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  1. Hi Martin! Sofia from Spain here, also a vegan and rollerskater instead of runner I discovered my intolerance to gluten not so long ago, I was in denial for too much time and only definitely quit gluten in September 2020, when I was 44. I’ve had some slips due to eating out, about 5 or them. The big problem for me is addressing my other i...
  2. Yes, I meant foot, thank you for your answer!
  3. Hi!! Did the food neuropathy go away after quitting gluten? Mine is improving but still there.
  4. I had permanent pain in my knees before bed time and all day if I had not sleep 8 hours all my life, since I can remember, until I completely quit gluten. I also had postural hypotension and irregular palpitations for a whole year before completely quitting it. You will heal and you will feel so good without gluten that it will be completely worth...
  5. Yes, I know I should get tested, even if out of curiosity but life is so hectic I can’t bring myself to actually go to the doctor for this 😬. But I don’t think it is such severe, never had shortness of breath, just puffy face.
  6. Hi everyone! @Marissa221, my digestive tract hates oats as well, it gets even more swollen than with gluten if I eat an average amount. My face even gets puffy if I eat only a small amount. good luck, the good news is that you get so much better once you sort it out
  7. Thank you!! Super helpful :))
  8. No, I didn’t get tested but it’s not DH, it’s inflammatory cystic acne. On cheeks, chin, shoulders and back and it’s never symmetrical, it affects more my right shoulder and in the face it switches sides, it depends on the outbreak. And after writing this I’ve been recalling last week’s memories because I had wakame salad twice and I remember got diarrhe...
  9. My main symptom of gluten ingestion is acne. My skin has been acting out in the last weeks, I could not figure out the problem. Well, today I did. I’ve been eating wakame salad lately and I just discovered it’s seasoned with soy sauce. I always make mistakes, will this ever end? Any suggestions apart from not eating out? Thank you! This for...
  10. Ok, thanks for the info! Right now I’m trying the elimination approach, let’s see what the results say. thanks for those links!
  11. Future, I have the 1st visit with the allergist on December 1st
  12. Maybe I have those allergies and on top of that I’m celiac or gluten intolerant. It’s the most plausible explanation. I did not get tested because I refuse to do the gluten challenge. I stopped eating gluten because my stomach hurts when I eat gluten bread and it swells a lot, also with oats, so the gastroenterologist doctor told me that in ...
  13. Yes, I guessed that so last time I ate pistachios I chose a gluten free bag to make sure and nope, same symptoms. Maybe my body mistakes them for gluten? Or maybe it’s just how my immune system reacts to triggers, with inflammation in the same parts of my body??
  14. Yes, it should be a different pathway, yet in me most symptoms are the same, being the main ones acne, scalp sensitivity and inflammation in my belly area. That’s why I was wondering. thank you for your answer!
  15. Hello everybody :)) Do any of you have allergy or sensitivity to all nuts or to some nuts?? I do have a clear sensitivity or allergy to pistachios that I realized even before I realized my gluten problem and I was wondering if it is common for other celiac or gluten sensitive people. I am going to take a full allergy test to all nuts...
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