been on Nexium too long and it was causing the osteoporosis. Now I think it's likely to be a combo platter of that and celiac disease. I've started a higher dose of Vit D and Calcium...
  18. I had been gluten free for about three days before going back on. All in, two weeks or so on gluten before the biopsy. My doc wants to do the genetic test on me. He said since the biopsy was negative and the blood work positive (he felt was a pretty good indicator along with the other symptoms I have). I guess they use a company called Prometheus. Robin
  19. Hi there, I have a telehealth appointment with my GI doc tomorrow as a follow up to my endoscopy/biopsy I had a few weeks ago. Just to recap, my ttg-iga and ema were both positive, but the biopsy negative. I've had a history of some gastrointestinal stuff and anemia, osteoporosis, and neuropathy. I also have Sjogren's Syndrome. What would you all suggest...
  20. Chess Fox, just like I tell my own child, you are stronger than you know. The fact that you could tell yourself to take it hour by hour during withdrawal is a testimony to your tenacity and, frankly, a greater hope coming from inside. It's quite the story. Seriously. Cheers!! Ya know, I've struggled with bipolar depression on/off for years. When I decided...
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