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  1. Hello, I have been treating my leaky gut and h pylori for a month and a half. The number one symptom right now is tight, hot, tingling legs mostly in my thigh that hurts so bad. I don’t know if others have had this symptom with h pylori but it is really bad. Lisa
  2. I have been diagnosed with celiac for 4 years and I am still dealing with really bad fatigue, depression, nausea, feeling full quickly but still kinda hungry, headaches, and pressure in my head. Does anyone experience these symptoms? I am a very picky eater and have not liked and fruits and only a couple vegetables. I am thinking I might have gastroparesis...
  3. Yes, I am taking multivitamins and supplements and I do eat rice, millet, quinoa, sorghum, beans and potatoes. That is a good idea to try foods that different cultures make foods!
  4. Yes, I am taking a daily mulivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, Quercetin, Acetyl Cysteine. I just had a re-checkup endoscopy and colonoscopy in May and everything looks good except for my dischardides. I am very committed to avoiding gluten!
  5. I have been diagnosed with celiac for 3yrs. I have been doing pretty good overall. One thing that’s stumps me is that I am never really that hungry and nothing sounds good to me. I am a pretty picky eater because I don’t like fruits and most vegetables except for a few.
  6. I have had celiac for 3 years. I have been doing better than when I first got diagnosed. The main symptoms I deal with are brain fog, depression, anxiety, a lot of fatigue, dizziness, high Ana 1:1,280 and some constipation. I also was diagnosed with POTS a year ago, but worked through a lot of symptoms with physical therapy and exercise. I am pretty much...
  7. I have had celiac for 3 years. I am doing much better except for symptoms of fatigue, bad constipation, brain fog and depression. I have always been a picky eater and never wanted to do with fruits and veggies. Could i be hungry all the time since i am missing certain nutrients in fruit and veggies that I can’t get in other foods?
  8. I have always been a picky eater and always gagged at the sight of fruit and veggies. I am 17 and still can stand fruit and veggies, except spinach, asparagus and green beans. Do you think there would be certain complications from not eating fruit or veggies because of arfid. I also have celiac
  9. I have had celiac for 3 years. I have always been a picky eater not ever wanting fruits and veggies because fast texture and gagging which would be ARFID eating disorder. I feel tired all the time, depressed, constipated and brain fog. I had another endoscopy and everything look good except for disaccharide levels. Doctor said I could take sucraid. Are there...
  10. I had my 2nd Endoscopy because I am still having lot of fatigue, constipation, bloating and brain fog. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. My results came back with nothing major, but that I have low disaccharides. What could this mean? Could it signal diabetes? I am also a very picky eater that hasn’t had fruit or veggies except spinach, asparagus and avocado. ...
  11. Sorry. I have been checked for SIBO and I don’t have it. I am going to a clinic soon that specializes in that to see if I do have ARFID.
  12. It is Avoidant Restrictive Food intake disorder. It is an eating disorder, but had nothing to do with meat to loose weight. It deal with how people perceive the food group that they hate the texture/ taste of. I have been checked and I don’t have it.
  13. I have had celiac for 3 years, but have had stomach issues all my life. My stomach issues have clear up for the most part. A few of the symptoms I deal with on the daily is fatigue, brain fog, bloating and constipation. I have always had an aversion to fruit and vegetables, which could be arfid. I used to be a go getter and willing to do anything, but the...
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