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J Morgan

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  1. Hi! Yes, I do. It is well within the normal range. This is one of the first things they checked.
  2. Hi! Thanks for your response. I had some more tests done and I have something called primary biliary cholangities; which is another autoimmune disease and likely caused the SIBO I have been experiencing. Essentially my immune system has decided that my bile ducts are evil and must be destroyed. It apparently is associated with Celiac.
  3. My zinc is normal so its not a zinc deficiency; most recent tests show that my copper is still going up...another appointment with my Mayo doc today so hopefully I will have more info soon. They are still working on it-ideas are Wilsons Disease and an autoimmune that impacts the liver. I can't remember the name but hopefully I will know more soon.
  4. I’ve been gluten free for 8 years…the liver issue is new.
  5. Hi everyone, I thought I would update you on my health journey! The Mayo Clinic was pretty amazing, the GI doc I met with spent about an hour with me and my husband trying to make sure he understood exactly what was going on. (I don't think I have ever spoken with my GI for more than 8 minutes at a time.) I was poked and prodded endlessly and it...
  6. Thank you so much. I will share this with her. I definitely thought the corn solids were the same as corn syrup. I have more learning to do!!
  7. Oh and I did get the MRI done yesterday evening but no results yet.
  8. Hi, it sounds like you are actually pretty qualified to give your thoughts about this (!!) but I do have lots of doctors who are trying to help figure it out as well. Unfortunately there are ZERO doctors in my area that are Celiac specialists; well, there is one guy but he isn't taking new patients. My current GI is really not great. He told me that I couldn...
  9. I haven't had any meat in forever. The last time I tried ANY solid food (grapes) I was in excruciating pain for hours, I can't imagine a piece of meat! I seriously wish there was a nutrition pod that I could just eat that had all the good stuff and was easily digestible. I think this is why my nutritionist has me on the essential care jr. Three weeks...
  10. First I want to say how absolutely amazing it is that you went and did this. I am soooo appreciative of this group and the information you have shared with me. Second, the thing you looked up is not the stuff my nutritionist has given me. She has given me Essential Care Jr. I took a pic and am hoping it will upload here. It has zero corn syrup solids, I would...
  11. Where do I get these vitamins?!? Amazon? Specific type you recommend?
  12. Thank you! I reached out to my doctor and they said they have tested for “all nutrients” but I’m doubtful because I only see the basic stuff in my chart. in other news I got my CT of abdomen today and they saw no signs of inflammation in my guts but did find my common bile duct was dilated to 1.5cm. I’m not sure if this is significant/has anythin...
  13. Just wanted to say I looked in my chart online and it looks like they have only tested for B12 and D, calcium, potassium and magnesium. I just requested they do the full panel, including the thiamine. Thank you!
  14. Hi! Thank you so much for your reply-I am so grateful for this group. The essential care jr websites says it does not have corn syrup solids. Which is why My dietician ordered it for me. No gluten, no corn, no lactose…no allergens. https://essentiallybetter.com/our-ingredients/ My primary has said all of my B vitamins and D vitamin levels are f...
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