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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Becketha

  1. We’re you able to figure out your issue? Were you able to figure out your issue?
  2. No. None have been formally tested. My mother has gluten sensitivity which she controls through her diet.
  3. My anxiety centers around the malabsorption I’m seeing and the possibility of it being caused by other medical issues. Just started out of the blue and will not let up. I do have gluten sensitivity in my family but no one has experienced the malabsorption or symptoms I am experiencing. Of course googling didn’t help my anxiety Bc up until my GI suggesting cel...
  4. Sorry for the TMI but I need help. I have been dealing with greasy stools for about 7 weeks now. I have been to my primary and a GI specialist. They have run several labs. All looks normal. Ruled out gallbladder via blood tests and scans and now my GI wants to test me for Celiac. My question is. Can your ONLY symptoms be oily stool/gas/weight loss ?...
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