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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by LoisT

  1. The endoscopy is what discovered my damaged Celia. Maybe I should ask for slide to post on my wall to remind me this whole thing is real. Yuck!
  2. Maybe three years until another scope, yikes! But I understand, and trust my endoscopist and insurance will comply. I’m doing my very best to stay gluten free and although I am extremely grateful I have no obvious reactions to gluten, an inner sensor would be handy. Be careful what you wish for I say to myself.
  3. Thank you, a good lead! I vaguely remember reading that a blood test for Celiac after diagnosis wouldn't tell much. I’ll pursue this. My year “anniversary” of diagnosis is in September and I’ll get active about this then. Maybe my tip-off test was a BMP, Basic Metabolic Panel? Celiac was one of the things screened on it though and I got a very poor gr...
  4. Shock of my life when I was diagnosed with Celiac last year. WHA? I was 66 years old, and never had had a single symptom of the disease. “Possible Celiac” showed in a complete metabolic blood panel I’d had, which was done for something else entirely, then the endoscopy and, voila, Silent Celiac. Okay, I read up on things, I’ll play along, but HOW will I ...
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